
Chapter 950 Strange Effects

"Can't you go any faster?!?" A large Deimon barked at the tinier Deimons. He had a large frame filled with tattoos all across his body. He wore a tight white t-shirt and a denim jacket with blue jeans. He stared at the field in the distance. It had exploded earlier, sending most of his workers into death's embrace. A glitch appeared to the side as he angrily stared at the Deimons working around him.

"Status report, Jorgo." An old woman with purple eyes asked. The large Deimon didn't turn to his superior. He pointed at a large piece of land.

"Hey, asshats, don't be so lazy with that! Careful!" Jorgo shouted. He huffed and turned to look at the other Deimon. "Ms. Corinth, there has been a wrench thrown into our elaborate plan." Corinth's forehead wrinkled, turning into an annoyed look. "The so-called Failed One that was sent to watch us is nowhere to be seen. Two of my men went missing in the house and what's worse is the earth exploded, revealing the thing I think we're looking for."

"You're trying to get to the bottom right now?" Corinth asked.

"Yes, ma'am. My men are trying to move it, but it looks like they'll take all damn day!" Jorgo barked. He sighed and shook his head.

"I think it's time for you to get to work, Jorgo. Double-O four won't like this." Corinth turned, letting the connection fizzle. 

"Yeah, yeah. Many Eyes is always pissed off at us." Jorgo whispered. He pulled his denim  jacket off and casted it to the side. "Alright, boys! You're taking too long, so I'm helping you! Get outta the way!"

A loud explosion drew Lee Seng's attention. Ritsuka, Evan and Calis worked on moving things while Lee Seng recovered from the last of the concontion's aftereffects. He rolled his arm, listening to his skin flake off like a reptile. He pushed himself up to his feet and felt the energy inside of him move outwards like a shell. 

"I think they're coming for us." Lee Seng alerted the others. 

"I would assume so." Evan replied. "Yozo-4 said this was close to the house. Who would put a bunker that close to a house?"

"People were scared another bomb would go off." Ritsuka reminded Evan. "Every fortunate person has a place to go in case a nuke goes off and alters the world."

"Thanks for the history lesson, but we got company!" Calis pointed. Gunshots went off as Calis moved the debris in the water to catch them. 

"Well, I don't think they're going to be hard to fight." Lee Seng commented. He jumped a couple of times, letting the rest of his old skin disappear, leaving him in a much more pristine form than his allies. He lifted his hand and runes began to grow around him without him thinking. "Don't they know bullets don't go through water?"

"Get them you imbeciles!" Jorgo barked. Earth manipulator Deimons led the way, carving a path as other Deimons followed suit. Water manipulators threw their hands out, forcing Calis's hold to falter for a moment.

"Argh, jsa!" Calis pulled the water together, letting go of some debris behind them. 

"The water benders are here." Evan pointed out the obvious. "And the earth manipulators are coming straight for us. What do we do?" 

"We fight, duh." Ritsuka summoned his armor and sword. 

"I can't hold this much longer." Calis alerted the others.

"Let's go." Lee Seng stepped forward. 

[Rune Magic effects have been increased due to your understanding of Earth runes.]

[Auto-casting has been enabled and strings of runes have been put into simple commands.]

"Pyro." Lee Seng called the command. The runes shifted, forming the string of runes that followed it. 

[Pyro: A fire-based string of runes. The firepower is immense!]

Calis grunted and threw water away. Debris and earth slammed into the ground, catching some Deimons by surprise. A few Earth Deimons saw this coming and easily dodged it, leaving their water companions to succumb to the debris and water. Lee Seng let Pyro out, watching fireballs and flames erupt from the runes. 

"We're getting outta here!" Lee Seng shouted. He scribbled a wind rune and slashed it. 

"Not so fast!" The sky exploded with a large muscly man tackling Lee Seng and disrupting the rune. Lee Seng rolled over, slamming into the pile of debris and earth.

"Lee!" Ritsuka and Evan shouted. Deimons swarmed the group, forcing their attention away from their friend.

Lee seng grunted as he pushed the large Deimon's fist away from his face. "Hey, buddy. You got the body but my face is all I got! I'm still trying to look good for someone, so if you could not hit my face, that'd be great!" Lee Seng shoved Jorgo's hand away, unbalancing him for a moment. He kicked Jorgo in the back, sending into the debris.

Explosions alerted Lee Seng as he jumped onto his feet and turned, swatting Jorgo's fist away. The large Deimon's hands exploded with each hit, inflicting damage to Lee Seng as they traded blows.

"Ahahah!" Jorgo cackled. The ecstasy of the fight was getting to him. Lee Seng ducked, listening to the explosion above him as he swung his leg at Jorgo's feet. Jorgo flipped onto his back, landing on the ground with a loud thud.

"Cyro!" Runes erupted around Lee Seng as he spoke the command. Ice billowed outwards, letting out a storm of ice and snow. Lee Seng pulled away, listening to a Deimon soar past him wrapped in shadows. He turned, watching his friends make work of the Deimons. Lee Seng landed, turning and swinging his foot as Calis pushed a Deimon towards him. 

The Deimon flew forwards, slamming onto the ground as two more Deimons jumped for Calis. Evan's kinetic energy wrapped around the Deimons, stopping them in place and slamming them into the ground. Ritsuka slashed at a Deimon, punching another and impaling Obsidian Glass into it.

"Ready to go?" Lee Seng asked.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Ritsuka shouted, making his way towards Lee Seng. Lee Seng conjured wind runes with one hand while expelling flames with his other hand at Deimons. The frozen Jorgo exploded, sending ice shards everywhere.

"Do I have to do all of the work here?!?" Jorgo asked. He threw his hands back and exploded into the sky, straight for Lee Seng and his group of friends. Calis and Evan rushed to Lee Seng's side as he slashed the runes, letting a gust of wind rush around them. A flame tornado covered them but Jorgo still continued onwards.

"This dude's crazy!" Calis shouted, changing his trident's head to a spear. He tossed the spear into the flames, aiming for Jorgo's energy signature. Lee Seng snapped his fingers and they took off. Calis's spear found its way into Jorgo's chest, but the large Deimon continued forward without a care in the world.

"Argh! You're not getting away!" Jorgo shouted. Lee Seng stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled the serum out. He lifted it up and waved it at Jorgo, who reached for it.

"Too bad!" Lee Seng grinned. Jorgo's hand closed, snatching onto air as Lee Seng and the group flew higher into the air. Lee Seng pointed a finger gun at Jorgo and winked at him. "Flare blitz!" 


A large fire bullet flew out of Lee Seng's fingers, blowing through Jorgo's fist and chest. His eyes widened, life immediately fading from the Deimon's eyes. 

"Return!" Calis commanded. The spear returned to its master, attaching itself to his back as Lee Seng turned his focus onto flying his friends out of here.

"Where do we go now?!?" Ritsuka asked.

"I don't know!" Lee Seng shouted.

"Wind riders!" Evan pointed at the house. People rushed at them. "What do we do?!? I'm useless in the air!"

"Don't say that! You can stop them!" Ritsuka shouted back at Evan. 

"Right." Evan threw his hand up, catching a few of the wind riders. He ripped the kinetic energy off of them, turning his attention to the other wind riders. Shadows flew out and chased the wind riders, watching some of the slam into each other, becoming a Deimon kabob. 

"Four more!" Calis pointed to the right. He released his hold on the shadows, summoning more and firing them at the four remaining wind riders. The wind riders dodged them with ease, moving intricately across the sky and letting the shadows slam into each other. 

Lee Seng let out a sigh and threw his hand outwards. Dark Matter exploded from his fingertips, flying past Calis and Ritsuka. They covered the sky in dark gray liquid, throwing the wind riders into a panic. Two wind riders slammed into the Dark Matter, immediately becoming nothing.

'I finally understand what Devour is.' Lee Seng closed his open hand. The Dark Matter slammed downwards as the two remaining Deimons blasted through the Dark Matter. Lee Seng pulled his fist towards him, opening his hand and swatting at the air. Dark Matter turned to threads, chasing after their foes. 

'Devour was what my Dad gave me to combat the enemy.' Lee Seng finished his thought. He moved his fingers like he was conducting an orchestra. He watched as the threads impaled the wind riders, locking their bodies in place. He flexed his fingers straight, holding it in place as the string of Dark Matter rushed into the Deimons. 

'Devour wasn't intentionally ever meant to eat anyone. It was originally made to manipulate Dark Matter energy long enough to deliver the final blow!' Lee Seng closed his open hand, watching the wind rider Deimons explode into blood. Lee Seng let the wind pick up speed, fleeing from the speed in a blink of an eye.

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