Blood demon leveling

Chapter 130: Sailing off into the horizon

Chapter 130: Sailing off into the horizon

Mike walked into the city ignoring the terrified people that had just watched him kill the guards that tried to stop him from entering, he followed after the convoy, and eventually, they arrived at the guild where the head merchant of the convoy talked with some of the employee's and soon the merchant ran over to Mike and asked him

"I have managed to negotiate a good price for you, your lordship, they are willing to give a total of 20.000 for the remaining carcass"

"Sure, sell it at that price you must be happy that you earned 4000 practically for free"

The merchant looked a bit embarrassed to have been called out on his true thoughts and scratched his nose as he spoke

"It's all by your lordships grace"

As the two of them stood and talked on the side of the road a young girl came running and by accident ran face-first into Mike, she was carrying a cady apple which stuck to Mike's clothes, Mike frowned slightly and looked down on the child as a red light flashed in his eyes, but before he managed to strike he saw someone that seemingly was running after the young girl that called out

"Princess! Are you hurt!?"

The 'princess' cried loudly as she yelled

"Stupid man! Kill him, Jens, chop off his head!"

"Now, now princess, calm down a bit"

"Noooo!!! I want him dead, he ruined my candy apple!"

Soon some guards in expensive-looking armor arrived they bowed to the man called Jens as they apologized for letting the 'princess' out of their sights

"Enough! take the princess back to the carriage"

Mike looked down at his clothes before he slowly tore off the candy apple from them, then he looked up again at the one that had commanded the elite guards and spoke

"That little shit dirtied my clothes"

Jens visibly flinched when Mike said 'little shit' before he became angry and spoke ever so slowly to Mike as if he was mentally challenged

"Listen here, if anyone else just heard what you said you would have been tortured to death over the course of a week"

Then he turned and was about to walk away when Mike spoke again

"I don't think you heard me, I said that little shit dirtied my clothes"

Jens turned around again and muttered

"Some people just don't listen"

Then he drew his sword and walked over towards Mike that then disappeared from view and reappeared right in front of Jens who's expression only just managed to change to extreme fear before Mike slapped him on the side of his head, it was as if Jens' head turned into a red paste before it splattered all over the street, then the headless body fell to the ground as Mike spoke again

"I said that little shit dirtied my clothes"

Then Mike turned to the merchant that was pale in the face and asked

"Did you receive the full amount of payment?"

"Ah, yes your lordship"

"Then would you mind accompanying me for some clothes shopping?"

"Yes, your lordship It's just I have a question if I may?"

Sure ask away"

"...Are you not going to hurt the child?"

"Ah right No, I am not I don't peculiarly enjoy child murder, not say I won't or haven't done it it's just Unproductive, besides the way that little shit is behaving she's not long for this world"


"She'll offend someone she can't afford to someday and they'll dirty their hands for me, now shall we be off?"

"...Yes your lordship"

Mike woke up the next day in an inn where he had spent the night, after shopping with the merchant he still didn't care about knowing the name of he had treated him to dinner before the two of them parted and he checked into a cheap inn where he spent the night

"...Time to go"

Mike stretched and got out of bed before he got dressed and picked up his newly brought backpack and left the inn behind, stepping out onto the streets Mike looked around before he took a moment to sense the connection to his servants and started walking that way when he reached the gates however he was stopped by some nervous looking guards

"Halt right there We're investigating a murder, please hand over your weapons and follow after us"

Mike paused before he showed a slight smile and asked

"So You are investigating a person who has the ability to turn someone's head into a red paste by slapping them on the side of the head and then you ask said person to hand over their weapon?"

"Ah Y-Yes!"

"I see Well here's my weapon"

Mike pulled out the knife and laid it on his hand before he spoke

"If you want to die you touch the knife, if you don't you act like I wasn't here and let me pass, I'm good anyway as I need experience to level up at some point in the future"

The two guards flinched before one of them stammered

"P-Please pass"

"See that wasn't so bad, was it?"

Mike however only managed to take a few steps past the gates before someone once again shouted at him

"Stop right there!

Mike didn't turn around he simply waved his hand and felt like the person that had just yelled blood made their head twist off before it splattered over the pavement, then amidst confused screams of terror Mike muttered

"[Wing's of blood]"

Two brilliant vermilion wings formed behind Mike before they fluttered and carried him into the air in mere moments from where he headed in the direction of his servants

About a day later Mike landed outside a coastal city where he made his arrival known by not dismissing his wings before he was sure that the guards had spotted him, after that he sat down on the spot and waited for someone to come and greet him, he was after all ready to leave this island for the next one that was in between himself and the continent, a few minutes later a few important looking people came out from the gates and greeted him with great respect, after receiving flattering words for a while Mike stated that he would like to board a ship heading towards the continent, the head merchant of the city was honored to have Mike and agreed at once before he informed Mike that a ship was leaving later that same day.

A few hours after arriving at the coastal city Mike boarded a ship heading to an island which name he already had forgotten

'I don't care about some shithole island anyway I just want to meet Julie again'

Mike leaned against the railing and felt the wind as he closed his eyes for a moment, it had been a couple of hours since they had left the dock and they were now on the open sea, Mike's eyes suddenly snapped open as he looked in a direction away from the ship as he narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered

"[Wing's of blood]"

Wings spread out behind Mike before they fluttered slightly and carried him up into the air from where he spotted a few shadows in the water that were rapidly swimming towards the ship

"Well I'll be damned, a real sea monster or maybe a group of them"

The people on board the ship was of course not sharing Mike's amazement, rather they were in a full-on panic as the biggest of the shadows underwater sped up and rammed directly into the side of the ship, and with a loud bang, the ship began breaking in half in the middle sending some people flying overboard, as they splashed in the water the smaller shadows approached them and soon screams of pain was heard as the water turned red under them

"Welp I've always wanted a pet sea monster so let's try it"

Mike closed his eyes as he focused on using his spell as he chanted out

"[Blood magic: blood domination]"

As Mike used his magic the sea monsters suddenly stopped moving before they became revealed as they floated up into the air, they looked like whales with the biggest one being about 20 meters long and 6 meters wide, their heads were covered in a thick white bone which looked like they had bare skulls with several long horns growing out from their bone covered heads, a few of them died from the prosses of being lifted into the air by their blood alone when their arteries burst, Mike opened his eyes again and quickly slashed the ones of the sea monsters that still were alive with the knife before he dropped them into the sea again and muttered


Then he landed down on some driftwood and looked around seeing his new subordinates had formed a circle around him

"So there's 14 of you guys left Nice I'll call you skull whales"

Mike showed a slight smile as he ignored the survivors calling for help and general screaming in pain as he ordered the skull whales to wipe out the survivors before he landed on the back of the biggest surviving skull whale and the fleet began heading in the direction that the ship was before it was attacked

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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