Blood demon leveling

Chapter 105: Duel

Chapter 105: Duel

'Now for the exciting part'

The voting session had started and after having voted on various serious things one of the lower-class nobles suddenly made an interesting proposition

"I vote to revoke the titles of Hector of the house of Java"

Hector looked disdainfully at the lower-class noble, he was in the process of figuring out how he should kill this trouble maker when a second one raised his hand

"I second this"

Mike also raised his hand in silence, signaling that he supported this too, then another hand went up and then another, with each hand that went up the more pale Hector became until it dawned on him and he looked fiercely at Mike that sat with his hand raised

"So this is your plan..? Pathetic"

Lana, Hector's wife asked him

"So it's the two ghost's plan?"

"It must be I don't know how he persuaded so many nobles Damn!"

"Don't worry dear, we can always take shelter with my family"

"Yes let's do that Then we'll get those two..."

"And have them killed right?"

"Yeah, what else?"

"---Is probably what they are thinking"

"I see Mike, how do you know that with such certainty?"

"Well I am good at reading faces, this has helped me many times with avoiding the drunkard at home so I am very confident"

"Oh I see"

The hands kept on being raised until nearly all of the lower-class nobles had raised their hands where the assembly head called the vote

"Titles of Hector of the house of Java has hereby been revoked!"

Hector sank into his seat, he was pale and covered in cold sweat as he glared fiercely at Mike, when the servant arrived to escort him and his wife out of the meeting he stood up and gave one last glare at Mike before he walked out along with his wife

"And so the nose tightened"

Mike sent a mental message to his spores that went to work at once before he turned his attention back at the assembly, a few hours later the voting session ended, now it was time for the duels, Julie stood up at once and spoke out in a loud voice

"I challenge Mary of the house of water to a duel to the death!"

Whispers were heard all over the assembly hall, may of them were of disdain for Julie until Mary stood up from her seat and yelled back

"Heh If the livestock wants to be slaughtered I am more than happy to do the slaughtering!"

Julie didn't bark back, she simply opened her hand and summoned her [Hellsword] as she walked down to the floor in the middle of the assembly, Mary received a sword from her husband and walked down to the floor too, the other nobles betted in between themselves on who would win, the noble next to Mike mocked him

"You sure go though your partners quickly, if you're luck Mary will leave her corpse intact"

Mike ignored the mockery with a calm smile on his face as he asked

"What level is this Mary?"

"She's level 6"

Mike gave a laugh, the other noble that had just mocked him gave a sneer before he muttered "Suit yourself" and turned to look at the duel, Julie stood ready and waited for the start of the duel, so did Mary, she wore a calm smile on her face like the duel was already over as she continued to mock Julie

"Frozen from fear huh Well, I don't blame you, you are in way over you're head!"

At that moment the countdown for the duel to start started

"5 4 3 2 1 START!"

Mary kicked off the ground as she charged at Julie and swung the sword down towards Julie's shoulder, clearly she planed to main Julie and then torture her slowly in the arena

"You're open!"

Then just as the sword was about to cut Julie's arm off she disappeared from view


Mary let out a gasp of surprise as her sword struck air, then in the next moment she had a chill down her spine and she hurriedly dodged to the side as Julie's [Hellsword] passed right through the spot where she had just been standing, she stared in horror at Julie and managed to mutter

"Y-Y-You're level 6!"

Julie's smile widened slightly before she went on the offensive with a swing of her [Hellsword] that was faster and way more deadly than Mary's she slashed out towards Mary's head, Mary hurriedly blocked and a loud 'Clang' sounded out in the arena as Mary's hands went slightly numb from the impact, Julie kept up her assault and a series of 'Clangs' sounded out as Mary was forced to block every single attack while she retreated backward, her face was already pale as she knew where this duel was heading, but then suddenly she resolved herself and yelled

"You forced me to do this!"

Then suddenly her mana began churning faster before she suddenly shot her hand forwards and fired off a fireball at Julie from close range, Julie calmly covered her left hand in a sinister blue flame and then she grasped out after the fireball and simply snuffed it out with her flame covered hand


Then Julie chopped with her sword and cut Marys left hand off with a single swing


Mary screamed out as her face was suddenly covered with fury and she slashed out with her sword with wild abandon, her wild swings however was easily read by Julie who dodged them with ease as she slashed out in a counter-attack and simply cut Mary's sword in half


Mary stared at her sword with a dumbfounded look before Julie slashed out again and cut the sword a little lower before she slashed out again and cut the sword again, Mary forgot her pain from her severed right hand and muttered


Julie's smile widened slightly as she sent out a kick that landed on Mary's side sending her flying to the side as she tumbled a few meters before she came to a standstill, before Mary could get up Julie already arrived standing over her and stabbed her sword into her right elbow nailing her to the floor before she stepped on Mary's other arm to hold her still

"Stop right there!"

Julie looked up and saw Mary's husband with an expression of fury, Julie gave a snicker and raised her right hand for all to see, then her fingers were slowly covered with blood-red crystal before she then brought her hand down and stabbed into Mary's lower back


Mary screamed out as tears began forming in her eyes, then suddenly her trembling legs went numb before Julie pulled a section of her spine out and threw it aside, then she kneeled down on Mary's back and whispered into her ear

"I said I would remove your spine section by section Don't die on me now"

Mary's face was filled with despair as she stammered


Julie showed a happy smile as she proceeded to remove Mary's spine section by section, Mary passed out from the pain several times underway but she would always wake up with a scream when Julie removed another section of her spine until finely she died from shock an agonizing 5 minutes later, Julie clicked her tongue and stepped off Mary as she let go of her [Hellsword] that dissolved into blue flames before it hit the floor before she walked back to her seat, her steps were the only sound in the assembly as the other nobles were stunned silent form the macabre show she had just put on, as for Mary's husband he had passed out from a mix of fury and grief in his seat, Mike wore a calm smile as he spoke to Julie

"Welcome back"

Julie showed a sweet smile as she sat down next to Mike

"I am back"

Mike then reached out and wiped the blood splatter from her face with his hands, meanwhile, the assembly seemed to wake up from its stunned silence and the noble that was assigned to be the speaker of the assembly hurridly got some servants to clean up the mess Julie had made before he continued the assembly, there were a few duels after that but none were as bloody as the show Julie had put on and so the noble assembly ended peacefully, Mike walked out of the assembly hall arm in arm with Julie and got into their carriage which was pulled by Serina and left the castle behind to spend the night in the inn room they had booked, as the carriage drove down the streets of the capital the nobles that had participated in the assembly sent out letters back home reporting how the assembly went and a common point in all the letters were the duel which Julie had participated in along with a warning not to provoke the wife of the lord of Brem

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