Blood demon leveling

Chapter 142: Kill order

Chapter 142: Kill order

Mike woke up, or at least it seemed like he did, he was back in space again, in front of him was the elder, they sighed once they saw him

"Still too weak What are you even doing with your time?"

Mike looked at the elder demon that was sighing deeply, then the elder demon spoke again

"No matter I should really not have put all my eggs in one basket"

Mike keep silent, he was slightly angry being called weak all the time

"Oh..? It seems that you have at least used the elder blood I gave you for something, guess I can paise you for that, oh right I need you to do something This person needs to die"

A person appeared in Mike's head, she looked to be in her early teens with twin tails of blonde hair, one look at her told Mike she was an annoying person, the overly happy kind who had everything going for them

"...Gladly Where do I find this person?"

The elder demon showed a smile that chilled Mike to the core

"She's on the continent, in the east, waging war against the non-humans for the Uglalian family, she's very much like you, an elder has put its hopes on this mortal, she is its inheritor, that's why I need you to snuff her out before she grows stronger"

Mike smiled and nodded as he spoke

"I'll send my servants to find and assassinate her"

The elder demon frowned slightly before they sighed and spoke

"You seem to be underestimating her Oh well, this is a learning experience too I guess, now go young one And remember I am counting on you"

Miek woke up in his bed, he sat up and got out of bed leaving Julie behind in dreamland before he walked over and sat down at a desk and lit a candle before he began drawing the picture of the woman he had just been assigned to kill, then he called a servant mentally who soon opened the door and kneeled down


Mike nodded and handed the piece of paper to her as he spoke

"Duplicate this and make sure every one of you sees it, it's a target for elimination that's working for the Uglalian family in the east"

"Yes master"

The servant left and closed the door after her, Mike turned around and saw Julie sitting up in bed while rubbing her eyes looking at him

"What's up?"

Mike showed a smile and walked back over to the bed and sat down next to Julie and gave her a kiss on the forehead before he spoke

"It can wait until tomorrow"


Julie wrapped her arms around Mike and laid down on the bed with him, soon the two of them drifted back to sleep

A scream sounded out inside the small room, they were being tortured by a woman around 20 years old

"Come on now! If you tell me where your nest is I'll let you go~"



The woman clicked her tongue before she walked over to the 'instrument' table and grabbed a scalpel then she walked back over to the table where the non-human that used to have long ears were being strung up, she hummed a happy tune that ended abruptly before she spoke

"What's up with this, I thought non-humans didn't have feelings?"

"You psycho bitch!"

"Again with the petty insults Whatever I am tired of this"

The woman stabbed the scalpel into the non-human in a non-lethal spot before she turned around and left the room, she was Jane, the woman Mike had been assigned to kill by the elder demon, she walked up the stairs and back to her room while ignoring the people around her, there she stripped down and took a shower where she muttered

"I just want to go home No, no I am here for a reason!"

She slapped her cheeks as she looked determined, she had been given a mission by a higher power, an archangel in fact

"I got to rid this world of the dirty non-humans that roam the land, corrupting it with their presence!"

That she firmly believed, she also firmly believed that she was the one in the right, that's right in her eyes she wasn't doing anything wrong by massacring non-humans by the hundred thousand, in fact, she thought herself a lone heroine burdened with an immense task which she had to carry alone

"I will carry out my task Even if it takes me a hundred years!"

She dearly wished to return home, to Earth, to her family in France Little did she know that they were little but dried rotten corpses by now thanks to Mike's last visit

Mike woke up, or it would be more accurate to say that he was woken up by Julie that poked his forehead

"Mike, you'll miss training if you sleep any longer"

"I'm up"

Mike sat himself up and stretched for a few seconds before he turned to Julie and asked

"What's up?"

Julie pouted slightly as she spoke

"You told me you would tell me what happened last night?"

"Oh right"

Mike briefly went over the fact that he had been called by the elder demon again to be insulted once more for his weakness before they gave him a task

"---So I have to kill this woman, which is going to be easy"

"...I cant help but feel that you are underestimating her though"

"It's fiiiine~ No way she can handle a death squad sent by me"

"...If you say so, anyway, let's go train"


The training they were talking about was a little special, it was flight training in a nearby forest, since they had both gotten wings Mike argued that it would be a good idea to master then, after all using was different from being used to, Miek spread out his wings as he reached treetop level, this slowed him down to a stop by the time he reached around 2 meters from above the ground, then he flapped his wings twice and folded them in as he weaved in between the trees by maneuvering with a single wing, for example when he passed a tree on his left side he would fold out his right side wing and vise versa, from there it was simply a question of raising his speed, this was, of course, easier said than done, thus the training, after flying for the entire day Mike returned to the city with Julie that had done the same kind of flight training as he had, they returned by racing each other at low altitude a race which Julie won by a paper-thin margin due to the fact that she was better at breaking her speed at the end than Mike was


Mike sighed before he showed a smile and walked over and fulfilled his part of the bet as he kissed Julie on the cheek, then Julie took his hand and the two of them walked back into the city as they undid their wings, while they walked around the city Mike felt some eyes on him he could recognize, after staying in the city for about a month he had a good idea of the people in the city and their general acceptance of non-humans, but this felt different

"...Like they are trying their best at hiding their disgust"

"You feel it too Mike?"

"Yeah, though don't worry, I've already tagged them"

Julie showed a smile and spoke one of Mike's most used lines when it came to being followed

"Tag 'em and bag 'em"


A red light flashed in Mike's eyes as his vision suddenly expanded and changed to the servants that were closing in on the people that were keeping an eye on them and soon they were bagged without any problems, Mike returned his vision to normal and he gave Julie's hand a squeeze

"Let's go find out who they are"

Soon they found themselves inside the usual warehouse, there were a total of 7 people, when Mike saw them he clicked his tongue and asked

"What happened to the last person I tagged?"

"...I am very sorry master They were a level 7 and got away by flying"


Mike began walking back and forth while his thoughts churned, eventually, he calmed down and noticed Julie was looking at one of the people with a particular... interest

"Hey, Mike Can I have that one?"

"Sure, just let me pump them for information first"

"But I am really hungry all of a sudden"

"Fine, then eat her now if you want"

"Yay! You're the best Mike"

Julie walked over to the bound woman and pointed a finger at her forehead, then after a few moments a red crystal pierced her skin from beneath growing out until it was a few centimeters, then with a sudden moment she stabbed the crystal into the forehead of the woman that began twitching as her blood was drained, soon she was nothing but a dried-up corpse, Julie smiled from ear to ear

"Thanks, Mike, I luv you~"

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