Blood demon leveling

Chapter 116: Level 6

Chapter 116: Level 6

Mike was gradually losing track of time, the only thing he knew was that the parties of adventures became fewer and fewer

"...What floor are we on now Lina?"

"Floor 58 master"

"I see No wonder the adventures are getting scarce Oh well"

Mike might sound relaxed but he was in fact in a fight with a high goblin in full armor armed with a razor sharp sword, Mike slashed out with the knife and cut through the sword along with the high goblin's armor leaving a cut on its stomach before he spun around and sent out a kick sending the high goblin flying back as he muttered


The dried husk of the high goblin hit the wall of the dungeon before it quickly turned to dust leaving behind a sizable monster crystal which Lina quickly picked up and presented to Mike, Mike showed a smile before he popped it into his mouth and began crushing on it as he walked on in the lead, soon the party reached the boss room, Mike stood outside the door but he didn't open it he gave a sigh and spoke out to the three demonic servants

"Let's take a break"

"""Yes master"""

The three demonic servants and Mike put down their backpacks and took out some blankets, the three demonic servants quickly decided who should be the first watch, meanwhile, Mike had already wrapped the blanket around him and laid down, he closed his eyes and regulated his breathing for a bit before he slowly fell asleep

After Mike awoke he had some real food to eat, then the party of 4 opened the door to the boss room and walked in while taking in the sights

"So one unknown, that's armed and armored, it looks like it has a pretty solid tail so don't get hit by that Besides that, there are five high goblins? Looks pretty easy"

Mike gave the other three a signal to charge which they did faithfully

'The dungeon doesn't scale very well Oh well, that's fine too, this isn't a game after all'

Mike made short work of the boss and the three servants made short work of the other monsters, as Mike watched the boss turning into a dried husk he suddenly had a very particular feeling and showed a smile

"It's level up time!"

"""Congratulations master!"""

Mike nodded ordered the return to the surface, after using a stone of passage to get to the first floor Mike and the rest soon walked out of the dungeon, feeling the sunlight for the first time in a few weeks Mike showed a smile

'I wonder what kind of skill I'll get once I level up..?'

Mike kept calm as he neared the temple and walked inside, after ordering a prayer room Mike walked in alone and put his hand on the crystal ball, after lighting up with a red light for a few moments it showed his status

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 29

Level: 5

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: /

Level up Y/N?

Mike pressed the Y and felt the exhilarating feeling of once again leveling up, his mana circulated smoother than before, he also felt a sudden growth of strength, taking a few deep breaths Mike showed a smile as he put his hand onto the crystal ball once again, after a few moments it showed his new status

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 29

Level: 6

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic] [Elder blood bestowal]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: 0 /

"[Elder blood bestowal]?"

Mike clicked on the new skill that had shown up in his status and after a few moments a description appeared

[Elder blood bestowal]

Type: Active

Description: Allows the user to bestow [Elder blood] to a person/animal/object, which changes said person/animal/object towards a more perfect from

"...Neat, this must be the blood I received from that person So they are an elder? Elder what? Elder demon?"

Mike shrugged before he decided to walk out of the prayer room, as he walked out he circulated his mana testing his own limits, scaring the shit out of any mana sensitive person in the building in the process

'Almost 400 circulations per minute Not bad'

Mike showed a smile, as he did he suddenly received a metal message from Elina

"Master ru---!"

Mike paused before he tried to connect back to her


A few moments passed, then dread set in, he was unable to feel Elina, so he quickly tried to contact Rebecca

"Rebecca, what's happening?"

"...He's Here Mast---"

Mike felt his instincts scream at him, he kicked off the ground and soon arrived outside of the temple where the street was turned upside down, in the air floated an elder, he looked hideous with his entire body covered in bandages with burned skin peeking out between when he saw Mike he roared


Mike realized that this probably was the archbishop as he felt dread set in he appeared calm and asked

"What have you done to my servants?"

"Heh Those bitches have been reduced to ash and you're next!"

Mike felt his anger rise as his mana circulations did the same, soon they reached a level like the archbishop which made the archbishop narrow his eyes before he fired off a spell at Mike, he instantly caught the evening light in between his palms and condensed it before he shot out a ball of concentrated light at Mike, Mike kicked off the ground and disappeared from view momentarily, as the light ball hit the ground where Mike had been standing it exploded truing everyone within a few meters into white ash, Mike appeared in the air next to the archbishop and slashed out with his knife, then a sound of metal meeting metal rang out as the knife hit an invisible wall that seemed to exist around the archbishop, Mike twisted in the air and kicked off the invisible barrier landing back on the ground in mere moments where he was forced to move as another ball of light was fired after him

'Shit, I have to break that barrier first before I can cut him!'

Mike fired off a blood boiler at the archbishop only to have it bounce off his barrier

"Hahahahahaha! It's useless! Accept your doom!"

Mike narrowed his eyes before he suddenly ducked into an alley, the archbishop was about to follow when suddenly a person appeared next to him, it was Lina, her body was glowing from the runes that were tattooed onto her body, she had a frenzied expression on her face as she latched onto the archbishop as she yelled

"For my mas---"


The archbishop moved with insane speed and kicked Lina sending her flying about 50 meters before the formations on her body violently exploded sending a bloody mist over almost half of the city

"Shit Need to make the fuse shorter"

Mike observed this from afar before he turned and ran at top speed again


Mike ignored the enraged archbishop behind him as he contacted Julie, soon Julie's voice appeared in his head

"What is it Mike?"

Mike felt himself calm down when he heard Julie's voice before he spoke plainly

"I love you Julie"


Mike felt a lump in his throat before he sighed and decided to go with a joke

"You see there's a little problem I have an angry level 7 up my ass at the moment"

"...That's not a funny joke Mike"

"...Well I wished it wasn't a joke"

"Mike get out of there right now!"

"What do you think I am doing? Standing around?"

"Mike you have to run, you have to li---"


Mike didn't even get to curse as a blade of light passed right beside him, or more actually though him cutting off his left arm as he only managed to dodge a little, narrowly avoiding getting sliced in half, Mike slid over the grass, sliding to a halt as he found himself in an open field before he repeated to Julie that still was connected

"I love you Julie"


Mike cut the connection to Julie as he turned around and faced the archbishop, and as an arm of pure red crystal formed in place of his missing left arm he raised his right hand and the middle finger to the archbishop as he cursed

"You think I am easy to kill you fucktard!?"

The archbishop showed a smile on his bandaged face as he asked

"You think I am going to let you die an easy death!? You killed my granddaughter!"

"Well, she was a ho!"


The archbishop fired off a barrage of light balls where Mike had been standing, as he still had enough speed to dodge the attacks

'Shit I need to land a solid counter and fast!'

Mike realized that the longer the fight lasted the more he would be at a disadvantage

"[Blood storage]"

An orb of blood appeared above Mike's head and rapidly grew in size before it turned into a blood crystal, then while Mike was dodging attacks from the archbishop Mike began forming it into spears which he fired off at the archbishop in bundles, the spears however was broken by the barrier that was around the archbishop, Mike, however, narrowed his eyes as he kept up the barrage

'It has to have a limit'

Mike didn't know how many blood crystal spears he fired at the archbishop but when his storage was about empty the barrier around the archbishop seemed to have weakened significantly, the archbishop was also out of breath as he breathed heavily, Mike took this as a sign that he was turning the fight around And therefore he made a fatal mistake and let down his guard ever so slightly as the archbishop suddenly yelled

"Come forth [Holy guardian]!"

He was suddenly bathed in a silver light that came from above, then inside the light, a figure appeared

"An angel!?"

Mike felt his instincts scream at him as he looked at the holy figure, it was a woman with blonde hair and 3 sets of withe feather wings that spread out behind her, in her hand was a silver spear, she had a holy expression on her face, but that changed when she put her eyes on Mike, then it twisted to that of extreme anger as she rushed forwards way faster than Mike had emancipated


Mike dodged to the side but still, a deep cut was left on his chest, the blood flowed out and quickly formed into sinister looking runes that boosted Mike's speed and strength, still, it mattered little as he kept receiving cuts from the angels spear until finely one stab managed to land, Mike flinched slightly as the spear was thrust through his chest exposing the tip on the other side, he coughed up blood as the world around him became slightly dimmer, but only for a moment before Mike pushed his body forwards, pushing the spear all the way through his chest as he slashed out cutting the angel's neck with the knife, the angel screamed as Mike spoke one word


The angle then turned into silver light along with its spear and disappeared, Mike kneeled down on the ground as he spoke again



Then a spear of light passed through his heart from behind, Mike coughed up even more blood as his eyes turned dim before they suddenly shone with a strong red light as something from the void began chanting through him


The sky dimmed slightly before a figure appeared floating above the open plain, the figure was covered in darkness, when the archbishop looked at the figure he felt a primal fear, a fear so strong that he let out a horrified scream, the figure turned to him and with one look the archbishop suddenly began decaying to black ash, then the figure floated down and landed in front of Mike as they spoke

"I am very disappointed in you Mike"

Then the figure trusted their hand into Mike's chest and grasped his heart before destroying it with a squeeze

"Maybe a change in scenery will help you focus on your task?"

Mike heard these words as the last thing before his vision went dark as the void embraced him

Mike woke up with a set, he quickly sat up and looked around, around him was a familiar place, the sacrificial room where he had been killed almost 3 years ago

"...What the fuck?"

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