Blood demon leveling

Chapter 133: Quest for the strongest monster

Chapter 133: Quest for the strongest monster

"Nice one Azroth"

[Your words honor me, master]

Mike stepped over the corpse of the now-dead level 6 man and walked onwards, as he did Azroth slowly emerged from the dungeon entrance, their body was covered in pitch-black scales with a vermilion red pattern running along their body, besides that their eyes had also turned an eerie shade of vermilion that seemed to glow in the dark, panic ensued, to say the least when they flew above the city and let out a roar, but Mike heard a much more childish sounding voice in his head

[Hahahaha!!! Sunshine!!! It feels good after several hundred years underground!!!]

Mike let Azroth have their fun while he looked on as they flew through the air dancing in the sunshine for a while before they landed in front of Mike with a bowed head

[Aplogize master, I lost myself for a moment]

"I don't mind, some says a demon is one that acts on all their impulses and instincts, so I don't mind"

[...Your words have made me very happy master, let me show you that happiness!!!]

Mike felt the mana gather around Azroth, as it did their scales lit up with an eerie red glow before it began channeling up their long body towards their mouth before they opened their mouth wide and a ball of energy gathered before they let out a dragon's breath into the sky in the form of vermilion flames that fell down onto the city, screams of terror and pain sounded out all around Mike as the inhabitants of the city felt their skin melt clean off their bones leaving behind charred black skeletons, it was truly a hellscape, Mike showed a slight smile before he summoned his wings and flew into the sky along with Azroth heading off into the distance

A few days later Mike landed on the ground near another city, besides him landed another 'person', this 'person' was wrapped in a robe that showed off their clearly masculine figure with a wide chest and strong-looking arms, looking at the face of this 'person' it became clear why it wasn't quite a person as their mouth was missing, only two eyes that were vertical slit vermilion red showed along with a sunken nose which was nothing more than two holes in their face, besides that they had a tail that along with most of their body was covered in scales, this was Azroth in a More human from

[Is it really necessary to stop here master?]

"Yeah I am not like you, I can't fly forever Besides, we need some supplies for crossing the ocean to the next island"

[Understood master Though I do not see why you don't just take what you want?]

"Hmm Good question I suppose I still am human on some points, I haven't truly become a demon yet, besides interacting with people like you're above them all the time becomes boring, even if it's true"

[Hmm Your logic is far from that of dragons]

"That's because I am a demon, well almost anyways"

[That's true... ]

"Well then let's go"

Mike and Azroth passed through the gates of the city without any problem and soon arrived at the guild where Mike momentarily churned his mana to clear out the line of people in front of him and arrived at the decks where he spoke arrogantly to the receptionist

"Take me to see your guild master, I don't have all day so make it quick"

"I'm sorry Sir That's...."

When the receptionist began trying to refuse Mike she was suddenly subjected to a massive amount of killing intent that slowed down her speech before she outright passed out, the source of this killing intent was Azroth that then looked over at another receptionist and sent over a voice transmission

[Are you going to refuse my master too?]

"N-N-No, please follow after me sirs"

The receptionist showed Mike and Azroth the way to the guild masters room and knocked on the door, soon a short-tempered voice came from inside


The receptionist opened the door and spoke out

"Some high-level people are here to see you guild master"

Azroth stepped in along with Mike just as the guild master asked

"...Exactly how high level?"

Mike showed a sneer before he spoke

"High enough to twist your little filthy head off before you notice, wanna try?"

The guild master who turned out to be a rough-looking woman narrowed her eyes before she shook her head and sat back down

"No, I would rather keep my head attached"

Mike showed a slight smile as he shook his head

"A shame, it's been a long time since my partner have tasted the blood of a woman"

"...So two non-humans come to my door, I wonder what they want?"

Mike's eye twitched slightly before he asked

"What? You don't like ma' horns?"

The guild master's face soured before she spoke plainly

"No, I find you're non-human face an affront to everything holy"

Mike's smile stiffened slightly before he suddenly disappeared from view and reappeared in front of the study desk that the guild master was sitting behind and then kicked it, the desk splintered to pieces fragmenting into pieces which destroyed the guild masters body like a water balloon filled with ketchup hitting a bat at supersonic speeds, it was quite the mess and it not only destroyed the guild master it also broke down the side of the building and the one next over

[Master Was that according to the plan?]

"Ah Kind of?"

[...I see, should we proceed to slaughter the rest of the city]

"Nah let's just move to the next city on foot"

Mike turned around and found a stunned looking receptionist looking at him with clear terror on her face and sighed before he decided to leave through the opening he had created in the building, jumping from the first floor he landed safely on the street and began walking with Azroth following after him, no one stood in their way, after all, they had just annihilated the guild masters office (guild master included)...

After a refreshing 5 day walk the two of them arrived at another city, one which Mike once again didn't care enough about to memorize its name, after checking in at an inn Mike and Azroth left to visit the local guild where they once again made a receptionist show them to the guild masters office, this time the guild master personally came and opened the door for them and gestured for Mike and Azroth to sit down, Mike watched this with a smile on his face before he suddenly spoke

"I take it you have heard what happened to that other guild master?"

The guild master froze for a moment before he let out a slightly nervous sounding laugh

"Hahaha Yeah, I heard this morning"

"I see, then are you going to get stuck on our looks and get your face turned into paste, or are we going to do business?"

"...Let's do business"

Mike showed a slight smile before he leaned back on the couch

"You see this is actually a heaven-sent opportunity for your island, it's quite simple, me and Azroth here are bored so we were thinking that we would kill something for you"

The guild master paused before he asked

"Just to make sure what are your levels?"

Mike showed a smile before he spoke a single word


The guild master trembled slightly before he calmed himself and asked

"So by saying you want to kill something what do you have in mind?"

Mike shugged

"It's simple, anything really As long as we get probably compensated for it"

The guild master fell silent for a moment before he asked

"So as long as it's here on the island you'll kill anything..?"

"Even your king if you so desire Just remember that you have to pay us for our work"

The guild master fell silent for a few moments before he asked

"Would you mind waiting a few days? I would like to aks the other guilds about monsters around the island"

"Sure, then we'll return in 3 days time"

Mike stood up from the couch and walked out of the office along with Azroth that asked him

[Would it not be faster to steal that money instead of earring it like this master]

"Yeah it would, I could take the king hostage and demand a ransom But I have a feeling that we need the help once we arrive at the continent"

[...So you are not going to kill the strongest monster on this island master?]

Mike showed a bright smile

"No, I am going to tame it and use it as cannon fodder once we arrive on the continent"

[I see You truly are wise master]

"Yeah well I am not going to die in this world again After all, there's someone waiting for me"

[I am sure that the mistress will be happy to see you alive master]

Mike looked in the direction of the continent and thought for a moment before he showed a wry smile

"...Yeah once she's finished slapping the shit out of me"

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