Blood demon leveling

Chapter 110: Mother of wolves

Chapter 110: Mother of wolves

Mike and Jane soon breached the clouds before Jane suddenly stopped ascending, then she spoke

"This should be far enough to kill you if you attack me Or don't answer my questions"

Mike was calm, he knew he had no chance fighting against Jane, even if he did there would be no way he would survive a fall from this height

"Well then you seem calm Mike"

"Yeah well that's my usual mood, besides my life is in your hands, it's out of my control at the moment"

Jane narrowed her eyes slightly as she inwardly praised Mike

"Well then first question, how did you arrive in this world?"

Mike thought back for a bit before he answered

"I was sacrificed to a biblical demon"

Then he reached up and opened his suit to show the star formed scar that still was on his chest over his heart

"I was stapped right here with a ceremonial knife, then next thing I knew I was in a forest on this island, my own shirt covered in blood"

"You don't remember the void?"


"I see Next question, what is a biblical demon?"

Mike explained as good as he could under the circumstances and rounded his explanation off with

"---It's basically pure evil"

"...And you and Julie are turning into these so-called demons?"


"...And you are fine with this?"

"Well All my life I have always wanted to be something, now that I am getting turned into something should I really complain?"

"I see"

Jane then began slowly descending again and soon they landed in the temple where Julie stood and waited on the two of them, she glared at Jane when she landed before she asked

"Did you have to do that now mother?"

"Yes I did Julie dear"

Jane gradually stopped her mana circulations turning herself back into the gentle old lady from the local orphanage before she spoke

"I have no objections of either of you turning into demons Strength is a rare commodity in this world, so use it well"

Mike kneeled down on the spot as he spoke

"Yes mother"

Julie did the same and also spoke

"Yes mother"

Jane showed a smile as she then commanded

"Now it's your wedding day, go have some fun"

Mike took Julie's hand as he once again spoke

"Yes mother"

Jane waved the two of them closer before she tied another ribbon around their wrists thereby once again tying the left hands together

"Now go on"

Mike and Julie nodded before they walked out of the temple hand in hand, outside the temple however they were stopped by two middle-aged men as well as nearly half of the local city guard

"Stop right there!"

Mike wanted to ignore them but Julie stopped and pointed to herself with her free hand as she tilted her head

"You mean us?"

"Yes, I am the head of the local branchy of the adventure's guild and this is the mayor of the city, we would like to question you for a bit about what happened earlier in the temple"

Julie narrowed her eyes before she spoke disdainfully while a red light shone in her eyes

"And if we refuse?"

The mayor gave a snort before he raised his hand signaling the city guard to point their spears at Mike and Julie, this Julie didn't take kindly to as she ordered

"Rebecca, break that one's knees"

"Yes mistress"

The focus suddenly shifted to Rebecca that wore a bridesmaids dress, she looked lovely so much so that the guards were stunned for a moment, that is until she reached up and touched her necklace which made her become covered in demonic looking armor in an instant before she kicked off the ground with such force that she shattered the cobblestone under her feet and instantly appeared in front of the mayor and sent a horizontal kick that aimed at the side of his knees smashing right though the first knee bending it a weird angle as her kick powered right through breaking his other knee with the same kick, the mayor screamed in pain as he fell to the ground meanwhile the guards paled, they failed not only to see how Rebecca moved but also to stop her which made them feel cold to their core


The mayor screamed in pain but none of the guards moved, Mike took this opportunity to speak to the stunned head of the local adventures guild

"Our servant here is level 5 while this beautiful lady I now call my wife is level 6, furthermore we came to this shitty little island with 50 level 5 servants Now tell me if you want to have a fight because we'll gladly abide, as it will be the first time we have wiped out a city of this size, now is there anything else?"

The head of the adventure's guild paled slightly before he shook his head and showed a stiff smile as he spoke

"N-No, please enjoy yourselves"

Meanwhile the mayor seemed to have passed out from a mix of pain and fear and was carried away by the guards, Mike and Julie spent the rest of the day enjoying themselves to the fullest, or as much that they could without committing murder anyway

Sometime late in the night, Mike awoke, he blinked his eyes as he felt a headache on its way and muttered


Mike got out of bed and after he unwarped Julie from himself he got out of bed and walked over to the table were a jug of water stood and poured himself a glass of water and downed it, then he poured himself another glass and by confidence saw his own reflection in the water, after a little while he smiled as he looked at his own reflection, then he spoke to himself

"You sure are a real demon now Mike"

Mike downed the glass of water before he went back to bed and wrapped his arms around the still sleeping Julie, as he did his smile widened slightly

'At least I am no longer alone'

The next morning Mike and Julie awoke, but instead of getting out of bed they lay and lazed around in bed, that was when Julie suddenly asked

"What do you want to do before we leave this island behind Mike?"

"Hmm... Well we need to annihilate for starters, then we should visit the city were I hit level 3 as I have a friend there"

"Yeah need to go down, that's for sure but who's this friend of yours?"

"An old lady named Lana, she's the one that gave me Serina"

"Oh I see, do you want to take the entire convoy over there?"

"Sure I have a feeling that the archbishop is planing something Plus we are technically still wanted for those villages we wiped out, so better be safe than sorry"

"Yeah Let's do that then When are we leaving?"

Mike thought for a moment before he spoke

"Let's leave at the end of the week, so In three days"


Those three days passed quickly and soon it was time for Julie and Mike to leave the city, the entire convoy was lined up outside the orphanage where Mike and Julie exchanged goodbyes with Jane

"I'll be going now mother"

"Be well Julie dear, you too Mike Oh and no more massacring villages on this island, it creates more work for me you see"

Mike nodded and so did Julie, then Jane took off her necklace and handed it to Julie as she suddenly turned serious and spoke

"If you are heading to the continent this will help you find safe harbor if you ever need it"

"Thank you very much mother We'll be going now, be well"

Julie was about to walk off when Jane suddenly hugged her tight, Mike showed a smile as he watched the two of them hugging, then a few minutes later the convoy left the city behind, Julie held her tears, just barely though

The next week or so the convoy headed towards the city where Lana was mayor, when they were a few days out Serina suddenly ran off ahead without Mike's orders, Mike didn't bother calling her back and instead let her run ahead, Then after 12 days of travel, the convoy arrived in the city which Mike had long forgotten the name of, as they entered the city the guards seemed to know they were coming and let them though when Mike gave his name

"Where to next master?"

"To the mayor's mansion"


Soon the entire convoy pulled into the inner courtyard of the mayor's mansion, an elderly lady stood and waited at the doorstep with a calm smile on her face, next to her lay Serina, Mike stepped out of the carriage and greeted her with a smile

"Hello Lana"

Lana showed a smile as she greeted him back

"Hello Mike, is it just me, or do you have horns now?"

"Well it's not just you, they were there last I checked too"

Lana laughed out loud before she gave a slight bow

"Welcome to my humble adore, I welcome you as Lana, Mother of wolves... feel free to stay as long as you want my friend Mike"

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