Blood demon leveling

Chapter 108: Orphanage

Chapter 108: Orphanage

Mike, Julie, and her mother eventually arrived at a building that nestled itself against the outer walls, normally no one would have a house against the outer walls for safety reasons, which is exactly why the location was chosen to be the orphanage

'As the old saying goes, out of sight, out of mind'

Mike looked into the orphanage and saw a couple of children, most of them were non-human and all of them looked to be under the age of 15, they all looked at Mike and Julie with their small cute, curious eyes, Julie's mother called out into the orphanage

"I am back!"

A few more children came running out of the house, they likewise paused when they saw Mike and Julie, a few moments passed before Julie's mother spoke

"This is my daughter Julie and her fiance, Mike"

The children's expressions eased slightly before some of the youngest and therefore most fearless approached Mike and Julie, Mike looked down at a child no more than 5 that pulled on his pants as she spoke


Mike's eyebrow twitched slightly as he knelled down and patted the child on the head as he took some of his snack meat jerkies out of his pocket and gave it to the child that then showed a happy smile before she trotted off to share with her friends, Mike showed a slight smile, then he was swarmed by more children that all wanted snacks too, they didn't let up until Mike was all out of jerky which made him send a metal order to Elina to buy more jerky and biscuits for him to feed, I mean give to the children.

Mike and Julie spend most of the day taking care of the children along with Julie's mother, Mike undoubtfully did the worst as he wasn't used to handling young children, or children too for that sake, finally when the children had fed and been put to sleep could the three of them could take a breather, the three of them sat down at the dining table where Julie's mother spoke first

"I should introduce myself, my name is Jane and I take care of the children here"

Mike gave a nod and introduced himself too

"My name is Mike, I am 29 years old and I am not of this world"

Jane nodded and asked Mike

"How long have you been in this world Mike?"

"For three years, almost four"

"I see and how long have you known Julie?"

Mike looked over at Julie as he thought for a moment

"Well I met Julie a week after I arrived in this world"

Jane nodded again before she narrowed her eyes slightly

"And what level are you Mike?"

MIke didn't feel the need to hide his level so he plainly spoke


Jane shuddered slightly as she looked at Mike before she muttered

"I thought I felt dense mana from you So you're level five I guess Julie is level 5 too?"

"...Yes mother I am indeed also level 5"

Jan fell silent for a few moments before she asked Mike

"You must have a special skill since you managed to remove Julie from the archbishop's influence?"

Mike narrowed his eyes slightly as he nodded, he felt something was off about Jane, he just couldn't put his finger on it

Jane suddenly showed a gentle smile and rose to her feet

"You guys must be tired from your journey You can use the guest room, Julie knows where it is, I'll retire here, good night"

Then before Mike or Julie could say anything Jane walked into an adjacent room and shut the door, Mike and Julie exchanged looks before Mike gave a long sigh and spoke

"I don't think she likes me"

Julie took his hand as she reassured him

"Don't worry Mike, she just doesn't know you yet"

The next morning Mike awoke with a set, he looked into the ceiling for a bit before he let out a groan as he sat himself up in the bed and looked around, it was still the same cramped guest room as it had been when he laid himself to sleep last night, as for Julie she seemed to have woken up before him, Mike put on his clothes and walked out of the door and instantly became the center of focus of about 20 children

'Oh, right this room is connected to the dining hall'

"Hey there Children"

Mike gave a small wave to the children that then gradually shifted their attention back to their food, Mike walked over to where Julie was sitting and sat down next to her, she was giggling slightly as she repeated

"Hey there Children Hihihi"

Mike gave a sigh before he began eating the food that was sat out for him, when Mike was done eating the children had all left to go play outside, Mike then heard a yell from outside and cheeked the location of his servants and gave a sigh before he turned towards the window and yelled

"Elina remove your armor, you're scaring the children!"

"Yes master!"

Mike gave a sigh and stood up from his seat and walked out into the courtyard were he saw Elina standing by the gate holding a basket with biscuits and jerky wrapped in brown paper and gave a sigh, he ignored Jane's confused expression and walked over before he gave Elina a soft chop to the head before he took the basket and commanded

"Return to the others, we're fine here"

"Yes master"

Elina walked off into the city leaving Mike with the basket, Mike turned around and saw that Jane looked at him like she suspected he had just killed someone in electrical, or in other words like she suspected something, that was quickly hidden behind her gentle smile however as she went back to taking care of the children, Mike gave another sigh before he kneeled down and was swarmed by the children that came for snacks, as Mike was overwhelmed Jane asked her daughter

"Who was that?"

Julie paused before she eventually answered

"Elina, she's one of our servants"

"I see servants huh"

The day passed quickly and around midday, Mike was asked by Jane to follow her into the city to buy some food, Mike agreed and so the two of them walked into the city in silence stopping by a few different inn's receiving some leftovers before Jane estimated how much food they would need to buy to make sure that the children would not go hungry to bed, after buying said food the two of them walked back towards the orphanage in silence as suddenly Jane asked Mike

"So You have servants?"


"How many?"

"How many? What servants?"


Mike fell silent and when Jane looked over at him she saw a red light flashing through his eyes before she quickly looked ahead again, Mike eventually answered

"About 200"

"200 I see, you could rule an island with that"

Mike showed a smile and shook his head

"Nah I don't want to be a big fish in a small pond I want to be the ancient sea monster that nobody brothers"

"So you want to go to the continent?"

Mike stopped walking before he looked over at Jane and asked

"There's a continent?"

Jane showed a smile as she nodded, she found Mike's surprise slight cute, Mike muttered something for a few seconds before he looked up with an excited look on his face as he asked

"What's the continent like?"

Jane paused before a far off look passed through her eyes, then she answered Mike's question

"...Who knows?"

Mike gave a nod, how would Jane know about the continent? The two of them eventually returned to the orphanage where Mike helped Jane store the food, as Mike was busy Jane went to find Julie to have a talk with her, she found her reading a story for the children, Jane clapped her hands as she spoke

"Time for dinner, go set the table"

The children quickly ran into the dining hall to set the table While Jan asked Julie

"The servant's Mike has It's a skill right?"

Julie nodded as she stood up

"Yeah, it's able to boost one's level by one besides the full loyalty part"

Jane narrowed her eyes slightly as she asked

"Has he used the skill on you?"

"Yeah, though not the loyalty part, only the boosting part"

Jane gave a nod as she fell into thought for a moment, then her usual gentle smile returned to her face as she helped Julie up from the ground and spoke

"Let's go eat"

"Sure mother"

After the children were put to bed and the adults sat around the table drinking tea Jane spoke

"I have no objections about your marriage. You can go get married in the temple if you want"

Mike showed a happy smile and so did Julie as she spoke rather shyly

"Mother I want you to wed us"


"Yes Is it too much to ask for mother?"

Jane showed a very happy smile as she gave a nod

"Then I'll wed you too"

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