Blood demon leveling

Chapter 169: Plot smashed

Chapter 169: Plot smashed

After moving through the travel tree the Wind spirit horde began moving into former Fire iron land, a land that had been ravaged by the human armies and opportunistic bandit's alike

"Which means that there's still a lot of blood to be had in this conflict Plus there's the Black oni's to think about too..."

Julie was used to Mike muttering his thoughts out loud like this so she didn't really comment on it this time, Beel however asked

"What about the Black oni's?"

Mike showed a slight smile

"They'll most likely attack once the last remnants of Fire iron resistance have been stomped out by the humans"

"...But why..? Aren't they allied?"

"Yes, but with the Fire iron king out of the way there's no need for them to honour that alliance, instead they will deepen their betrayal of the Fire irons by re-conquering their lands from the humans before they put a puppet on the throne of the newly liberated Fire iron lands"

"I see They truly are smart, if that's what they're going to do"

"Well, it depends on their king's ability to think ahead And not to be too greedy"

As they were chatting Mike received a message from one of the scouts and showed a smile before he began sending out mental orders as he spoke

"We have found what appears to be bandits, there's quite a lot of them too, about 1.500"

Beel showed a smile before she commanded

"Take some of them alive, I have something to show you, Mike"

"Yes, Lady Beel"

After a relatively uninteresting fight, about 200 bandits were captured, as for the rest? The Wind spirits were feasting on them

"Lady Beel, these are the one's we've captured"

"Good work Mike Now watch[Abbsyal bind]"

Black tentacles spurted from the ground and bound the bandits that pleaded for mercy, Beel however calmly used her next skill

"[Abyssal drain]"

As the bandits turned into dried-out husks another tentacle grew out of the ground in front of Beel and quickly bore a white fruit that grew to the size of a strawberry before it stopped growing, Beel plucked the fruit and threw it to Mike

"Try it, its pure mana, or at least as pure as it gets"

Mike looked at the fruit for half a second before he threw it into his mouth and ate it, it was tasteless, still, there was a particular feeling Mike was very used to by now, he looked at Beel and asked

"It's experience?"

"Yes Mike, very good It's the experience of the 200 some bandits With this war going on you'll quickly reach level 10 and ascend You to Julie"

Julie's face lit up and she quickly thanked Beel

"Thank you very much, Lady Beel"

From there Mike and Julie went into a frenzy and captured as many bandits, soldiers or refugees as they could to have Beel turn them into experience fruits but on the 12th day since they arrived in the former Fire iron lands they finally came upon the Black oni reconquest army, like the name suggested they had blackish skin and two small horns in their forehead Mike scuffed before he muttered

"Hello there, my less honey fellows"

Julie that happened to hear him showed a smile as the messenger of the black oni's were being escorted to them, he showed respect by kneeling down before he spoke

"I great you, Lord and Ladies of the Wind spirits, my name is Gel, I am the second-born son of our great king"

"I am Mike, an elder of the Wind spirits and humble servant of Lady Beel"

"I am Julie, an elder of the Wind spirits, Wife to Mike and humble servant of Lady Beel"

"I am one of the travellers of the 7 dimensional planes, conquer of the 3rd plane and invader of the 4th, my name is Beel"

The messenger seemed to mentally note the names and titles of the 3 before he spoke

"Lady Beel, Lord Mike, Lady Julie I am here to extend a humble invitation to the city of Anvi where our great king wishes for an audience as well as that he wants to personally thank all of you for the effort the Wind spirits have done in this war"

After the messenger left a cold light shone in Mike's eyes, Julie heaved a sigh before she spoke

"That's bait"

Mike nodded

"I agree"

Beel was the only one that didn't seem to get it so Mike spoke

"They want us to come to Anvi, probably so they can kill us As for why? It's probably so they can take over the former Fire iron lands They think we want the land too"

Beel nodded before she asked

"Then what do you want to do Mike?"

"Well In the past, we would have just run away, but now"

Mike looked over at Beel that tilted her head to the side, as she did he showed a cold smile

A few days later the Wind spirit horde made camp outside of the city of Anvi as Mike, Julie and Beel walked through the streets Under heavy escort they were hailed as heroes by the common folk on the streets, Mike did the whole 'smile and wave' bit and so did Julie, Beel however simply played it cool, she didn't seem very impressed by the few thousand people that were cheering her on. Soon the group arrived at the castle where they were placed in a waiting room for a few minutes before the messenger from before showed up, the second-born son of the king, Gel, He showed a smile and greeted them

"Lady Beel, Lord Mike, Lady Julie"

Mike showed a smile and began chatting with Gel while the ladies played it cool, well Julie did, Beel was all over the dessert table, tasting all the different kinds of sweets

"---So how was your trip to Anvi?"

"It was pleasant, there were a few bumps along the way, but nothing I can complain about"

The talk went mostly like that until the time where a maid showed up and informed that the king was ready for them, Mike nodded and after a bit, he managed to get Beel's attention after which he humbly informed her that it was time to see the king, after following the maid through a few hallways they eventually arrived, not at the audience chamber, but at a wide ballroom where a party was well underway, now it made more sense why they had been asked to dress formally, Mike quickly sent a few mental messengers to Julie and Beel before they split up and began to mingle with the crowd who mostly consisted of Fire iron noble's with a few Black oni noblemen and women in between, Mike quickly spotted the Black oni king in the crowd, he was talking with a Fire iron nobleman that seemed a little familiar to Mike

'No That's the previous king's little brother So that's the new puppet king?'

So far everything made sense, except the fact that they were around the noblemen and noblewomen that was the top of the country


Mike suddenly got a bad feeling and closed his eyes listening Soon he heard what he feared, the subtle sound of metal rings rubbing against each other

'Or in other words, chainmail'

What was worse was that the sound came from every member of the Black oni that was present, as well as from the king and puppet king

'Now what to do..?'

As Mike was thinking of what to do and when to do it he suddenly heard a yell and looked over

"---And I am telling you, it would be your great honour to become a concubine of someone as great as me, you street whore!"

Mike visibly cringed when he saw who the intoxicated Black oni was speaking to and made his way over towards him And Beel that innocently asked

"What's a 'street whore'?"

Before Mike could make his way over Julie that stood next to Beel whispered the meaning to Beel

"Hoo~ I see and then those women are paid for their work?"

"Yes, Lady Beel Though it's also used as a demanding word when speaking about and to women"

Beel nodded a few times before the entire venue suddenly turned silent, her mana circulations didn't start, they simply jumped to around 2.000 circulations per minute, the floor cracked, and the weak and elderly people in a 20 kilometres radius had their hearts shattered, Beel herself showed her hand palm upwards where a black flame appeared

"[Abbysal flame]..!"

Then she blew on that small flame and it quickly expanded outwards and swallowed not only the but also the Black oni king, the new puppet king and half the castle but also most of the city of Anvi It was simply annihilated with nothing left, Mike quickly summoned his wings and grabbed Julie and Beel and flew out of the castle that collapsed around them, then he spoke to Beel that was floating beside him with a displeased expression on her face

"Next time someone insults you, then leave it to me, Lady Beel"

"Do you disagree with my actions Mike?"

"No, not at all Only"

"Only what?"

"Only I could have made him suffer way more than that"

"Oh I see, then I'll trust you to handle it the next time"

"Yes, Lady Beel"

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