Blood demon leveling

Chapter 135: Acquire currency

Chapter 135: Acquire currency

Mike churned his mana as the king turned paler and paler by the moment, then Mike spoke

"You must really be weak since you got done in by mere beasts"

Then he suddenly stopped spinning the knife around and kicked off the desk he sat on instantly appearing in front of the king and slashed out with the knife, but it would not be that easy as a transparent barrier appeared in front of the knife and blocked it with a loud clang noise as the king was sent flying backward, the king used that momentum and flew off deeper into the castle, Mike let out a laugh and summoned his wings of blood and flew after him with a mighty flap of his wings that also smashed the knights that were closing in on him from the sides into a bloody paste and shattered the windows of the castle as he flew off after the king that fled for his life, alas the flying speed of the king was about half that of Mike so Mike quickly caught up and yelled as he slashed at the barrier

"Here's Mike~"

The king let out a frightened scream and tired to fly even faster

'He's not fleeing, he's heading towards somewhere'

Mike wasn't stupid so he noticed this and as a smile crept onto his face he purposely slowed down his speed somewhat, eager to see where the king was going

'No, I can't get careless'

Mike quickly started taking this serious and attacked in full force by first flapping his wings with all his might breaking any last shard of glass remaining in a radius of a few kilometers as he slashed into the barrier around the king with the knife, to his surprise the barrier actually broke as he slashed a part of it clean off this seemed to harm the king as he coughed up blood and crashed heavily onto the floor, and after rolling a few times he came to a stop, Mike walked over and kicked him once waking him from his fainted state as he let out a scream of pain

"Oi you don't have time to be sleeping, you still owe me 14.400.000"

The king was in agonizing pain still he spoke

"My territory only makes around 5.000.000 a year, I can't possibly pay you!"

Mike frowned slightly before he asked

"Then how much can you pay?"

The king got up onto his knees and spoke

"...Around 8.000.000"

Mike showed a wry smile and before the king managed to react he appeared beside him and left a cut on his face as he spoke


The king's eyes went blank as his viewpoint changed to above his own body as his soul was being extracted, then his vision turned dark

"Here master, this crystal card holds 10.000.000"

"See was that so hard?"

"No master"

Mike took the crystal card before he spoke one word


As the king begged Mike to take back his order in an increasingly desperate voice, Mike walked out of the treasure room and into a courtyard where he summoned his wings and flew up into the air past the clouds where Azroth waited for him and spoke

"Burn the city down"

"Yes master"

The clouds parted as hellfire rained from above setting the entire city alight, Mike looked down on the once prominent city with a slight smile on his face, after Azroth completed his order Mike spoke

"Let's go"

"Yes, master If I may, I would like to ask one question?"

"Sure ask away"

"Why did you kill the king?"

"Because he insulted me by trying to weasel out of our agreement, if he had told the truth I would have let him live"

"The truth?"

"Yeah about how much he could pay, he first stated that he only could pay 8.000.000, but he had 10.000.000 in storage"

"Ah I see, such insolence"

"Yeah, that's why I killed him"

"I understand now master"

Mike nodded and flapped his wings that carried him far off into the horizon, Azroth followed after him

After flying for another week Mike and Azroth arrived at a port city, this was their last stop on this island before they would head to the next island, which apparently was named Aspoh according to Azroth, from his chats with Azroth Mike knew he had come from the continent so he had passed through before some 400 years ago, sadly the route had faded from his memory so they couldn't just fly to the continent, besides they needed to carry the clicking cats too, when they arrived in the port city Mike brought up a ship, he had decided to head directly to the continent, a journey that would take about 2 months by ship, at least he could meditate and raise his strength all the while too

'Plus I need to experiment with the elder blood too'

Boarding the SS Unsinkable II (Mike renamed it after he brought it) Mike ordered the crew to load up with enough food to last the entire crew years, then once they were out at sea he used [Control] on the entire crew before he ordered them to sail back to the dock that they had just left, the port city now looked vastly different as the Clicking cats had killed and eaten every single person and animal in the city after attacking it at night.

Finished picking up the Clicking cats the ship headed out to sea again and linked up with the Skull whales and began sailing towards the continent, this journey would as said take them 2 months, but due to the big eaters onboard it was likely that it would take longer since they needed to resupply on the way

"Now then, let's see how this works I need a test subject"

Mike picked one of the crew at random and had them lay down in front of him as he used the knife to cut his finger as he spoke

"[Elder blood bestowal]"

One drop of vermilion blood dripped down and landed on the forehead of the male crew member, then the changes began with him screaming in pain as his body underwent changes rapidly, on the ends of his fingers claws grew out and two small horns grew out from his forehead, after a while, the changes seemed to stop as the person stabilized, after talking with his new and improved pawn Mike found out that their strength as a level 4 person now could compare with a level 5, and that was without having used [Evole] on them, their claws were also retractable

"Good, let's try another drop of blood then [Elder blood bestowal]"

From there the changes really started as his body grew short red fur and his eyes turned beastly to look at, besides that his feet also grew claws which were just as sharp as the ones on his hands, besides that his strength and basic agility could now be compared with a level 6 person

"Another one [Elder blood bestowal]"

The days passed quickly, soon the ship of horrors reached the next island where they as expected had to stop and stock up on food once again, then they made their way down the east side of the island of Aspoh, Mike used his time to meditate most of the time, that and eating the only other thing he did was sleep until one day there was a knock on the door to his cabin, Mike stopped his meditation and opened his eyes before he called out

"It's open"

Azroth opened the door and stepped in before he kneeled down onto the ground and spoke out respectfully

"Master, another ship has been following us for the past hour, their intentions seem Sinister"

"So pirates?"

"Yes master, pirates"

Mike breathed out a sigh, a long one at that before he ordered

"Don't sink the ship, keep it as intact as you can As for the pirates themself, break their spirits and capture them alive, as many as possible that is"

"Yes master"

Mike muttered as he watched Azroth walk out of the cabin

"Those poor bastards"

Once Azroth walked out onto the deck he changed his form back to that of a vermilion dragon and flew into the air before he sent mental messages to the other servants

[Master has ordered us to capture the pirate ship and its crew intact, break their spirits and make sure to not get too wild!]

Azroth then looked over toward the pirate ship and saw that it was turning around, surely they had realized how much shit they were in when they saw a literal dragon appear on the ship they were chasing, the Skull whales rose to the surface and allowed the crew to get on their backs as they swam towards the pirate ship, speaking of the crew of 28, all of them had a strange vermilion mark on their foreheads, it looked like a star, soon the Skull whales neared the pirate ship, the pirates fired off arrows towards the Skull whales and even a harpoon that was lunched with frightening speeds, it sped through the air and just as it was about to impale one of Mike's crew members he surprisingly caught it with his bare hand, then he turned around and yelled

"Alright you lot, you better not disappoint master!"


Then he turned back towards the pirate ship and let out a beastly howl as he suddenly grew horns and red fur all over his body, the rest of the crew did the same as they turned into horned werewolves and jumped from the Skull whales onto the pirate ship

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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