Blood demon leveling

Chapter 165: King Roman

Chapter 165: King Roman

The king of the Fire iron's was rather tall for his race, still, he was only about the same height as Mike, his body gave off an overwhelming aura, still, Mike wasn't intimidated, he had Julie by his side as both of them nodded their heads to the king, they didn't bow down as they had been instructed, the only acknowledgement of the king they gave was the single nod both of them gave, Mike even began to look around the audience hall before he gave another nod and commented

"...Not too shabby"

The king narrowed his eyes slightly but before he spoke the prime minister did

"What insolence! Both of you bow down before the king!"

Mike narrowed his eyes before he spoke to the king

"Does this yapping dog speak for you?"

"You! How dare you insult me, I am---"

"Silence Denis"

The prime minister spoked speaking right as the king commanded, he swallowed down the words he was about to say and glared at Mike instead, then the king spoke again

"Welcome Lord Mike, Lady Julie"

Mike showed a slight smile as he asked

"So King Roman, why have you summoned us?"

Mike addressed the Fire iron king with the bare minimum of respect which prompted him to show a smile as he spoke

"You got a spine kind I'll give you that Though this is not the place to discuss such things"

The king turned around and walked past the throne as he spoke

"Come with me"

Mike and Julie followed after the king that walked through a couple of hallways until he reached an inner courtyard with a table and a few chairs, the king walked over and sat down before he gestured to the chairs on the other side of the table

"Please sit"

Mike nodded and sat down with Julie that seemed entirely unconcerned with the whole situation and quietly sipped the tea that was served to her by a maid, Mike also sipped his tea for a bit before he asked

"I figure that your diplomatic visit to the Black onis went well?"

The king showed a smile as he spoke

"Yes I spoke with my old friend a bit and got him to honour the alliance, the reinforcements will be arriving in a weeks time"

"I see, then I suppose you want us to hold the line until then?"

"That was the thought, as for the rates it'll be the same as it was per the last negotiation"

"I have no problem with that"

After that Julie joined the conversation and the 3 of them talked about this and that before Mike and Julie declined Roman's invitation to dine with him and left the castle, as they did Roman saw them off after Mike and Julie were gone a clod light flashed through his eyes

The next morning the horde of Wind spirits were once again on the prowl, during the next week Mike and Julie gave it their all and retook a total of 2 cites, then they held the line and waited for the reinforcements from the Black oni, as they did a fortunate thing happened, Julie reached level 8 and quickly rushed back to the room where the 2 of them were staying to inform Mike


Mike that was laying on the bed lifted his head before he asked


"I reached level 8"

Mike jumped out of bed and quickly sent a few mental messages to the Wind spirits and made them clear out the temple so he and Julie wouldn't be distributed, soon they arrived at the temple and walked into a prayer room, Anne and Anna stood guard outside, Julie walked over and put her hand on the crystal ball and soon her status was displayed

Name: Julie

Class: Demon bride

Age: 33

Level: 7(8)

Skills: [Judgment] [Hell walker] [Valkyrie sword] [Hellsword] [Lesser blood demon] [Hell falme magic] [Elder blood bestowal]

Magic type: Hellflame

Experiance: 10.000.000 / 10.000.000

Level up Y/N?

Julie looked back at Mike that nodded before she pressed the Y and after an exhilarating feeling of growing stronger passed trough her for a few moments she quickly used the crystal ball again to cheek her new status

Name: Julie

Class: Demon bride

Age: 33

Level: 8(9)

Skills: [Judgment] [Hell walker] [Valkyrie sword] [Hellsword II] [Lesser blood demon] [Elder blood bestowal] [Hell flame magic II: pergetory]

Magic type: Hellflame

Experiance: 0 / 500.000.000


Mike and Julie both spoke at the same time when they saw Julie's new status, 2 of her skills had been upgraded, after all, her magic skill and her [Hellsword] had been upgraded

"[Hellsword II]..."

Julie used her skill and grasped a sword that seemed to have been forged from pure hellfire, it's red blade glinted under the candlelight in the prayer room, it was about half a meter long and only a few centimetres thick, Julie waved it around for a few seconds before she narrowed her eyes and suddenly swung it with all her strength, that sent a red flash of light flying over towards the wall which she swung at, the red light slashed cleanly through the wall, and the next 20 or so behind it, thankfully Julie had been swinging slightly upwards so not too many people where cut in half


"Congratulations Julie"

Julie let go of the [Hellsword] which then dissolved into flames that disappeared before they hit the ground, then she turned to Mike with a sweet smile on her face


From there it was easy going, they repealed a total of 2 attacks before Mike got tired of doing that and wiped out the attacking army, they were getting infinitely close to summoning the elder now, still, there was a bit to go

"Lord Mike, Lady Julie"

A messenger suddenly called out to them as they were watching the sunset from the city walls, Mike clicked his tongue before he asked


"The king has summoned you back to Anvi"

"I see We'll leave in the morning"


After the messenger left Mike sighed before he spoke

"I've got a bad feeling about this"

Julie nodded

"Yeah me too"

Mike looked towards the dying light of the sunset and when it sank entirely under the horizon Mike spoke to Julie after making sure no one was around

"We need a contingency plan"

Julie nodded her head and agreed

"Yeah, we do What do you have planned?"

After another 2 days Mike returned to Anvi alone, he brought neither guards nor the horde of Wind spirits, soon he arrived in the audience chamber where he found the king sitting on his throne, the king asked when he saw Mike alone

"Where is Lady Julie?"

Mike shugged

"I left her in charge of the army; they still need to hold the line after all..."

The king nodded, then for a few moments he appeared to be in deep thought before he eventually spoke

"One is acceptable Though I would have preferred the two of you"

Mike narrowed his eyes slightly as he played dumb and asked

"What do you mean?"

"Do you take me for a fool, Mike?"


"Then did you really think that we wouldn't investigate the reason why this fucking war started!?"

Mike sighed before he muttered

"Well, aren't you smart? Well we expected you to find out, though you did it quicker than I expected"

The king began circulating his mana, so did Mike, Mike's circulations topped and held steady around 500 per minute, Roman narrowed his eyes as his circulations neared 800 per minute, then Mike asked

"So Are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"What do you mean!? You started this war for your own personal gain!"

"That I did I'm just going to let you know that your actions will doom the entire Fire iron race And the Black oni's if they are in on it too"


The king instantly disappeared from Mike's field of view, Mike quickly summoned his wings and flapped them as hard as he could sending him flying backwards, the place he had just been standing was reduced to rubble as the king kicked downwards in that place, sending debris flying all over, Mike drew the knife and the hammer and deflected the pieces of debris that would have hit him otherwise, then the cloud of dust was suddenly pushed outwards as the king kicked his circulations up a notch, now they neared 850 circulations per minute, Mike sighed and spoke again

"I kind of feel sorry for the Fire irons To have such a short-sighted king"


Mike sighed another time and muttered

"...Blinded by rage are we?"

The king disappeared from view again, A chill went down Mike's spine before he attempted to dodge to the side before he suddenly felt a good portion of his stomach disappear as the king had punched sight through his stomach, then he spoke

"[Heavenly seal]!"

Mike's mana circulations suddenly stopped, or rather they were brought to a halt by Roman's skill that pulled back his hand with a smile on his face

"Well That's a 7"

Those were Mike's last words before he passed out

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