Blood demon leveling

Chapter 166: Captured

Chapter 166: Captured

"Oh, you fucked up now buddy"

A cold light flashed through Julie's eyes as Mike's signal disappeared from mental network

Then she quickly sent an order on the mental network, the WInd spirits quickly dropped what they were doing and began to retreat towards the nearest forest

The cell door shut with a bang, leaving Mike alone in the tiny bleak cell, if not for the fact that he could see perfectly well in the dark he would probably be a little more frightened than he was right now. Of course, that was the least of his problems, like always when he was low the voices had started

"...Shut up"

Mike hit the right side of his head just over his temple, trying to quiet the voices

"...Shut up"

And again... And again And again, he hit his head with a high enough strength so he would get slightly dizzy as he repeated

"Shut up Shut up Shut up"

Like a chant, he spoke over and over as he hit himself in the side of the head while he kept his eyes locked on a brick right in front of him

"Shut up Shut up"

His head was spinning, but the voices kept whispering in his ear, even with his current strength he was screwed and he knew that that was the only thing he knew and the voices knew it too as they kept repeating it in his ear and so he kept hitting the side of his head

"Shut up Shut up"

Time passed as he progressively grew dizzier and dizzier, but then suddenly without warning the tiny bleak cell lit up with a red light, the light was coming from his eyes as the voices suddenly quieted down and he regained some semblance of clarity to think as the elder's voice appeared in his head

"Heh You sure act pathetic Mike"

"Well Half of my stomach has a giant hole and all my skills have been sealed along with my magic, so yeah"'

"Now, now, don't pout, I was sent by your wife to cheek up on you, so how are you?"

"...I'll live"

"Good, then try not to act all pathetic again, these mortals will be nothing more than your playthings once you reach level 10 after all"

Mike showed a smile, a rather cold one at that as he felt the presence of the elder leave

Julie woke up, she was back in the city of the Wind spirits, the first she did was to sit up on the bed and look around, as she was still sleepy she wanted very much to lay down again and continue sleeping


With Mike's fate unknown though it seemed better not to go back to sleep though, so she got up and out of bed, after a quick shower Julie felt a lot more awake, and after she got dressed she called out


[Yes, mistress?]

"Prepare to head out give the message to Anne and Anna too"

[If you don't mind me asking mistress Where are we going?]

"To wipe out a few cities"

[Understood, but in that case, wouldn't it be better to bring the entire horde?]

"...You're right, then tell them all to be ready to move in 10"

Julie began to put on her armour and within 10 minutes she was ready, she walked out of the room and found Anne and Anna standing outside the door, Anne asked

"Are we going to rescue master?"

Julie shook her head before she spoke

"No We're raiding some cities in accordance with the plan I made with Mike before he was captured"

Anne nodded, then Anna muttered

"I hope master is okay"

Julie showed a smile

"Of course he is okay, now let's go"

Julie walked ahead after she spoke, she didn't know if she was reassuring them or herself

'It's probably both'

Julie showed a wry smile before she put on a resolute expression and sent out mental orders to the Wind spirit horde that soon began to move and within a few minutes the entire horde was once again on the prowl as they moved through a travel tree towards the human lands, just before Julie passed through the travel tree she felt the presence of the elder and bowed down


"Relax child, come stand up"


Julie stood up again before a short silence followed and Julie asked

"So How is he?"

An amused chuckle followed from the elder before she spoke

"Don't worry, your husband is injured but in his words, he'll live"

Julie nodded as a single tear flowed down her cheek and she swore

"I'll tear you to pieces Roman"

"That you will child, now go get the rest of the blood required for the ritual"

"Yes, elder!"

Julie wiped the single tear away from her cheek before she showed a resolute expression as she walked through the travel tree

Julie flew at high speed, behind her were the 18 level 8 Wind sprits and further behind that were around 800 level 7 Wind spirits, they were all flying low, just above the ground and they swiftly approached a city that was a few kilometres away, Julie grasped empty air as she muttered

"[Hellsword II]"

The Hellsword appeared in her hand and she quickly slashed out towards the gates that were slowly closing ahead of them, they had been spotted and the guards were in the process of closing the gates as an alarm clock rang out over the city, Julie opened her eyes wide as she swung the Hellsowrd out and sent a sword light flying that cut straight through the gates and some of the walls, people, houses and animals on the other side of the gates too

"Put on the lid!"

As Julie yelled Azroth that she brought with her let out his breath and killed most of the people that were flying over the city, then Julie yelled

"Tighten it!"


The level 8 Wind spirits respond and flew over the walls while Julie deployed an energy shield and went straight through the cut gate sending pieces of it flying all over the busy plaza just on the other side, Julie then floated above said plaza and looked around, as the smell of blood entered her nose she unconsciously showed a smile before she flew down and landed in front of a young woman before she spoke to her with a wide smile on her devilish face

"You smell the best"

The young woman let out a scream and attempted to flee before Julie swung her tail and cut off her feet before she walked over to the pleading young woman and poked her finger through her skull, as the blood drained from the now very dead young woman Julie showed a near manic smile before she yelled

"Seal it up!"

A few hours later the preparation for the ritual was well on its way, the strong were set to dig a hole in the central square while the weak were held captive, by now the roundish hole covered almost 50 square meters, Julie watched this with great attention to detail as one of her eyes were borrowed by the elder that relayed orders through her, Julie showed a slight smile as she asked

"How long until it's ready?"

The elder was silent for a few moments before she answered

"A day at most"

Julie frowned and nodded before she muttered

"Please hold out Mike"

"Oh That's a 2, come on Ike, you can do better"

Mike spoke to one of his tortures that he aptly had named Ike, Ike had just stapped him with a rusty knife, as for the reason why (You know beyond to torture Mike) it was simple, he was tired of Mike's shit

"Do your best~ Do your best~ Do your best~ Do your best~ Do your best~ Do your best~---"


Mike was missing all his nails, most of his skin had been pealed and one of his eyes had been ground to a bloody pulp, his teeth had been drilled through all the way to his jaw and his knee caps had been mutilated with a hammer, still Mike kept his mood up by chanting 'Do your best~' and shitting on the people that were torturing him, verbally that is


"Hey stop!"

Ike was stopped by Ike the second from stabbing a knife through the eye of Mike, suddenly the door to the torture chamber was opened and an unexpected visitor stepped in, it was Roman, the king of the Fire iron's, Ike and Ike the second knelled down at once and respectfully spoke

""King Roman!""

Roman didn't address them, instead, he looked at Mike and spoke

"Are you ready to talk yet? You just have to tell me where your city is and all this can stop..."

"...Nah, We're just getting to know each other, isn't that right, Ike, Ike the second?"

The two tortures girt their teeth, Roman shook his head before he turned and left

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