Blood demon leveling

Chapter 144: The wind spirit race

Chapter 144: The wind spirit race

Mike gradually came to a halt and stopped walking, so did Julie, for a bit the two of them just stood there and waited, then suddenly Mike leaned his body slightly to the side avoiding an arrow meant for his temple, then he sighed and spoke

"If we wanted to hurt you guys we would have done it before you called for back-up"

Julie nodded before she spoke in a chilling tone

"If you fire one more arrow at my husband I'll kill you all"

"Now, Now Julie We are here to seek shelter"

Silence fell over the forest for a few seconds before a figure emerged from the undergrowth, she had a slender figure and long ears and pointed her bow straight at Mike, Mike narrowed his eyes slightly, it sure didn't look like things were going as planned

"You, do you speak the truth?"

Mike nodded, then a chilling light went through the elf's eyes before she showed a smile and lowered her bow before she took something from her hip and threw it over towards Mike and Julie, it made a clang when the collars landed in front of them

"Put those on then!"

Mike picked up a collar and looked it over, he quickly studied the formations visible on the outside of the collar before he showed a wide smile and looked over at the elf

"A slave collar? You expect us to put these things on by our own free will?"

The elf readied her bow again before she spoke disdainfully

"It's that or you could just return the way you came"

Mike nodded as his smile got wider and he stated

"You guys are just like the humans of this world Why did I expect anything different"

Before the elf managed to come with a counter Mike disappeared from view


The elf looked around desperately trying to locate Mike when she failed she pointed her bow at Julie and yelled

"Where did he go!?"

Julie shrugged, she didn't feel threatened by this little girl pointing her bow at her, she simply crossed her arms and waited for Mike to return, a scream sounded out in the forest, it was cut short, however, then Mike's voice sounded out from among the trees

"That's all of them, Julie why don't you capture the last one..?"

Julie nodded and kicked off the ground, the elf now realized how screwed she was and let her arrow fly in as a last attempt at self-defense, but alas her hope was destroyed when Julie caught the arrow mid-flight with her bare hand, then before she managed to draw her sword she was knocked out cold by Julie, that turned towards Mike that emerged from the opposite side of the clearing caring two unconscious elvers

"What now Mike?"

"Now..? Have you ever had a cat, Julie? You know one of the ones from the shelter?"

Julie tilted her head slightly as she asked

"What do you mean Mike?"

Mike showed a wry smile as he explained

"Well to earn the trust of such a cat you have to be patient And ready to receive some scratches"

Julie nodded with a blank face before she asked plainly

"So can I kill them?"

Mike sighed

"No, not right now, just follow my lead okay?"


Time passed until it was night, the first elf awoke, she was surprised to find that she wasn't bond, nor was she hurt and nor was her weapons taken she instead lay on a blanket on the ground next to a fire that kept her warm, she sat herself up and looked around with a wary expression on her face when a voice sounded out

"Oh, you are awake?"

She hurriedly turned and drew her sword in one motion as she faced the voice, there she saw Mike sitting next to the fire with Julie cuddled up next to him under the same blanket, she was sleeping soundly, Mike, however, was looking right at the elf before he spoke

"You are free to go That is unless you want some food first?"

The elf watched him with a wary expression looking for openings, Mike, however, seemed oblivious to her hostility and asked

"By the way I have a question for you"

The elf quickly surveyed the area and found the rest of her squad was indeed laying next to her, they were still unconscious so she quickly decided to stall for time until they all awoke


Mike showed a smile before he asked

"What's your name?"

The elf paused, she wasn't expecting Mike to ask this question, after a brief pause she spoke


Mike nodded

"I see My name is Mike, I guess I can't say nice to meet you here can I?"

Mike shook his head slightly before he looked back into the fire, Kathrine became slightly nervous before she decided to go for a slightly bold strategy and asked Mike

"...Why are you in our land?"

Mike smiled slightly

"To seek shelter, with my wife We pissed off the wrong people"

Mike sighed before he seemed to remember something and turned away from Kathrine, she quickly weighed her options but decided not to attack him, then he turned back and threw something at her

"Here, catch"

Kathrine caught the object and found that it was a pack of biscuits wrapped in brown paper, she frowned but before she managed to ask why Mike had thrown this to her he spoke as if expecting her question

"I said I would give you some food, feel free to eat it all if you want, oh and it's not poisoned"

"I don't believe you!"

Mike sighed before he asked plainly

"Are you an idiot? If I wanted to kill you I would have done so while you were sleeping, Or I would just have killed you instead of knocking you out cold"

The two of them locked eyes for a few moments before Kathrine finally sighed and spoke


Then she opened the brown paper packing and began nipping on one of the biscuits, Mike showed a smile before he asked

"Do you mind if I ask you another question?"


"Then Why are there only women in your squad?"

Kathrine narrowed her eyes slightly before she eventually decided to speak

"The wind spirit race only has women"

Mike nodded before he asked to confirm

"So there are no men among your race?"


"Weird Well who am I to speak, I am literally a being from another world"

'A mostly dead world by now I reckon'

"Wait so you are a demon?"

Mike nodded

"Yeah, I was summoned from another world It's a miracle that I am still alive Well that's mostly due to my wonderful wife"

Kathrine nodded before she spoke in a quiet voice

"I see"

Mike suddenly narrowed his eyes before he spoke

"I don't see a point in continuing pretending to be asleep"

The remaining 7 elves sat themself up and glared at Mike, at that moment however Julie awoke and stretched before she cuddled up to Mike and looked over at the elves with disinterest before she waved her hand

"If you had your fill then leave, we won't chase you"

Just as the 8 elves got on their feet an arrow suddenly shot through the air right at Julie's right eyesocket, Mike reached out and then blood splattered as the arrow went through his palm about halfway before it stopped right before Julie's eye, she sighed and spoke out loudly

"We don't kill you, we make sure you have a comfortable sleep, we don't take away your weapons, we offer you food overall we try to get along And this is how you repay us..? You truly are the same as the nobles that hunt you for sport"

Mike sighed before he looked over at Kathrine that showed a conflicted look for a moment and spoke plainly


Kathrine and her squad got up and quickly ran into the forest leaving Mike and Julie alone in the clearing, after a few minutes Mike lowered his hand and pulled out the arrow before he muttered


Using some of his stored blood Mike healed the wound on his hand before he opened and closed his hand a few times, then he patted Julie affectionately on the head as he spoke

"You did well Julie, as expected of my wife"

Julie nestled into Mike's embrace before she asked

"Why don't you just use [Control] on them?"

"Because I want to earn their trust, they are likely the border guard of the inner continent Luckily for us, they are all women"

"...Explain. Right. Now."

"Now now, don't be mad I don't feel anything towards an uncute pet that bites the hand they are fed with"

Julie gave a huff as she turned her head away and pouted as she muttered

"You better not"

Mike sighed before he explained

"You see women might act tough and snap at you sometimes But deep down they're all fluff"

"Humph Mike you womanzier"

Mike smiled as he noticed that Julie let all her weight onto him as the tension drained from her body, then he began slowly stroking her hair to soothe her over

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