Blood demon leveling

Chapter 106: Hector's end

Chapter 106: Hector's end

The morning after the assembly Mike woke up slowly, he sat up in bed after looking at the ceiling for a few moments and stretched, then he cheeked on Julie who surprisingly wasn't next to him in bed, Mike gave a frown before he sharpened his senses, then he relaxed his frown as he could hear the water running in the bathroom, then a lewd smile crept onto his face as he sneaked out of bed and approached the bathroom before he slowly opened the door and saw Julie was in the middle of taking a shower, Mike's smile widened as he sneaked up on her before he suddenly hugged her from behind


Julie would have jumped half a meter if Mike had not been holding her, she immediately complained

"Oh for fucks sake Mike, you know that's bad for my heart!"

Mike gave a laugh as he kissed her good morning, then as he was already naked he joined her in the shower and as the two of them were drying off Mike suddenly showed a sinister smile and quickly informed Julie

"The spores have caught Hector and his wife"

Julie smiled at Mike before she hugged him and spoke in a happy tone

"That's fantastic!"

"So what do you say we check out after eating something, then we'll go end Hector?"

Julie showed a slightly evil smile as she agreed

"Sure Mike, that sounds like a plan"

"Do you know who I am!? Let us go!"

Lana, Hector's wife had been yelling at the people that had taken them captive all morning, Hector, however, was a lot quieter and sat with a pale face, eyes closed as he seemed to be mumbling something, they were in a little shack outside the capital after some red-haired people had attacked their carriage and killed their guards before they captured them and transported them to this village just outside the capital, even now one of them was sitting on a chair a little ways away watching them with their red eyes, speaking of the people that had captured them they were all covered in dirty bandages under the normal clothes they wore, even their face was wrapped so only their red eyes and hair showed

"I am Lana, daughter of the house of Tribium, if you let us go right this instance I will spare your life!"

The spore said nothing, they just sat on their chair and watched them a few meters away in silence, as if Lana's yells were inconsequential to them and watched with unblinking eyes

"Would you wake up already Hector? Help me convince this halfwit to set us free!"

"...It's useless"


"I said it's useless!"

Lana was slightly taken aback by Hector's outburst, but Hector continued without caring for her, clearly, he had sunken into despair

"It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, It's useless, it's usel---"


Creepy laughter interrupted Hector's chant, it was the spore that then spoke in a tone very familiar to Hector

"Come on now Hector, show some spine Before Julie removes it that is"

Hector looked up at the spore

"Mike I should have killed you then"

The spore blinked once before it spoke

"Yeah, you should have What's the saying again..? Oh right, there's no pill for regret"

Hector narrowed his eyes slightly before he gave a sigh, by now the eyes of the spore had returned to normal, Lana was still confused and asked Hector

"Hector, what was that?"

"It's his skill, all the people with red hair and eyes are under his control"

"What do you mean, Like they are slaves or?"

Hector gave a nod

"I don't quite know how it works But you can think of them as his salves"

"Those two ghosts! Must they ruin everything? Don't worry Hector when they arrive I will shield you with my influence and then---"

"I said it's useless I am going to die today"

At that moment the door to the shack was opened and Mike walked in with a smile on his face like he was greeting an old friend

"Oh how right you are well maybe not quite today, maybe sometime tomorrow if you're unlucky"

Hector gave yet another sigh before he spoke plainly

"Kill me"

Mike's smile widened then he shook his head as a red light flashed through his eyes

"No, you are not going to die easily"

Julie walked in at that moment, she had a frosty look on her face as she looked at Hector, Hector, however, looked astonished as he stammered

"I-I killed you!"

Julie showed a cold smile and walked over to Hector and kneeled down in front of him and leaned in before she whispered in his ear

"Say hi to the monsters in hell for me"

From there it was only tragedy for Hector and his wife Lana, as they were first waterboarded for 14 hours, speaking of waterboarding it worked just as well as Mike had seen it work in seen in television and movies by simulating a feeling of drowning in the victim without actually drowning them by laying them on a bench and then holding a cloth over their face and pouring water on said cloth, it worked wonders on breaking their spirits, then from there it was the skinning of the well skin, about 26 hours since the tutoring session started the screams of pain finally stopped from the small shed and Mike and Julie walked out hand in hand, Julie's hands were covered in blood and so was Mike's hands, but neither of them seemed to care about it, after all, it was the blood of their sworn enemies, Julie wore a particularly enchanting smile on her face as she asked Mike

"What should we do about the bodies? Leave them to rot?"

Mike thought for a moment before he shook his head

"Let's carve them into pieces and throw them into the ocean when we return to your home to get married"


Mike and Julie left Threa a few days later on the ship (Mike refused to speak the name of the ship because it was too cringy), the journey was like a honeymoon for the two of them

"...Which is a little weird since we aren't married yet Oh well"

"What are you talking about Mike?"


Mike and Julie laid on the deck of the ship on a blanket and sunbathed, over the course of the week the two of them had worked up quite the tan on their entire body, except their horns which still were black and blood-red respectively, besides sunbathing the two of them had taken up swimming which Mike taught Julie since she couldn't swim at first but now she had turned into quite the demonic mermaid since she seemed to have a natural talent for it

"I can't wait to introduce you to my mother Mike, I am sure she'll love you"

"...Even though I am a dirty non-human?"

Mike said the 'dirty non-human' while trying his best to sound like Julie which earned him a slap on the shoulder and a pout from Julie, Mike let out a laugh which made Julie's pout even bigger until she gave a sigh

"No, she won't hate you because you're non-human my mom is surprisingly open about that since she works in an orphanage which mostly takes in non-human children"

"I see, well as long as she eventually accepts me that's fine"


Julie looked up at the sky for a few moments before she closed her eyes and let the sun bathe her skin, Mike let his eyes wander a bit before he also closed his eyes and relaxed in the sun

'Can't blive I am actually looking forwards to returning to that shithole where we were chased out not too long ago Hopefully, they have forgotten about the whole, well several massacres we committed If not then I am happy that I brought all the demonic servants and most of the spores...'

A red light flashed in Mike's eyes

'As long as you don't fuck with me I won't turn your entire island into a hellscape'

Another week passed and the Boodhound was docked at an east harborcity of Alkan early in the morning harbor hands hoping to earn a few coins by helping to unload the cargo gathered near the ship but quickly left again as the ramp had not been lowered and the on the deck stood eight demonic armored servants that sent chills down their spines, the entire ship was silent for a few hours until Mike and Julie awoke and learned that they had reached the harbor, Mike looked over at Julie and asked

"What do you want to do? Eat on the ship or find a place to eat on land?"

"Hmm let's go on land"


Mike went up on deck where Elina called out to him


"What is it?"

"The harbormaster is here"

"What does he want?"

"A fee for docking as well as a portion of our goods"

"Ohh~ Does he now?"

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