Blood demon leveling

Chapter 168: Recovering

Chapter 168: Recovering

After Julie was done beating Roman to death the three of them returned to the WInd spirits lands, leaving the entire Fire iron nation in chaos as they found their king had been brutally murdered in the streets, from there it quickly went downhill for the Fire iron's as they had lost their pillar of support, Mike and Julie didn't really care about that though Mike spent the best part of a month recovering to optimal condition and that time was pure torture to him, worse than the time he actually spent being tortured, as for why it was simple, both Julie and Beel took gentle care of him 

'Now I know most people would die to be in my position But not me, this is hell'

"Here Mike open up~"

Beel presented a spoonful of, believe it or not, jam to him Mike sent pleading eyes to Julie that sat next to them and was about to lose to her laughter, but she simply said

"Lady Beel, I think he wants the other kind"

"Oh, silly me Here Mike open up~"

Mike surrender himself to his fate and opened his mouth, it was only when he had eaten an entire jar of jam that he was let go by Beel that then left to go and cheek on her gardening project, Mike narrowed his eyes and looked over at Julie that dodged his eyes, Mike eventually let out a sigh before he asked

"Why does she want to take care of me like that?"

"Sorry Mike, I promised not to tell"


Julie laughed for a bit before she left to go train, as for Mike he picked up a book and began reading, soon Beel returned, she seemed rather excited

"Mike you have to see this"

Mike nodded and put down the book before he followed after Beel to the edge of the city where she had started her gardening project, which she had started a few days before, she kneeled down and gently touched the seeds that were spurting as she spoke

"You see?"

"Yeah they have spurted already, well done"

"Thank you, Mike You know when I see these seeds I can't help but think of you and Julie..."

"...Because we are at the start of our growth?"

"Exactly, but there's more Try to guess"

Mike looked at the soil that smelled distinctly of rotting corpses as he spoke

"You want to provide the best conditions for us to grow, no matter the cost to the local environment?"

"Yes, you really are smart Mike"

"Thank you, Lady Beel"

Mike looked back at the spurting plants and wondered if the corpses that had been hacked into tiny pieces and mixed with the soil were representing the world itself, or just its inhabitants

Time passed once again, Mike managed to recover fully and was freed from the mental torture of being fed and taken care of by the elder as he was training his body he suddenly received a slightly unsettling message on the mental network and stopped what he was doing before he quickly summoned his wings and flew into the air and looked towards the west and sent a mental message

"Enei, how many are there?"

[Close to 100, most of them seems to be level 7 or higher]

Enei that had been assigned to guard the west of the city had spotted humans making their way towards the city, they seemed to be a rather big party of adventures that were charting the no man's land, by a miracle they had managed to get this close to the city without being detected

'Well, close is a stretch They are still about 25 kilometres out'

Mike quickly called Julie and Beel and consulted them on what they should do, Julie quickly spoke

"Let's just kill them and be done with it"

Beel also nodded, this caused Mike to sigh before he nodded, this was a very shortsighted way to handle it, Julie spoke

"Let's wipe them out completely, if another party comes to investigate then they'll just deliver free experience to our doorstep"

"Well then, let's do it Will you be joining us, Lady Beel?"

Beel nodded before she spoke

"Try not to kill them, I have plans for them"

"Okay, then let's do this"

The tree of them quickly took flight, Beel's wings looked like her black dress as if they were cut out of the night sky, soon the three of them were hovering just outside the detection radius of the adventures, Mike folded his wings in and soon landed on the ground before he began walking towards the group of adventures, when he eventually got detected he waited a few seconds before he continued walking as he spoke out loud as he walked into a clearing

"You are trespassing on our ancestral land!"

Soon a couple of adventures walked into the clearing, they showed admirable expressions that didn't seem to hide any malice, the representative spoke

"Well met, my name is Henry and I am the leader of this adventuring party, if you have a moment I would like to tell you about our mission"

Mike didn't expect them to be this nice so he was kind of baffled for a moment before he nodded as he introduced himself

"My name is Mike, I am an elder of the Wind spirit race I serve Lady Beel"

The face of the leader of the adventuring party lit up

"The Wind spirits! What good news!"

The people around him also looked relatively excited, the leader quickly explained

"We were hired by a certain merchant company to establish contact with the Wind spirits to possibly open a new trading route"

Mike nodded and after thinking for a moment he spoke

"Stand down Julie, Lady Beel You too Enei"

""Yes Mike""

[Yes master]

Mike showed a smile to the adventures and spoke

"You all must be tired from your journey, please come rest in our city"

Henry showed a smile as he spoke

"That would be nice, please excuse our rudeness in advance, we are only adventures"

Mike showed a smile and gestured for the party of adventures to follow him, soon they arrived in the city were the party of adventures was welcomed by the Wind spirits, Mike had told them before to act civil and not attack the party of adventures, in the evening they held a banquet for the adventures where Beel pulled Mike to the side and asked

"What are you planning Mike?"

"Well Since we pissed off the FIre iron's we lack a trading partner to import monster cores and export recourses"

"I see 'don't slaughter the chicken that lays many eggs'?"

"Exactly, though we can always slaughter the chicken later once it's done laying eggs"

Beel showed a smile before she gently patted Mike on the head as she praised him

"You really have a good head on your shoulders Mike"

Mike showed a smile

Later that evening Mike negotiated with the merchant that the adventure party had escorted and made a basic trade agreement and then the next day around noon the adventure party left the city again, Mike had assigned a few level 8 Wind spirits to escort them out of the forest safely, something which was greatly appreciated by the adventures, as for why he didn't allow them to use the travel tress was simple, he didn't truly trust the merchant yet

'I can always go slaughter him if he tries to cheat me'

Opening a trade route was a pleasant surprise to Mike but now that he had recovered it was time for the Wind spirit horde to move again, from what mental messages he had received from his spies in the Fire iron lands they were getting shall we say Whopped? Anyway they had been pushed back to their capital that now was under siege, as for the Black oni's they hadn't shown up yet, they probably wanted to 'acquire' new lands from the Fire iron's by righteously reconquering the land from the humans

'A perfect place to 'fish in troubled waters' as they say'

Mike showed a smile before he yelled



Julie stood next to him and too watched the Wind spirits move through the travel tree, Mike looked over at Beel that seemed very amused by watching the way that the horde matched through the  travel tree's portal

"Will you be joining us, Lady Beel?"

Beel showed a smile

"Yes, of course, with me around you will quickly reach level 9 and ascend"

Mike nodded before he squeezed Julie's hand, they both remembered the talk they had had with Beel, once they reached level 9 and accumulated enough experience they would ascend with the help of Beel and reach the same status as her, from there they would join the invasion forces that fought against the guardians of the wheel

"Once we have ascended can we then visit your home world, Mike?"

"Sure, it'll be fun, we can do some sightseeing, you can come too Lady Beel"

Beel showed a smile


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