Blood demon leveling

Chapter 109: Marriage ceremony

Chapter 109: Marriage ceremony

After it got decided that Jane would wed Mike and Julie, Mike experienced this strange mellow feeling, he would catch himself smiling creepily most of the time, it was only a few days into the preparations that Mike realized what this fuzzy feeling was

'This is happiness huh'

Mike covered his smile with his hand before he asked Julie that was sitting next to him busy working on some paper decorations for the wedding

"Am I acting creepy?"


"You know with my smile"

Julie stopped working, slowly put the scissors down before she turned herself to face Mike and opened her arms

"Come here"

Mike put down the scissors on the table and shuffled the chair closer to Julie before he gently let himself fall into her embrace, Julie stroked Mike's hair as she asked

"Why would you think I would find you creepy?"

Mike nestled into Julie's embrace for a bit before he spoke

"You know, I don't normally smile that much"

Julie gave a sigh, a long one at that as she kept stroking Mike's har

"You know Mike I don't find you creepy at all"

'If anything it's kind of cute Though that would harm his ego if I said it to him'

Mike and Julie spent a few more moments flirting before Mike got up and Julie gave Mike a kiss on the forehead before she spoke

"Let's keep working on these shall we?"


Jane that stood nearby showed a smile before she went back to take care of the children like she was used to telling them to go play outside

Soon the day dawned, given local tradition, the bride and groom were not to see each other before the ceremony so Mike had spent the night in an inn while Julie spent the night at the orphanage, Mike woke up slowly, he had not slept that much due to nervousness

"She's not going to say no but At least I hope not"

Mike didn't know how many times he had repeated this sentence, it was not that he doubted Julie, not in the least it was just the nervousness that was getting to him, soon he decided not to worry about it (or at least that's what he said to himself) and focus on something else after he breathed a long sigh he spoke

"I am ready now girls, do your worst"

"""Yes master"""

The 3 servants that had been standing outside the room came in, it was Rebecca, Elina, and Lina that had won a competition yesterday

"Now, let's get this show on the road"

"""Yes master"""

The three servants began getting Mike ready for the ceremony, fist the washed and scrubbed his body in the shower before they dressed him in a pure white suit, and did his hair, then he was ready Mike walked out of the room leaving the knife in the hands of Elina since it wasn't really proper to get married while caring any kind of weapon, so the knife rested on a red pillow Elina was holding in her hands

"Well then Let's go"

""Yes master"""

Mike walked out of the inn and onto the streets and headed over to the temple and stood outside when a silver-haired young woman approached him

"You must be Mike"

Mike ignored the scorn the young paladin showed when she looked at him and greeted her

"Hello there miss [Paladin]"

The [Paladin] looked Mike over once before she spoke disdainfully

"I didn't know that non-humans felt love? It's disgraceful to have to rent my temple for animals like you"

Mike showed a slight smile before he spoke in a cold tone

"Don't make me dye my suit with your blood, dear puppy"

The [Paladin] narrowed her eyes slightly before she took a step in towards Mike, Mike ignored her attack which only seemed to piss her off even more, she, however, didn't manage to get any further than that as Rebecca that was suddenly in full armor narrowed her eyes before she disappeared from view and reappeared right in front of her and punched out hitting the young and foolhardy [Paladin] right in the chest sending her flying out onto the street before she hit the opposite building crashing into the brick wall as she spewed out a mouthful of blood Mike spoke out loud

"If you want to play then play with Rebecca here, I am busy"


Before the [Paladin] managed to say or rather yell anything more Rebecca appeared right in front of her again and knocked her out breaking her jaw with another punch

"Be quiet, it's masters big day"

Mike didn't notice the foolhardy [Paladin] getting knocked out, he was far too focused on the upcoming ceremony, soon it was time for him to enter the temple as Jane came and got him

"It's time Mike"


Mike knew he had to wait at the altar for Julie so he walked into the temple under Jane's guide and stood at the central altar facing it he stood on the left side and looked towards the altar as gradually a choir began singing, Mike knew this signaled Julie entering the temple but as the ceremony didn't allow him to peek he stood and faced the alter with racing heartbeats as a familiar set of footsteps neared him from behind soon Julie stood next to him and he glanced over at her

'Wow Man, I am lucky'

Julie looked gorgeous with a light layer of makeup, she was wearing a black dress, she likewise glanced over at Mike while looking rather shy, soon the ceremony started, most of what Jane said went in one ear of Mike and out the other due to nervousness

"---Do you take Julie as your bride?"

Mike didn't hesitate nor pause, this was the height of life so far, he showed a calm smile and spoke


Jane's smile widened slightly as she then spoke some more ceremony stuff before she asked Julie

"---Do you take Mike as your husband?"

Julie held back her tears as she nodded and spoke


Jane herself held back her tears of joy as she took each of their hands and joined them together before she bound a red ribbon around their wrists binding them together, according to the ceremony this ribbon was supposed to be in place until midnight, Mike looked down at the ribbon before he looked up at Julie and saw Her eyes glowing entirely in an eerie red light

'So ti's like this huh'

Mike wasn't taken aback he simply smiled at Julie that too smiled back at him as his eyes also glowed with an eerie red light as the two of them suddenly began chanting with a voice that sounded like nails going over a blackboard combined with muffled thunder


As they chanted the light in the room dimmed slightly as a cold wind blew in from somewhere, Jane narrowed her eyes slightly as she watched the sense from up close, meanwhile, the other guests had long since fled the scene as something in the chanting drove a primal fear into them, how Jane was resisting the effects was unknown.

As the two of them continued chanting a red light covered Mike while a blue light covered Julie


Then the light's seemed to flow in between their hands mixing together before both of them chanted onwards


The two lights blended together before it flowed back into their horns with the blue light flowing to Mike's horns and the red light flowing to Julie's horns, then the two of them closed their eyes as the light was swallowed by their horns that then glowed brighter in red and blue respectively

Mike opened his eyes, he didn't know how long it had been since he closed his eyes at the end of the strange ceremony but the first thing he saw was Julie that still stood in front of him, she also opened her eyes but they were a little different than what Mike remembered before he had a chance to say anything however Julie muttered

"Blue Mike, you're eyes!"

Mike showed a smile and looked into Julie's red vertical split eyes and spoke

"Yeah, your eyes changed too I suspect they are like mine only red"

"My eyes"

Julie reached up and touched her face before she looked over at Jane

"Mother, is it true?"

Jane gave a nod as she exchanged looks with both Mike and Julie, then she gave a sigh as suddenly mana overflowed from her body in quantities Mike so far only had felt one time

'Level 7!?'

Before he managed to react he was grabbed by Jane that then pointed upwards towards the ceiling of the temple and fired off a concentrated ball of mana that blew the roof away before she flew upwards still holding Mike in her clutches, Julie watched and she screamed out as the ribbon that bound Mike and her together was broken

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