Blood demon leveling

Chapter 129: [Blood domination]

Chapter 129: [Blood domination]

"So Where is this?"


"I mean the name of this island"

"Oh This is Urgurg, it's a rather high mana density island, our king is a level 7 much like yourself your lordship"

Mike sipped his tea before he closed his eyes and sensed the connection to his servants before he pointed in a direction and asked

"What's in that direction?"

The lord followed Mike's finger and thought for a moment before he answered

"I can't be 100% sure without consulting a map but Probably the continent"

"Ah That makes sense"

"Your lordship?"

"Oh it's nothing, do you happen to know how long it is to the continent?"


The lord thought for a few moments before he answered

"There are at least 3 islands in between here and the continent It's serval months by ship"

'So probably several weeks if I flew That won't work as I don't have a map, the last thing I want to do is crashland in the sea, that reminds me, I forgot to check my skills when I was at the temple'

Mike fell into thought for a few moments, the lord didn't disrupt him, after a few minutes Mike had made up a plan and asked

"Do you mind showing me to the local temple?"

"No your lordship, I shall lead the way personally"

The lord stood up and was about to show the way when Mike spoke

"Not so fast let me eat first"

"...Yes your lordship, please take your time"

After Mike finished eating he stood up and followed after the lord to the local temple where he was shown to the best prayer room that the temple had to offer where he checked his new skills

Name: Mike

Class: Blood demon

Age: 33

Level: 7

Skills: [Knife control] [Drink] [Blood body enhancement] [Blood for blood] [Blood control] [Blood storage] [Blood magic: Blood domination] [Elder blood bestowal] [Wings of Blood]

Magic type: Blood

Experience: 0 / 500.000.000.000

"Now let's see"

Mike clicked on the [Blood magic: Blood domination] skill and after a few moments information about it showed up

[Blood magic: Blood domination]

Type: Active

Description: Allows the user heightened control over [Blood] type magic. Gives access to the direct manipulation of other people/animals/monsters [Blood]


Mike nodded and thought out loud

"It probably has something to do with the new points and paths I unlocked by leveling up I have to master those spells soon"

Mike waited for the crystal ball to reset before he clicked on [Wings of Blood]

[Wings of Blood]

Type: Active

Description: Allows the user to make wings made of [Blood] from the [Blood storage] skill, consumes a set amount of [Blood] every time the [Wings] are made. Various applications including flight

"Well, this is neat too I should get familiar with this"

Mike then waited for the crystal ball to rest before he walked out of the prayer room and back to the lobby where the lord walked up to him and spoke respectfully

"Have you finished your lordship?"

"Yes I'll have that rest now"

"Yes your lordship, please follow me, I'll show you to the best room the city has to offer"

Mike was shown to the best room the lord's mansion had to offer and soon sat down to meditate before he fell into a light sleep The next evening the lord finally could not help but open the door to Mike's room but found that he was already gone, then he sighed

"...And a calamity gone, just like that"

Mike flew over a seemingly endless forest as he was getting used to his wings he flew at a rather low speed while enjoying the scenery, then below him he suddenly heard a roar so he looked down and saw that on the main road he was following a creature was attacking a carriage, it looked like some sort of giant lizard with sharp claws and teeth, Mike stayed above the unknowing creature for a while and watched it slaughter the people that were protecting the carriage before he suddenly folded his wings in and dove down on the creature, as Mike felt the wind resistance against his face he let out a slight smile before he spread out his wings in the last moment breaking his fall before he, using his weight and momentum stabbed the knife through the skull of the giant lizard and further slammed it's head into the ground kicking up a dust cloud on the dirt road, then he muttered


The lizard was quickly drained of blood and by the time that the dust cleared all that was left was a drained corpse with Mike sitting on top of it with a slight smile as he looked at the adventures that too look at him with stunned expressions, then he pointed to a slightly fat man in expensive-looking clothes and asked

"Are you the leader of this here convoy?"

The slightly fat man nodded before he swallowed his saliva and spoke

"Indeed, allow me to introduce myself I am---"

"I didn't ask your name and I don't care about it Though you look like a merchant Do you mind me killing this thing?"

"N-No not at all, in fact, I would like to thank your lordship for the rescue"

"I see Then how are you going to thank me?"

The merchant froze up as his mind raced for a bit before he spoke carefully

"Seeing as you defeated the wrym, I would like to Purchase its corpse from you, at a price I am sure your lordship would be very satisfied with"

Mike narrowed his eyes slightly as his wing's fluttered slightly before he asked

"Who said I am selling it?"

"That I am sorry for assuming wrongly your lordship"

Mike smiled before he dismissed his wings and spoke out a number



"If you can transport this for me I'll give you 20% of the profits of selling it to the guild"

The merchant bowed down before he spoke respectfully

"Please leave it to me, your lordship"

Mike nodded and jumped off the corpse of the lizard before he turned to face it and spun the knife around before he grabbed the front leg of the lizard and quite simply pulled it onto its back before he stepped up onto the carcass and stabbed into it where it's heart was located and quickly dug out a monster core, looking at it for a few moments Mike did something that the merchant nor the adventures ever expected, he opened his mouth and bit down on the core, after a few moments the core broke as Mike took a bite out of it and chewed on the rock-like pieces making loud crunching sounds, then after a few moments he took another bit before he looked at the adventures and the merchant and asked


The merchant lowered his gaze before he managed to stammer out


The night passed and Mike spent his time laying on top of a carriage looking up at the sky, the next morning Mike doze off as the carriages moved through the forest, he woke up around midday when the convoy was stopped and walked over to the carriage which had been hurriedly mortified the day before to carry the giant lizard and looked at it before he took out the knife and cut out a rather big piece of dried up meat and began eating it

'It's actually not that bad... Tastes like jerky Chicken jerky'

Over the 3 day travel before the convoy, Mike ate about 50 kilograms of meat a day, of course, most of that meat was converted into tiny amounts of elder blood that flowed through his veins as they arrived at the city on the edge of the forest most of the giant lizard's meat was consumed by Mike, as he walked behind the convoy that passed through the gates ahead he was suddenly stopped by the guards


Mike tilted his head and asked


The guards let out sneers as one of them spoke

"We don't want your kind here, leave you dirty non-human!"

"Ohh~ Really..? Well, I was looking for a test subject to test out my new spell so let's see"

Mike began circulating his mana, the guards instantly paled as they realized how fast Mike was circulating his mana but before they could ask for forgiveness Mike spoke an incantation

"[Blood domination]"

The guards froze before a series of loud carking sounds was heard coming from their bodies as their limps suddenly twisted in strange directions as their very own blood suddenly began moving without their control, then suddenly their skin fractured as blood splattered out onto the ground form numerous wounds on their bodies, Mike showed a slight frown before he muttered

"This is harder to use than I thought Oh well, it's probably also because they are so fragile"

Mike shrugged and stepped over the corpses as he walked into the city

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