Blood demon leveling

Chapter 134: Clicking cats

Chapter 134: Clicking cats

Mike and Azroth spend the 3 days time lazing around in their inn rooms, both of them being dudes they didn't feel the need to socialize as much with the only communication from either side being about going out to eat together, other than that there wasn't really much talk between the two of them, this suited Mike fine as he spent his time meditating, slowly growing stronger as he moved closer to the 400 circulations per minute, this completely paralyzed the entire city of course as the mana sensitive people in the city felt his overbearing presence constantly, but Mike didn't really care about that, he only cared about seeing Julie soon

'That said, I don't want to die again so I will be better prepared this time'

This preparation included Azroth of course, that was one of the reasons he had used [Control] on him in the first place, he needed to grow his group of high-level people and strong monsters at his back so that he could live peacefully with Julie at the top of the world

'Well first is this meeting'

Mike got up from the bed and got dressed before he walked out of his room, at the same time Azroth walked out of his room and greeted Mike

[Good morning master]

"Yeah Morning Azroth Let's go to the guild"

Azroth nodded and followed after Mike, soon the two of them arrived at the guild and walked inside, the room instantly turned silent before people parted for them, Mike walked ahead and straight up the stairs to the first floor before he opened the door to the guild master office and found the guild master sitting inside behind his desk, he was currently going over some documents with a serious expression on his face, though when he looked up from the documents he showed a smile and spoke

"Sirs, please take a seat"

Mike nodded and walked over and took a seat on the couch before he asked

"So have you found a monster for us?"

"Ah yes After talking with the other guild masters through high-speed letters, I believe I have managed to find the most dreadful monster on the entire island"

"Then let's hear it"

"Certainly, this is the beast"

The guild master showed a painting he had on his desk as he spoke

"It's called a Clicking cat"

Mike looked at the painting, it seemed to be depicting a van-sized panther covered in white bone armor, but upon further study, it wasn't armored it was an external bone structure that covered its vital spots, all in all, it looked like a panther wearing a bigger skeleton as a Halloween costume, so besides the two sets of teeth (one external and one inside its mouth) and the sharp-looking claws it looked

"Cute I'll take it"


"It's nothing, where does this monster dwell?"

"At the center of this island, on the only mountain"

"I see Let's discuss payment"

'800.000 Score'

Mike clenched a fist as he walked out of the guild masters office from there the two of them walked out of the guild and back to the inn and checked out before they walked out onto the streets again and Mike muttered

"[Wing's of blood]"

Mike flew up into the sky with Azroth reverting to his original form and following after him while letting out a roar

FInding the central mountain proved rather easy as it pieced above the clouds rather far, Mike wanted to fly to the top but felt that something dreadful was dwelling up there, so he and Azroth quickly dipped below the cloud layer and focused on finding the Clicking cat, after landing in the dense forest around the mountain Mike walked around alone for about half a day before he finally found the Clicking cat, or rather it found him

"So that's why it's called a Clicking cat"

Mike heard the clicking sounds all around him like a crescendo before it suddenly stopped as the Clicking cat pounced out from the brushes and stuck out after Mike with its claws, even though it stuck from behind Mike easily dodged its claws and then slashed out with lightning speed at the Clicking cat with the knife leaving behind a shallow cut on its fur

"And that's that... [Control]"

Mike ignored the Clicking cat while it trashed around on the ground in pain as it soul was being extracted and replaced with something darker, then something unexpected happened The clicking sounds started again, only this time they were louder and more numerous, Mike spun the knife around before he looked at the Clicking cat that was trashing around still and asked

"So You guys live in a pack?"

Mike dodged to the side as another Clicking cat pounced at him, while it passed him he used the knife to leave a cut on it, this continued for a bit as he dodged variously sized Clicking cats, by the end when he used [Control] there was 14 of them lying on the ground trashing around (though the first one was done changing at this point)

"Well, that's that I hope"

The first Clicking cat came over to Mike and began marking him with its whiskers while purring before it seemed to gesture for Mike to follow it, Mike followed after the Clicking cat after sending a mental message to Azroth to look after the other 13 Clicking cats that still were changing, after walking for a while the two arrived at a cave where Mike once again heard a clicking sound and showed a full-on smile as he saw the small Clicking cat cubs come out of the cave

"...This is the cutest thing I've seen in a long time"

Mike quickly used [Control] on the 4 cubs

"Well then I think that guild master owes me an explanation"

It took half a week to return to the city where Mike had made a deal with the guild master, Mike rode in on the biggest Clicking cat with the rest of the pack following after him, he had already gotten used to the frightened screams from the guards as well as the general people from the other cities they had passed through, the pack continued trotting until they reached the guild where they waited for Mike as he walked inside and straight up to the guild masters office where he kicked open the door and saw a very surprised looking guild master

"So here we are again"

Mike drew the knife and spun it around as he approached the guild master that began speaking

"S-S-S-Sir I didn't believe I would see you so soon again, w-w-what a wonderful surprise!"

"Indeed, here I am with a total of 18 Clicking cats, so that's 14.400.000 that you owe me"

"Sir, no your lordship please allow me to explain!"

Mike gestured for him to continue and as he explained the situation became clear, it turned out that it was the king of the island that had pulled the strings, he had previously tried to clear out the Clicking cats from the mountain so that he could exploit the natural resources of the mountain but he had failed only surviving at the cost of his left arm

"I see Which way to the capital?"

The guild master looked conflicted for a moment before he quickly explained Mike the way to the capital with a defeated look on his face

"Please forgive me, your lordship, I was acting under orders"

"Don't worry I forgive you"

The guild master breathed out a sigh of relief before he looked around and didn't see Mike, then the next moment the temperature in the room instantly raised as Azroth breathed flames setting the entire build alight, Mike walked down the street as the screams of the people inside sounded out as he muttered

"That doesn't mean Azroth does hehe"

Mike quickly summoned his wings and took off flying towards the capital, he had Azroth follow after him in the skies and the Clicking cats run into the wild

"Your majesty Your majesty Please awaken"

The king awoke, he was slightly dazed as if he had just had a dream or some sort of nightmare perhaps, anyway awake he was so it was time for the days work, he got out of bed and was soon dressed by the servants before he walked out of the royal bedroom and was followed by a few knights as well as hs personal secretary that began speaking of the days work, the king nodded along and as they reached his office he was filled in on the days work and ready to begin, but as he reached to open the door to the office he sensed something wrong and called out as he began circulating his mana, the knights quickly caught on and drew their swords before the first guard opened the door to the office and walked in, then there was silence before a horrifying scream sounded out, then came an unfamiliar voice

"Come in please, we have much to discuss"

The king thought for a moment before he nodded and spoke

"Alright, I am coming in now"

The king stepped into the office, the first thing he saw was the body of the knight that laid on the floor, oddly enough there was no smell of blood


The king looked up and saw a male non-human sitting on his desk, this particular non-human had two horns on their head that seemed to be slightly blue, there was something odd about him, he was too confident facing the king of the island

'So a level 7 or some level 5 or 6 spoiled brat from the continent'

The king showed a slight smile and asked

"So What do you want I wonder?"

The non-human showed a smile and spoke

"800.000 per Clicking cat, given the fact that there were 18 you owe me 14.400.000"

The king gave a sigh and spoke

"Oh, you're here about that? Please see your self out before my mood spoils There's no way that a mere non-human brat took out 18 Clicking cats"

The non-human didn't seem like he heard what the king just said he simply asked

"So you have no intention of paying me? Even though that will mean that I'll burn down your city after I drain your blood?"

The king churned his mana as he yelled

"Outrageous! Knights kill this daft non-human!"

Just as the words left the mouth of the king an overwhelming aura swept out over the entire city, the king stumbled backward as he looked at the non-human in horror as his circulations kept rising nearly reaching 400 per minute, then before the king could say anything the non-human spoke

"That's a crying shame I believed we could keep things civil Oh well"

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