
Chapter 949 The Last Of Dad's Weird Concoction

Yozo-4, Calis and Ritsuka exited a smaller bunker room and made their way over to Lee Seng and Evan. Lee Seng groaned, clutching his head. He had forgotten Orlio's aftereffect. It gave the person who took the information a major headache!

"Are you alright?" Yozo-4 asked. He was well aware of the aftereffects Lee Seng was under. Lee Seng pushed himself up and nodded.

"I'm fine." Lee Seng closed his eyes for a moment and reopened them. "That was a lot of information to handle all at once. I-I really can't believe the Crea — my Dad really did all of this early on like he knew it was an outcome." 

"What do you mean by that?" Evan asked. "Did it really give you a lot more information you needed?" Lee Seng nodded. 

"Uncle Nikolai created a Orlio - a video recording rune - for this exact situation we're in. The Creator… my dad is dead and the Failed Ones are out. He knew he would have a kid… Maybe more - guess that didn't happen. He addressed it to me and said that our robot friend here…" Lee Seng looked over to Yozo-4. "Has the things we need."

Yozo-4 blankly stared at Lee Seng, not saying a word. The robot nodded and looked back at the chair. 

"This is the end." Lee Seng told Yozo-4. Yozo-4 nodded and began to walk back to the chair.

"I'm glad I can be of use to the young master." Yozo-4's voice flickered going from a human-sounding voice to a robotic-static mixed voice. It turned and pulled its cords over before sitting on the chair. It looked at Lee Seng, giving him a uncanny smile before lowering its head. "Just as Dr. Vang Chang has stated, you are to be given three things…" The compartment on his left shoulder hissed and popped, revealing a cylinder half-sticking out. Lee Seng pushed himself up, almost stumbling. Evan helped Lee Seng up and the small group made their way to Yozo-4. 

"The first is a serum that'll make you superhuman to destroy the Failed One 001 or be inserted into her for maximum effect." Yozo-4 continued his explanation. Lee Seng grabbed the cylinder vial and pulled it out. It looked dated but was still in pristine condition. "As for the next one… it will cease my functioning." Yozo-4 looked up and lifted his right hand up to Lee Seng. "You will take the Biohuman serum coursing throughout my entire system. This will cease most of my functions but the last part will be done by you as instructed."

Lee Seng nodded and connected his left hand with Yozo-4. All of the energy rushed into Lee Seng in an instant. His pupils dilated and all of his senses warped. Lee Seng pulled away, almost falling. 

"H-hey!" Ritsuka grabbed Lee Seng. Lee Seng's body flared. He howled as Yozo-4's arm landed at the side. His head moved further until it was held up by his legs. Yozo-4's Biohuman serum was having a strange effect on Lee Seng's body.

[Biohuman serum was inserted by Y0Z04.]

[The serum isn't pairing well with Lee Seng due to the body inhabiting many different things…]

"Argh!" Lee Seng's eyes watered. His legs buckled underneath him while Ritsuka tried to hold him up. The screams of his friends were pushed away. Runes grew everywhere, throwing his friends into a frenzy of worry.

"What the hell happened?!?" Evan asked Yozo-4. "What did you do to him?"

"I did… what is stated…" Yozo-4 answered. Runes exploded into a flurry of elements. A rune burst in front of Evan, sending him backwards. Calis turned and watched as a rune burst, sending him into the large rubber cords. Runes lit up and exploded, forcing Ritsuka to pull away. 

[Extracting Biohuman serum from Y0Z04.]

All of the runes  began flicker and move like code going down a screen. Runes continuously grew around Lee Seng, burning themselves into his skin. He screamed, reaching out for Yozo-4. The robot lifted its head up and emoted a sad face before its head fell back onto its legs.

[Biohuman serum is unable to be joined. Burning the system an fueling it to /Keng's Egg/]

'What…?' Lee Seng managed to think. 'Keng's egg?'

[ALERT! Earth's Rune System seems to be integrated into the Biohuman serum. Attempting to extract!]

[Extraction can be done! Usable Rune System is being expanded based on current known runes and their parameters.]

[User's system has gone into shock due to Biohuman serum pairing! System has decided to take over to reduce destruction.]

The entire bunker shook. The old bunker lights on the ceiling began to fall. The walls groaned and cracked under the extreme power coming from Lee Seng.

"Ah! We gotta get to safety!" Evan shouted, summoning large wall. A large piece of the bunker ripped off, falling straight for Ritsuka. "Ritsuka!" Evan's energy exploded outwards, washing over Lee Seng's for a second and freezing everything in motion. Evan tugged and Ritsuka slid over to him. Evan turned and wrapped his hand in front of Calis and pulled him to safety before Lee Seng's energy overpowered his.

"Argh! I'm sorry!" Evan shouted, wrapping the kinetic dome tightly around them.

"What about Lee Seng?!?" Calis shouted. Evan grunted and threw his hand outwards last second, creating another kinetic dome. Evan's nose gushed as everything collapsed  around them.

Some time later…

[Y0Z04's Biohuman serum has been successfully filtered!]

[I have paired Earth's runes to User's Runic magic! All Earth Runes can be used with this magical ability!]

[/Keng's Egg/ warms up considerably!]

/Keng's Egg/ shook, stirring Lee Seng awake. He gasped, coughing out dust as a crushed part of Yozo-4's head and body lay in front of him. 

'What happened?' Lee Seng tried to look around but all he saw was Evan's energy signature. 'The runes!'

"Shit!" Lee Seng began to stand, only to hit his head on top of Evan's kinetic dome. He groaned in pain, shrinking back into his original state. He rubbed his head and took another look at Yozo-4. "Right." Lee Seng reached out and pressed on Yozo-4's neck. The cord hissed, sparking and almost whacking Lee Seng in the face before collapsing to his right. 

"Panel open." A robotic voice spoke. Lee Seng reached for the serum and pulled it out. The liquid was dark gray. It reminded Lee Seng about the strange stuff Dad would inject him with. He stared at it for a while until he started to hear voices.

"I can't… move anything…!" Evan shouted.

"Try harder! He's right here, right?!?" Ritsuka shouted back. Ritsuka and evan ripped through the smaller bits while Calis pulled the larger things away with his darkness manipulation. A loud clunk shook the ground and their voices became clearer. "Hey, I see it! It's right here! Evan shut the wall off!"

"If I do that, all that shit is going to collapse on him! Take it off first!" Evan pointed at the junk on top of the kinetic dome.

"Hold on. Let me make a path before you do that." Calis told the both of them. 

Lee Seng held the dark serum and sighed. He uncapped the end pointed it to his right arm. 'I hated the way this made me feel… but what's four times the size of the usual dose?' Lee Seng thought as he injected it. He pressed it down and screamed in pain. His entire body puffed up like he was a cheese ball and then contracted, releasing a nasty smell.

"Lee!" Evan and Ritsuka shouted. Calis grunted as more stuff fell around the kinetic dome. 

"I'm putting it down!" Evan shouted. The dome flew down, leaving a black-veined Lee Seng. His body was rigid as muscles pulsed and expanded and contracted. Strange air flew out of his body, rushing out into the stale bunker air that struggled to mix with the small gap of fresh air at least a hundred feet above them. 

"Lee!" Ritsuka shouted, moving closer. He grabbed Lee Seng and the muscles began to move on their own before letting out another wave of air. 

"Get… away.." Lee Seng spoke between his teeth.

"W-what? W-what happened to you?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng's muscles expanded and contracted, again. 

"Get… away… before it…" 


Lee Seng's entire body went up in black smoke, pushing Ritsuka, Evan and all of the junk around them away. Moved his hand quickly in their direction, letting the large amounts of water to catch them. A bead of sweat ran down Calis's head. 

"Gods…!" Calis's voice strained. He pulled Ritsuka and Evan away from the large bubble of water holding the bunker and earth that collapsed on them. Calis gasped as he released Ritsuka and Evan onto the ground. The black-liquid coursing through Lee Seng's veins started to subside, leaving him with no more strange pain.

Lee Seng sucked in a breath, coughing. "Ah fuck! I did it again!" Lee Seng spat, trying to get enough air into his lungs without sucking in the nasty aftereffects of the serum he had just taken. He pulled the large needle out and dropped it onto the ground. 

[Dad's Odd Concoction is at 100%.]

[That's strange… its binding with your body without my help.]

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