Blood demon leveling

Chapter 111: Lana's hospitality

Chapter 111: Lana's hospitality

Mike showed a smile before he turned back towards the carriage and helped Julie down from the carriage then he introduced her to Lana

"This is Julie, my wife"

Julie showed a smile while Lana also smiled back before she spoke

"Let's not stand around out here, let's head inside"


Mike patted Serina on the head as he passed her and walked into the mansion arm in arm with Julie, Lana walked in front and as they passed servants and workers she would be greeted with the utmost respect every time

'She sure is popular'

Soon they arrived in a dining hall where the table was prepared for five, Mike saw this and was a little surprised as he asked Lana

"Who do we have joining us?"

Lana showed a smile

"My daughter and her husband, they should be here any moment"

Just as Lana finished speaking a young man and woman entered the dining room opposite from the way Mike, Lana, and Julie had gotten in from, Mike could see the similarities between the woman and Lana, he and Julie looked over the young man and women and they looked them over too, but before they managed to greet each other Lana spoke

"Please take a seat before you start fighting"

The young man knew better than to argue with his mother in law so he simply sat down, the woman, Lana's daughter however was a lot braver as she asked

"Who's this?"

"Mike and his wife Julie"

The young woman opened her eyes wide as she looked over at Mike, clearly very surprised

"So this is the Mike you kept talking about? The one that killed the previous [Paladin]?"


The eyes of the young woman was suddenly filled with respect as she walked over and excitedly shook Mike's hand while receiving a glare from Julie (Which she appeared not to notice)

"As a woman of this city, I have to personally thank you for killing that piece of filth"

Mike smiled and spoke

"Well he pissed me off"

"Then you have no idea how we felt about him, we---"

"Ingrid sid down"

"---... Yes mother"

Ingrid, Lana's daughter let go of Mike's hand and walked over and sat down next to the young man, Mike and Julie walked over and sat down on the other side of the table, the pairs greeted each other formally, Mike learned that the young man was named Nicolai, the mood was a little awkward as they pairs didn't know each other but the sweet fruit wine soon got them speaking as they ate, Mike found that Lana's daughter and son in law had admirable personalities so they got along well and after a few hours of drinking and making mary Mike and Julie retired

Mike woke up in the middle of the night, he was slightly hungover but he needed very much to use the toilet so he walked out of the room and down the hallway when his ear suddenly twitched and he dodged to the side rather slowly, as he did a throwing knife landed where he just had been standing, Mike yawned and slowly turned around and saw a person clad in black leather armor

"So it's huh Well that's fine"

Mike kicked off the ground and appeared in front of the assassin as he punched out, the assassin's eyes widened in horror of Mike's speed as Mike landed a punch right on the chest of the assassin sending him flying backward down the hallway a few tens of meters before he landed on the ground on his back, Mike laughed out loud as he slowly walked up to the assassin that struggled to get up but found that his muscles were frozen

"It's no use, I froze the blood in your arms and legs when I hit you earlier Now then, what should I do with you Well first off"

Mike stomped down on the assassins knee sending out a crunch in the empty hallway as the assassin screamed in pain for the first time, Mike showed a smile

"Shh It's too early to scream"

Mike stomped down again on the other knee sending yet another crunch out in the hallway which was quickly followed by another scream of pain, the mansion gradually began to wake up as the guards were the first to arrive at the scene were the assassin lay on the hallway, frothing at the mouth as Mike was knelled down next to him lightly slapping the assassin on the face, soon Lana arrived and gave a sigh at the scene

"Oi... wake up"

"Mike I don't think he's going to wake up soon"

"Really? It's just shattered knees, that's a 3"

"3? What do you mean Mike?"

Mike showed a smile

"3 on the pain scale, where 10 is the max"

Lana stared at Mike for a few moments before she realized he was serious and sighed before she suggested

"Why don't you let the guards take him and then have a chat with him in the morning?"

"Sure I could do that, Well then"

Mike stood up and stretched before he walked further down the hallway towards the toilet

"Night Lana"

"...Yeah good night Mike"

Lana stood and stared at Mike's back, rather the broken slave formation that still was tattooed on his back before she gave yet another sigh

The next morning Mike followed by Julie walked down into the dungeon under the mansion, it was empty except for one cell were the assassin lay on the stone floor, Mike got the guard to open the cell before he walked in and slapped the assassin in the face waking him up

"Morning sunshine"

Mike showed a bright smile as the assassin glared at him, then after a few seconds he spoke again

"Now you can play tough all you want because this isn't an interrogation, it's an execution"

"I won't tell you anything!"

Mike smiled and put his knee on the assassin's leg slowly pushing down on his shattered knee as he spoke

"Now I don't think you heard me, I said this wasn't an interrogation, I just want to make you suffer a bit before I kill you I know plenty about "

The assassin's eyes widened before Mike grabbed him by the neck, lifted him up, and then gave a squeeze breaking his neck killing the assassin before he looked back and saw Lana and asked

"Can you get someone to dispose of this?"

Lana showed a smile

"Sure Now, this is going to sound harsh but if you are going to start a war with an organization of assassins perhaps you shouldn't do it from my mansion?"

"...You make a fair point Lana Maybe we should push the whole reunion thing back a bit?"

"That may be for the best"

Mike nodded, even though Lana was a friend she wasn't going to join him in waging war against , Mike understood that and he didn't expect her to join him in the first place

"Could I show Julie the cubs before we leave?"

"Sure thing Mike, I'll get my daughter to go with you"

Mike and Julie walked out of the dungeon when Julie asked Mike

"I thought Lana was your friend?"

"She is, we just not that good friends"

"Okay Anyway let's go see the cubs"

Julie had been looking forwards to seeing the new batch of wolf cubs ever since she had heard about them last night at dinner, after meeting up with Ingrid the three of them walked out to the big inner courtyard where the wolf barn was located, soon Ingrid got a wolf cub out of the enclosure and carefully handed it to Julie that was totally besides herself from a cuteness overload

"Mike look how cute it is!"

The wolf pup was about the size of a fully grown labrador from Mike's world, only with way longer fur, its tongue hanging out of the side of its mouth as it looked at Julie with its big round eyes

"May I hold it, Ingrid?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, it might bite you You can pet it as I hold it though"

"Okay then"

Julie petted the wolf pup a lot as Ingrid held it but eventually, what Ingrid feared happened and the wolf pup bit Julie's hand, Julie, however, didn't even flinch and spoke in a flat tone


"Oh shit, are you okay Julie?"

Ingrid quickly got the wolf pup to let go of Julie's hand and saw that Julie had a few rather deep wounds that oddly enough wasn't bleeding

"Let me get some bandages for your hand Julie"

"That won't be necessary, Mike lend me some blood?"


Mike used his [Blood storage] skill and an orb of blood appeared floating above his hand, Julie stuck her hand into the blood, and before Ingrid's eyes the orb of blood shuck before it completely disappeared

"No way"

Ingrid looked at Julie's hand that was completely healed with her mouth wide open, Julie showed a smile

"See? No problem"

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