Blood demon leveling

Chapter 143: Fleeing

Chapter 143: Fleeing

Mike sat with closed eyes and focused, he was trying to make contact with one of his servants, or maybe servant was the wrong word to use? Anyway, it was Serina he was trying to contact everything was fine as he released his consciousness and followed the 'tread' that was connecting them but when he got near he felt something which should have been gone a long time ago rejecting his advance, he felt Serina's will, this was a problem, to say the least

'None of my servants are supposed to have any free will This is troubling, to say the least If my servants suddenly all develop a will of their own Then I am finished'

Mike had shared this with Julie and she was aware of the problem this posed, the massive problem, this was not the only problem they had at the moment, of course, there was the fact that the Uglalian family had found them, the people Mike had caught all but one of yesterday had been members of the Uglalian family, this was bad for a couple of reasons, firstly Mike had 'cockblocked' their young master, yes 'cockblocked' in every sense of the word as he had 'kidnapped' his wife to be, this so-called wife to be was, of course, Julie who had no idea that she was being married off to another family, this was most likely to make sure that she wouldn't kill herself and cock up the ceremony, but that was a whole other can of worms which Mike didn't feel like getting into now


Mike sighed before he laid back onto the bed he was sitting on and looked up into the ceiling before he muttered

"Let's run"

Julie who was sitting in front of the mirror trimming her eyebrows heard him and asked undisturbed, the reason for her lack of reaction was that she too knew how screwed they were at the moment, after all, they had insulted a families honor, few people ever survived that

"Where though? Out into the island sea?"

"Nah Let's run inland"


"Yeah, the rulers of the island sea will be more than happy to earn favor with the Uglalian family by turning us over, it's the only option"

"Yeah, I can see that When do we run?"

Mike paused for a bit before he jumped up from the bed and spoke

"Now, right now! Get dressed for the wildlands, 60 seconds!"

"Got it!"

Mike closed his eyes and double-checked, he had set up an outer warning system of critters around the city in increments of 5 kilometers all the way out to 50 kilometers, and several of them had just spotted a group of around 50 people flying from the east, they were heading for the city

"40 seconds!"

Mike closed his eyes and began ordering the servants to mobilize as a distraction moving west, this included all the horned werewolves, the Clicking cats weren't in the city to start with so they had an easier time slipping away

"Yeah I got it, let's go!"

Mike grabbed a jacket and walked out of the room with Julie, then the two of them walked calmly to the north gate, they received travel backpacks on the way there by some non evolved servants, then they slipped out of the city unnoticed through a tunnel leading under the north wall which Mike had dug specifically to escape, there were tunnels heading east, west and south too but those were likely never going to be used, once they made sure no one noticed their escape they summoned their wings and began flying north, hugging the terrain as much as possible as to not be spotted by any other flying people

Frey was running in her transformed form, her heightened senses told her that there were less than 20 of them left by now, maybe if they fought they could take down a few of the attackers, but that wasn't their orders, their orders were to run while leaving behind as big a trail as they could, Frey showed a calm and collected smile as she continued to flee, even as her fellow servants were bing stuck down around her she felt immense joy, after all, she was following her master's orders, she was sure her fellow servants felt the same, even as they were being struck down their faces carried immense pride at being able to carry out their master's orders, even in their final moments, just then a lax voice sounded out from above

"Lady Jane Would you please, we have had enough hunting for today"


Frey saw it clearly, right in front of her white spears declined from the air ahead of her and the other fleeing servants, then transparent barriers formed in-between the spears forming a cage around the servants, Frey was about to ram her body into the barrier when she received new orders form her dear master and dug her claws into the ground, sliding herself to a halt as she turned around and looked at her pressures that descended from the sky, one of them she focused on, as for why it was simple, she had seen this woman before

"...The target"

Her eyes shone for a brief moment before she exchanged glances with the surviving 4 servants besides her to make sure they all were on the same page, they had to give their all to kill this woman, or at least draw out her trump cards and expose as much of her strength as possible, Frey relayed her thought to her master, then she shivered slightly when she received the go-ahead as a determined smile showed on her face

"Who wants to have a go now that Lady Jane has captured them?"

"Meh~ I got my fill earlier"

"Jhon, with that kind of determination you'll never hit level 8"

"I know, geez old man~"

Jane sighed before she looked down at the captives that were trapped in her barrier and for a moment she flinched slightly before she got the attention of the other people that were floating in the air with her

"It seems they have chosen"


All the remaining 5 horned werewolves were looking at her with excited, hungry looks, the female in the front raised her paw and pointed a finger at her before she spoke

"You there, you smell the most delicious! Why don't you come down so we can chew on you for a bit?"

Jane narrowed her eyes as she showed a thin smile, then she opened her hand and a silver spear moped into existence in her hand as she showed a thin smile

"Fine, I'll play with you~"

Mike suddenly landed on the ground as the two of them were fleeing, Julie sensed him descend and so she followed him down and when she saw how he looked she walked over and stroked his back before she caustically asked

"What is it, Mike?"

"She's A monster"

"What are you talking about Mike?"

"Our target, she was with the pursuit team... she's a monster, way worse than me"

Julie showed a concerned look, then she asked

"Then what do we do?"

"We run, now!"

Mike summoned his wings and took flight with Julie as he thought back on the fight, no, the execution was a more precise word to use and got the shivers

'Well it wasn't completely without merit, I learned somethings that will prove useful when I eventually face her And boy was the elder right, I underestimated her way too much'

Mike sighed as he flapped his wings flying off further north along with Julie

4 weeks later Mike and Julie arrived at the northmost city in the family region, they didn't feel welcome there as the hatred of non-humans was way worse than anything they had ever experienced before so they left the city soon thereafter and began flying further north across the great blood-soaked plains, Mike could feel the blood in the soil under him, as for the reason why the plains were called bloodsoaked was simple, it was here that the attacks from the non-humans were stopped, it was an endless grindstone, people were the grain and the plains was where they were ground into dust, Mike looked over at Julie, she was worn from fleeing as much as he was, her face was flushed by the smell of blood dormant in the ground, Mike sighed and patted her on the shoulder as the two of them looked ahead... After a day of travel they passed the bloodsoaked plains and reached the wilderness, in front of them was a virgin forest untouched by human hands, Mike and Julie landed on the ground and undid their wings before they took off their hoods and showed their horns and began walking into the forest, eyes were on them, hostile eyes

"It seems like they've noticed us"

"Seems so What should we do Mike?"

"We keep moving, don't summon your blade though"

"...Okay fine"

Mike nodded, on his back, he carried a worn travel backpack, and on his hip was the hammer Mjlner along with the knife in its sheath, it was giving off a faint vibration like it was filled with expectation, whether it was an expectation of feeding on new blood or it was the fact that it was getting closer to its forging place was uncertain

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