Blood demon leveling

Chapter 160: Beastmen

Chapter 160: Beastmen

As dawn broke general Gorge were informed that there were no sign of any Wind spirits in the entire city

"That damned coward! Quickly send a messenger to the ki---"


"What now!?"

"Enemy army sighted! approximately 30.000 strong!"

Gorge hit his hand into the desk he was sitting behind before he cursed again

"Shit, send that messenger quickly, they need to get clear before the siege starts!"

A message was quickly drafted before the messenger got a running start before they flew off in the opposite direction of the approaching army, alas they didn't get clear before they were caught by the humans advance parties

"Shit! I swear if I survive this I'll skin Mike alive!"

As Gorge was fuming Mike was laying in bed resting soundly after having flown most of the night, the non-flying Wind spirits had also reached the forest by now, so there was nothing to be worried about as they would all be back in the city before noon, way before anyone would be able to run them down

On the second day of the siege Gorge, unfortunately, were skewered by Jane's spear, Jane twisted the spear as she muttered


The spear tip, that was buried in Gorge's chest suddenly lit up before his entire chest was obliterated, Jane pulled back her spear before she yelled loudly

"General Gorge is dead! Kill them all!"

As the slaughter commenced Jane flew back to the forwards camp and landed before she quickly dusted off her clothes and walked into her tent as she called out

"I am back Duke"

The tent was rather spacious, with clear space to stand and walk around, Duke stopped what he was doing and showed a smile as he greeted Jane

"Welcome back my dear"

Jane nodded and walked over and sat down next to Duke before she kissed him on the cheek and asked

"How are you doing so far?"

"I am about halfway there"

Duke picked up another monster core and crushed it taking a moment to feel the experience flow into him before he picked up another and asked

"But are you sure about this Jane, I mean using all your savings on monster cores is just---"

"I said it's fine, I am a woman that's very devoted to her husband"

Duke sighed before he showed a warm but wry smile as he crushed another monster core, he was currently level 6, nearing level 7, this was due to the sheer amount of monster cores he had been crushing so far, he sighed yet another time before he suddenly stood up and walked over and picked up his sword

"Let's go spar a bit"

"Sure Duke, you need to get used to your new level right?"

"Yeah that too, but mostly I want to move around a bit after sitting around all day"

"Okay, then let's do that"

Days passed once again, and with Mike, Julie and the Wind spirits out of the fight once more the war turned in the humans' favour as they soon penetrated deep into the Fire iron's land, Mike, however, was far more concerned with what was happening in front of him as he asked out loud

"Is this really fine?"

"Relax Mike, you went through the exact same process"

Mike was currently looking at Julie's bones that were in the process of being charred by an unholy flame, she was undergoing the transformation to become one of the elder's kin, soon her organs began regrowing at a rapid pace, then came her muscles and then her skin, which was entirely vermilion red grew over the muscles, she floated mid-air for a few seconds before she opened her eyes, Mike showed a smile as she locked eyes with him before he asked

"How do you feel, Julie?"

Julie landed on the ground and showed a smile

"I feel fine, thank you, elder, for watching over my transformation"

"You are my kin now You don't have to thank me"

With that, the presence of the elder disappeared, Mike sighed before he stood up and walked over and gave Julie a hug, she was slightly confused but still hugged him back, after a little while she asked

"Mike what's wrong?"

"...Nothing I just don't want to ever see your bones getting charred again"

Julie swung her tail from side to side unconsciously as she listened to Mike's words, then after a bit, she broke the hug

"Let me put on some clothes, I am cold"

"Sure You could do that, or we could cuddle in bed instead?"

Julie looked conflicted for a bit before she eventually nodded, then she spread out her arms as she spoke in a cute-ish voice

"Carry me~"

Mike could only obey and carried her to bed where the two of them cuddled for a few hours, talking about nothing in particular before they fell asleep, cuddled in each other's embrace

As Mike slept he was suddenly dragged into the elder space again, he greeted her with respect as he bowed his head


The elder opened her eyes and looked at Mike before she spoke a name which Mike had not heard in a long time


Mike thought went blank before he asked

"What about Serina?"

"She has escaped your control, right?"

"...Yes, that's true elder"

The elder sighed, a rather long sigh before she spoke again

"I am giving you a new task, bring Serina under your control again, you'll see why when you find her"

Mike nodded before he asked

"What about the blood sacrifices? And hunting down Jane?"

"Finding Serina is your top priority right now"

"...I understand, I'll find her quickly and bring her back under my control"

The elder looked at Mike for a moment before she spoke again

"Remember, if she escaped your control her powers have grown beyond your imagination"

Mike nodded before he showed a smile

"In that case I know just who to bring with me I am sure he's bored of sitting around anyways"

As Mike woke up he sat himself op on the bed at once before he spoke out to Julie that laid next to him

"I need to leave the city for a few weeks"

Julie nodded before she asked

"Where are you going?"

"...To find Serina"


"Yeah, she has escaped my control, the elder said I need to find her and bring her back under my control"

"Oh Well then, when are you leaving?"

"At once I'm afraid"

Julie looked a little down before she showed a smile

"Then have a nice trip And no cheating on me while you are away"

"Yeah I know"

Mike kissed Julie on the forehead before he began getting dressed after he was dressed in his leather armour with the knife and hammer on his hip and the shield on his back he turned to Julie once more and spoke

"I'm off"

"See you, Mike"

Mike walked out of the room and received a backpack from a Wind spirit before he walked out into the inner courtyard and summoned his wings, then with a single flap he reached the clouds where he closed his eyes as Azroth enraged from above the clouds and circled around Mike a few times before Mike opened his eyes again and looked towards the west

'There you are, Serina'

Mike flew off towards the west along with Azroth that let out a roar of excitement as he followed after Mike, Mike showed a smile before he sent a mental message to Azroth

'Do you think you can keep up?

Azroth let out another roar of excitement as he responded

[Of course, my lord!]

After flying for about a week Mike and Azroth needed some rest, so they descended into the wilderness, well not quite the wilderness as there were lantern light below them, Mike landed in the middle of a plaza along with Azroth in his more human form and was at once surrounded by a flock of non-humans that had wolf ears on their heads, one of them yelled at the two of them

"What do you want here!?"

Mike was way too tired to explain, but still, he attempted the friendly route and spoke

"We are travellers that seek a place to rest, let me talk with your elders"

The beastmen looked at each other before a young one that stood behind Mike saw his chance and launched a sneak attack on Mike's back, Mike sighed before he simply swung his tail once grabbing a hold of the young beastman around his neck, then he spoke again while circulating his mana slightly

"My patience is limited, bring your elders"

The beastmen looked at each other before one of them was assigned to be a messenger and ran off towards the centre of the village, meanwhile, Mike threw the beastman he had captured with his tail over to the crowd and folded his hands behind his back as he waited

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