Blood demon leveling

Chapter 115: Bestowal

Chapter 115: Bestowal

Mike looked at the person he had been looking at for the past few weeks in his dreams, the only thing was that said person was looking back at him too, the darkness around them slowly disappeared revealing their body, besides the goat-like horns the person had entirely red eyes, bat-like wings and a thin tail that ended in a spade-like tip, Mike spoke or rather called out to the person


The person blinked a few times before they opened their mouth and began sucking in air, Mike was confused for a moment before he turned to look at a nearby star, at that moment he was in awe, plasma from the start formed a stream and flowed over into the mouth of the person, they seemed to be eating the star, time passed a within a few moments the star had halved in size at this point the person stopped sucking in air and the stream of plasma stopped, then the person looked at Mike, he was in no doubt they were looking straight at him before they sighed and spoke

"Still too weak I summoned you here thinking you were stronger What a brother"

"Erm I am very sorry to not have met your expectations"

The person didn't seem to hear him as they seemed lost in thought, then they spoke completely ignoring what Mike just had said

"No matter, It'll make do for now As for you're lacking strength, I will do something about that on my side of things First off is this Open wide"

Mike felt his mouth being forced open before the person in front of him bit their finger and a single drop of blood flowed out before it shot out into Mike's mouth, Mike felt a burning sensation in his entire body, the person spoke again

"This will bring you some discomfort Oh well, blame it on your inadequate strength Now I will summon you again in a few month's time, you better have gotten stronger by that time Or I'll simply find a new vessel Now begone, Mike of earth"

The person waved their hand and Mike felt himself being sent flying back into his body as he abruptly woke up and let out a groan as he felt a burning sensation spread all over his body, as resilient he was to pain this still hurt like hell

"A 3 no a 5 on the scale, bloody hell what was that..?"

Mike felt the burning sensation gradually grow stronger inside his body, he let out another groan as he got up on his feet, then he felt a swell of discomfort and held his stomach before he quickly walked a little away from the camp and puked, it didn't stop until he had emptied his stomach, Mike still felt the burning sensation grow stronger

'Hunger I am hungry?'

Mike felt a hunger come on, he obviously had been hungry before, but not like this, he walked back to camp and took some food, as he bit into a biscuit he suddenly felt weird before he looked at the biscuit and gave a sigh

'Meat I need some meat, where's the jerky..?'

Mike dug through the supplies and found a pack of jerky and without removing the wrapping he bit into the pack, as he did he felt a rush of ecstasy

'Now this is the stuff'

Mike consumed the pack of jerky with vigor and spit out the warping paper before he reached into the supplies and took out another pack of jerky, this time he unwrapped it before he began eating as he wasn't insanely hungry this time, 3 packs of jerky later he was finely stated, he even felt the burning sensation lessen a little, then he looked around and found Elina standing guard and walked up to her


"Yes, master?"

"Go back to the surface and buy 15 no 30 packs of jerky"

"...Certainly master, I'll be off at once"

"Yeah, be quick about it or I'll probably end up eating Nevermind, just hurry"

Elina nodded before she took out a stone of passage and pressed it into the dungeon wall before she left into the staircase that closed after her, Mike gave a nod and called out to Lina


"Yes, master?"

"Hold down the fort, I'll be right back"

"Yes master, have a safe trip"

Mike gave a nod before he kicked off the ground and disappeared from view, he had to check something out, something that smelled oh so good that he had to have it, Mike sped through the hallways for a few minutes at high speed, bypassing monster groups and a few adventure groups he eventually arrived at a campsite of a somewhat big group of adventures, he could smell the good stuff somewhere inside the camp. The outer guards didn't even notice him as he passed them at high speed, they only felt a gust of wind before he was gone, Mike closed in on the center of the camp and soon found the things letting out the enticing sent, it seemed that this group had been on a longer trip and collected a lot of monster crystals that laid in a carriage that was pulled by slaves, Mike made quick work of the slaves with the knife, silently ending them before he took a big monster crystal and stuffed it into his mouth eating it raw, Mike felt a surge of ecstasy even bigger than when he had eaten jerky earlier as he bit down on the monster crystal, as he ate more and more his teeth began chipping and breaking from eating the hard crystal, Mike, however, was too into eating that he didn't notice, also there was the fact that his teeth were regenerating as fast as they broke

'This is the shit'

As Mike ate the monster crystals the drop of blood that the person from the void had bestowed him grew larger and larger until it split into two pieces that they also began growing larger, this process continued until a 100th of his blood had been replaced when he sadly ran out of monster crystals

'Well Shit, I should leave before someone notices me'

Mike managed to sneak out of the camp unnoticed and return back to his own camp before anyone noticed that the last 3 weeks' worth of hard work had been eaten by some weird person with horns

"---And that's basically what happened"

Julie felt a headache coming on before she asked once again

"...So you ate monster crystals?"


Julie wasn't speaking to Mike, she was speaking to a spore that Mike had heightened his control over to communicate with her, Julie massaged her temples for a few moments before she asked

"So this burning sensation only lessens when you eat stuff?"

"Yeah and preferably meat Or monster crystals, I think it has something to do with the blood I was granted I have also felt my strength increase a lot and mana flows smoother now"

"I see So it's not necessarily a bad thing?"

"No, I don't think so The only thing that's got me worried is what happens if I don't meet that deadline, I mean grow stronger? How much stronger?"

Julie nodded

"Yeah, that's got me worried too Anyway if you become stronger by eating monster crystals then keep doing just that Mike"

"Yeah Anyway I'll keep you posted Julie"


As they moved deeper in the dungeon Mike gradually got used to the burning sensation in his body, he was also snacking on all the monster crystals the party gathered, he gradually got used to his teeth breaking and regenerating when he ate them, soon the party reached the 20th floor and reached the boss room, Mike and the three demonic servants quickly beat the boss into submission before John finished it off, then they returned to the surface where John paid Mike and the rest for a job well done, as soon as John was out of the picture Mike began planning a deeper dungeon trip at once, with him eating monster crystals and the other three being blood zombies Mike didn't see the need to pack a lot of food so they dove back into the dungeon after buying the bare minimum of supplies

A cry sounded out in the dark tunnels of the dungeon as Mike stabbed the knife into the last adventure's back, the adventure had tried to escape as her party had been brutally murdered by Mike's party

"How's the loot looking, Elina?"

"There's a sack of monster crystals here master!"

Lina also picked up a backpack and dug through it before she found a pouch with monster crystals and presented it to Mike

"Thanks, Lina"

Mike quickly munched on the monster crystals as they moved on deeper into the dungeon, they were attacking every party of adventures they saw on the way and robbing them of their monster crystals to feed Mike's ever-growing hunger...

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