Blood demon leveling

Chapter 132: How to [Control] your 'snake'

Chapter 132: How to [Control] your 'snake'

Mike approached the doors to the boss and pushed them open before he stepped inside the boss room, as soon as he looked he spotted something different, that was a cyan glowing crystal in the middle of the room that lit up the room, though most of the crystal was covered By a giant sleeping


The 'Snake' twitched slightly before it opened its eyes and looked at Mike, Mike could feel besides the overwhelming pressure that this 'snake' possessed wisdom, getting clod feet he spoke out in a slightly apologetic tone

"Excuse me, I was just leaving Sorry to disrupt your sleep"

Mike took a step back before he heard the sound of the doors to the boss room slamming shut

"Oh, motherf---"

Before Mike could finish cursing the 'snake' suddenly lashed out with its tail, using it as a whip it stuck to remove Mike's head from his shoulders, Mike only just managed to duck before he felt the air pressure blast him away before he slammed into the walls of the boss room

"...Okay snake Now I am mad, I'm going to eat you Without any ketchup"

Mike felt the atmosphere freeze before a voice appeared in his head

[Snake!? You mere mortal call me, the mighty dragon Azroth, a SNAKE!?]

"...Oh shit"

Mike summoned his wings that flapped with all their might and carried him off the wall he was stuck on before the 'snake' stuck out again with its tail smashing the wall where Mike had just been standing, the 'snake' continued striking out after Mike with its tail creating sonic booms after sonic booms as its tail stuck empty air as Mike dodged, it didn't, however, miss completely as Mike had to reform his wings multiple times

'At this rate, I am going to run out of blood before I get anywhere Fuck it, you better be able to cut through its scales partner!'

Mike decided to put it in the fuck-it-bucket and rick it for the biscuit, but not before a little prep, he gritted his teeth and slowed down ever so slightly before he purposely got hit on the left shoulder by the 'snake' tail, there was no crack sound as his bones got pulverized at once by the immense force, it was a sheer stroke of luck that it didn't turn his shoulder into a bloody mist with such force, it paid off however as Mike got the result he wanted as his [Blood for blood] skill kicked in and covered most of his bare chest with sinister vermilion runes before he flapped his wings with all his might flying past the 'snake' and slashing at its scales with the knife sending out a loud clang in the boss room as he passed it and flew into the opposite wall as the 'snake' stuck him in the back with its tail, Mike fell down from the wall, luckily the 'snake' had struck him in the lower back and pluvrized his spine along with making a mush out his guts

'This is a 9'

Mike laid on his back with his head facing the 'snake' and looked at it as a voice appeared in his head again

[Any last words, mortal?]

"Yeah [Control]"

Then a shiver went though the 'snake' before it screamed out in pain as it trashed around in pain, Mike heard the voice in his head again

[You! You are no mortal!!! A demon!!! You are a DEMON!!! AAAGGGRRRHHH!!! MY SOUL!!!]


Mike ignored the 'snake' trashing around and used [Drink] to regenerate his spine along with his shoulder and guts, as he lay on the ground looking into the ceiling with the 'snake' thrashing around as background music he wondered what he should eat once he left the dungeon

"...Maybe stake? No Grilled snake"

A few hours passed before Mike managed to regain feeling in his toes, this he took as a sign that his spine was back in full force and sat himself up facing the wall, then he stretched his lower back before he stood up and turned around, there he saw the 'snake' 'knelling' on the ground facing him

[It thills me that you are awake master]

"Yeah morning Sna--- Not, I guess you are a real dragon huh"

Miek looked at the dragon in front of him for a bit, it was like a Chinese dragon, about 200 meters long, though it was hard to detriment its length as it was coiled around the cyan crystal still, it had whiskers on its face and its scales was a brilliant sky blue, though Mike knew that would change once he used [Evole] on it

"So Tell me your name again"

[Yes master, this one is called Azroth]

"Okay Azroth, what is that you got there?"

[This is the core of the dungeon, a dungeon crystal, I use it to nourish and strengthen my body]

"I see Can you control it?"

[Yes, I can change its size and color, I hope Master don't mind the cyan glow it reminds me of my home]

"...Then can you change its size to something more Edible?"

[Yes master]

Azroth uncoiled itself from the crystal and soon it shrunk down to the size of a fist

[But master I would not recommend eating it, it contains the force of the entire dungeon, all monster crystals and cores that are yet to be spawned are kept in this crystal]

"That sounds exactly as I hoped, give it here"

[...Yes master]

The crystal floated over and landed in Mike's hand before he muttered

" goes nothing"

Mike took the crystal up to his mouth and took a bite out of it before he began chewing on the crystal, shards cut the inside of his mouth but to Mike such pain was nothing, then he swallowed And after a few seconds, he felt fine and spoke

"See? Nothing happ---"

Mike felt his heartbeat harder than normal all of a sudden, it was as if a sledgehammer had hit him in the chest and then came the dizziness, he stumbled to his knees before he felt his heartbeat once more, this time it felt as if a truck hit him in the chest, he clenched his teeth and fists as he hyperventilated, though he could feel it, inside his body his blood was being converted to elder blood at the highest speed

'Though It's Still Going To Take A Few Hours At Best'

Mike sat up, it had been about 16 hours since he took a bite of the dungeon crystal and his heartbeat was begging to become normal again

[Good morning master]


Mike closed his eyes and felt his elder blood, it had become about half of his blood now, a major improvement from only a quarter before

"Right where's the rest of the dungeon crystal?"

[It's right here master]

Mike looked over and saw a clear crystal and paused before he asked

"Why isn't glowing anymore?"

[That's because the reaming energy has leaked out and dispersed]

"I see Tough there should still be some energy left right?"

[Yes, though it's very little compared to before]

"Okay You can eat it Azroth"

[Thank you, master]

"Well then Let's head to the surface"

Mike walked over to a wall and took out a stone of passage and pressed it against the wall But nothing happened

"Umm Azroth?"

[When master ate part of the dungeon crystal master killed the dungeon, so stones of passage don't work anymore]

"...Well fuck me sideways Anyway let's get out of here"

[Yes master]

Not having to kill monsters, which the dungeon now had zero of or bosses the trip upwards was way faster than the trip down, still, it took the two of them a week to reach the surface, and once they reached the surface Mike walked out of the dungeon to scout out the situation now that he had 'killed' the dungeon and at once he was faced with a group of soldiers that sounded an alarm before they, in their very expensive looking mana powered armor, took a formation around Mike and ordered him


Mike ignored them and closed his eyes as he basked in the sunlight for the first time in over a month, the soldiers weren't patient as one of them drew their sword and slashed out at Mike, as a result, his head turned into a bloody mist along with his helmet, the other soldiers backed off with fear in their eyes as they looked towards the entrance of the dungeon where a black scaled tail slowly crept back into

"What's going on here!?"

Mike opened his eyes and saw a newcomer, from his mana he could judge that the person was level 6, quite an achievement for such an island such as this, when he saw Mike he yelled

"You there! Explain what happened to the dungeon when you were down there and why new monsters aren't appearing!"

Mike shrugged

"Well it's simple, I killed the dungeon by eating the dungeon crystal"

The man looked like he popped a vein before he yelled again

"You! Do you have any idea how much revenue this dungeon generated! Nevermind, soldiers capture this heinous criminal so the king can personally torture him to death!"

None of the soldiers moved and then suddenly the level 6 man saw a flash from the dungeon entrance, the glass on his glasses had reflected the sunlight into the entrance, and as he was wondering what could have reflected the light back a blur shot out from the dungeon entrance, this was the last trying he saw as his head turned into a bloody mist, his body spasmed once or twice before it fell to the ground

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