Blood demon leveling

Chapter 161: 3rd delegation

Chapter 161: 3rd delegation

Mike's tail swung from side to side as he waited, soon an elderly beastman arrived, he looked around before he showed a smile and asked Mike and Azroth

"You must be the travellers Our village is always open to wry travellers, especially level 8 travellers"

The surrounding beastmen paled, they were unable to see through Mike and Azroth, only the elder that was level 7 himself was sure, Mike showed a slight smile before he spoke

"We would like to stay here for a few days, of course, we'll contribute to the cites defence while we're here"

The elder nodded before he spoke loudly

"Offending our guests are the same as offending me, bare that in mind!"

The surrounding beastmen lowered their heads, the elder showed a smile

"Please follow me, I'll show you to your rooms"

"Thank you elder"

The elder showed Mike and Azroth to two luxurious rooms before he left them to rest

The next morning Mike awoke with a set, he reached out to a hand that was about to touch him and grabbed it, it was a beastwoman clad in servant clothes, Mike managed to scare the shit out of the young woman, nevertheless, she didn't scream, she simply kneeled down onto the ground as she spoke

"Please forgive my rudeness!"

Mike sighed and let go of her hand before he looked towards the window as he asked

"What time is it?"

"It's just before noon, lord"

"...I got it, leave me"

"Yes, lord!"

The beastwoman servant quickly backed out of the room leaving Mike alone, that sat himself up and crossed his legs before he crossed his legs and closed his eyes

'Where are you, Serina..?'

He began focusing on Serina, or at least the part of her he could still feel, he could feel that she had been somewhere in the vicinity of the city he was currently in, so the plan was simple, he was going to lure her out

'...With her favourite food of course Dried human meat, the question is, where to get that..?'

A cold gilt flashed in Mike's eyes before he shrugged

"Welp I am off to kidnap some people, wait what am I saying..?"

Mike couldn't believe how stupid he was being, he smacked his head and spoke

"I have people for that For Kidnapping other people that is Azorth"

[Yes master?]

"Go kidnap some humans from somewhere, not the closest place to here but the 2nd closest, send me a message on the mental network once you are back, oh, don't show them to the people here stay above the clouds with them once you return"

[Yes master]

After sending off Azroth Mike strolled around the city of the beastmen under the guide of the elder, Mike found that it was a relatively well functioning city with happy citizens all around

'I half want to just trash the city Where does this destructive feeling come from..?'

Mike looked over at a beastman child that showed him a pure smile, Mike kneeled down and patted the child on the head as he showed a smile back when he received a mental message from Azroth

[Master, I have returned]

Mike stood up and spoke to the elder

"This is a nice city, if you would excuse me now, I have to begin the hunt"

The elder nodded and didn't enquire to what Mike was hunting as he saw him off

"Please be safe"

Mike flew up into the air and soon breached the clouds, Azroth was there with his maw filled with people, some were priced by his fangs and were either dead or dying, even now Mike could hear muffled cries of despair from within his maw, soon Mike showed a smile

"Well done Azroth Now let's set the bait"

[Yes master]

The next few weeks passed quietly for Julie, she spent her day training the Wind spirits and herself until one day 2 weeks after Mike had left to get Serina the 3rd delegation from the Fire iron's showed up, she summoned her wings and flew over to the central plaza and sat down at the end of the long table as she asked

"So..? What do the Fire iron's want now?"

The head of the delegation looked around and didn't see Mike so he cautiously asked

"I mean no disrespect, Lady Julie But where is Lord Mike?"

Julie showed a slight smile as she asked back

"What? Does it make you uncontactable to negotiate with a woman?"

"No no, not at all it's just"

Julie scoffed before she spoke

"I have been given full authority to handle all matters while Mike is away"

The head of the delegation sighed before he nodded, while he wanted to negotiate with Mike since he knew him better he decided not to push any further since it would likely offend Julie, so he started with the request of his king

"We need all your soldiers, as many as you can send, as for payment It will be double the previous rates"

Julie was about to speak when suddenly a Wind spirit spoke up

"It's a deal"

Julie looked over at her for a few moments before she asked


"Yeah it's a me One of many"

Julie sighed before she ignored the confusion that the Fire iron delegation was feeling and asked

"Weren't you busy hunting down Serina?"

"Yeah well Not busy enough not to stop by and see my wonderful waifu in all her glory Though I am afraid that I have to run now"

"Okay Mike, I'll see you soon"

"Yeah see you soon baby"

Then the Wind spirit Mike had been controlling kneeled down on the spot before Julie waved her away and turned back to the delegation and spoke

"We'll accept your offer, as long as the previous terms are still in place"

The leader of the delegation nodded before he spoke

"Yes, your right to retreat whenever you judge is appropriate will be upheld, no matter if it's in the middle of a battle"

Julie nodded, then she showed a smile

"Now let's confirm your payment..."

A few days after that the Wind spirit horde was once again on the prowl, though this time they moved a lot more cautiously and a few days later they arrived in the capital of the Fire iron's, the city of Anvi, one of the last strongholds of the Fire iron's. Julie was worried about the presence of the Fire iron's king a level 9 figure, but it proved that he was out of the country further inland visiting the Black oni's country, from what Julie could gather though the mental network it seemed that the Fire iron's and the Black oni's had a strong alliance, though why the Black oni's had not shown up to help the FIre iron's in their defensive war was a mystery, so after receiving multiple very diplomatic non-answers the Fire iron King had personally gone to visit his old friend, or was the narrative at least

'This smells Like rotten fish'

Julie didn't like it, but she had already played her hand and had arrived in Anvi with 7.500 level 6 soldiers, 2.500 level 7 soldiers and 2 level 8 elite guards, which were two of the 12 total level 8's the Wind spirits had produced so far, they were Anne and Anna, twin swordswomen with a fierce reputation and a liking of eating their prey alive

"Say, Lady Julie When do we get to kill something?"

"Soon... don't worry Anne, if the humans don't attack we'll pick off some townsfolk, I am running low on blood too"

Anne nodded, she was currently braiding her sister's hair, her sister Anna was the quiet one while Anne was more talkative, though they were equally as bloodthirsty, Julie showed a smile and picked up a comb before she moved behind Anne and began combing her hair as she spoke

"I wonder when Mike will return"

Anna spoke up in a quiet, almost insatiable voice

"Don't worry Lady Julie We'll protect you"

Anne nodded and spoke

"Yes don't worry Lady Julie, it's just as my sister says"

Julie showed a smile before she muttered

"I wonder what Mike's doing right now"


"I know!"

Mike dodged to the side narrowly avoiding the pure beam of distinctive energy that annihilated everything in its path, then he clutched his left shoulder where his left arm used to be and quickly weaved a new arm of blood crystal as he yelled in frustration

"I should have brought more dragons!"

In front of Mike were Serina, her size was about the same as last he had seen her, though that was the only thing that had not changed, she growled at Mike before she disappeared from Mike's line of sight


Mike quickly flapped his wings sending him back a few meters before an impact shook the space right where he stood a few milliseconds ago, it all seemed useless, Mike had managed to strike Serina 3 times with the knife, all 3 times her fur had deflected the knife, Mike was currently down a left arm and a right leg while Azorth that were an easy target for Serina's newly acquired energy beam of pure destruction had numerous holes in his large body that leaked blood at an alarming rate

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