Blood demon leveling

Chapter 173: Love

Chapter 173: Love

Mike squeezed past the crowds and arrived next to Mel that still was in full fan-girl mode and poked her on the shoulder which made her look over quickly with a face of anger that quickly melted before she hurriedly spoke out in respect

"L-L-L-Lord Mike!?"


"B-B-But why are you here!?"

"Beel said to help out my new subordinates, so here I am"

"I-I see"

Mike showed a smile at her for a bit before he turned his look at the woman on the stage and spoke

"So is she the lucky girl?"

Mel looked over at the woman on the stage and spoke in a down tone of voice

"She's Lady Lucy But she hates me moreover she wouldn't possibly look at such a dirty person as I"

"I see Then we have our work cut out for us, just to make sure you want her love and not just her body right?"

Mel closed her eyes and muttered

"I see us in our twilight years, sitting in a garden holding hands But that's just a dream..."

"But it's a dream that you want to fulfill right?"


"Good then let's get yourself a fine woman of your own"

"O-Okay Mike, what should we do?"

"First take a look at her and burn her figure into your memory because we're going to put you in a position where she going to be looking after you with those very same eyes you look at her with right now does that make sense?"


Mel looked at Lucy on the stage intensely before she turned away and followed after Mike, what she didn't notice was that the moment she looked away Lucy looked at her departing figure for a bit before she looked at Mike and showed a slight frown

Mike was sitting on the floor of the inn room Mel was staying, on the way there he had used control on a couple of people to gather information, from what he gathered Lucy was the daughter of the local lord, who was level 5, she herself was level 6 and the only reason she had not taken over the city yet was that she still would be receiving education in a nearby city, a regional capital so to say, on how to manage territory and such for nobles and the rich in the coming spring

"The way I see it we need to get you an admission to that academy"

"But how..?"

"What level are you now Mel?"

"Almost level 7"

"I see there's also an adventure's guild here huh Well then let's go hunt some magic beasts"


"Yeah admission is in 3 months so we have to get going, we need to earn 10.000 for the admission fee"

Mel's eyes lit up before she nodded

"Mmn, let's go"

On the way out of the city, Mike stabbed a couple of other people and put them under his control to gather information for him, then they began hunting magic beast only returning late in the evening, as they walked into the guild a couple of rough-looking men walked up to them

"Yo what the fuck is those horns? AHAHAHAHAHA You look fucking---"

"Silence scum"

It was Mel that spoke, normally she wouldn't bother with those low-level waste of space

"Ouch girly, words hurt you know? Give us half your goods and we'll let you live"

Mike looked past the rowdy men and over at the receptionist that quickly looked away,  then he sighed before he began circulating his mana as he kneed one of the men in the stomach, punched another on the jaw, and the last one he was about to kick in the liver but Mel quickly kicked him in his family jewels before she summoned her bow and drew back the string about to finish off the poor guy


"...Yes general"

Mel quickly unsummoned her bow and kneeled down before she spoke to the rowdy men

"If I ever see you again I'll tear off your junk and feed it to you"

The men quickly scammed, after that Mike quickly exchanged the magic beast parts and walked back to the inn where Mel was staying, Mike then paid for a separate room and went to sleep early

The next morning the two of them once again left the city early to go hunt magic beasts as they passed the gate and was out in the open Mike suddenly asked Mel

"How long have you liked girls Mel?"

"....For as long as I remember"

"I see that's cool"

"...You're not disgusted by it?"

Mike stopped walking before he turned to Mel and looked her straight in the eyes before he spoke

"Love come in all shapes and sizes, have you done something I should feel disgusted by?"

Mel shook her head, then Mike showed a rare soft smile as he ruffled Mel's hair

"Then you have nothing to worry about, well you have a lot to worry about, such is the nature of being in love after all"


"Now let's go hunting"


After another day of hunting, the two of them returned to the guild and found a couple of elite soldiers waiting for them along with the rowdy men from yesterday

"Mel and Mike, you two are under arrest for assault, come with us quietly or we'll use force!"

Mel was about to say something when suddenly she was unable to as Mike had begun circulating his mana and quickly folded out his wings as he spoke

"You dare arrest me? Should I burn your puny city to the ground?"

The smiles on the rough-looking men quickly stiffened before they attempted to knell down but found themselves unable to, then their heads slowly twisted themselves off before their headless bodies hit the floor

"Now scam before I twist off your heads too!"


The two elite guards quickly ran away, no doubt towards the lord's mansion to report that a level 7 person had shown up in the city, Mike however ignored that and went to sell today's loot at the guild counter before he walked back towards the inn with Mel that remained silent until they were about to part ways where she asked

"Was that a good idea?"

"Yes It's a little early compared to my plan, but It'll do"

"Mmn Then good night general"

"Yeah night Mel"

The next morning Mike and Mel ate breakfast as usual before they walked out of the inn and found the very person of Mel's fascination waiting for them, Mel quickly hid behind Mike that then ignored Lucy that stood and looked at him and walked on his way, or at least he tried to as Lucy called out to him

"Lord Mike"

Mike sighed before he turned to the beauty that was Lucy, before she began speaking however Mike held up his hand and spoke

"I have nothing to say to people that fail to recognize my subordinates, come let's go Mel"

"...Yes general"

Mike and Mel walked away from Lucy that stood stunned, once they turned a street Mel quickly asked Mike

"Was that a good idea?"

"Yeah, at the moment they want my powers, that means we have the upper hand Plus if I sold you to Lucy she would maybe eventually love you, but that's not a risk I am willing to take"

Mel looked rather down and kept looking back towards the street where Lucy was standing

"...Mmn Okay"

"Don't make such a face, We'll have Lucy at your feet in no time"


The two of them then went hunting as usual and only returned late in the evening, this time there was no one that blocked their way at the guild and they quickly chased out about 500 in profits (Minus the cost of the inn rooms for the day) then the quickly returned to the inn where they found Lucy sitting at a  table for herself, her every movement was elegant, Mike sat down in front of her with some food and began eating in silence, Mel sat down next to him and began eating in silence too, she did, however, steal some glances at Lucy while eating, after a bit Lucy aksed Mike

"What army are you affiliated with General Mike?"

Mike smiled and continued eating his food, after he finished eating he spoke

"That doesn't concern you"

"Then what country are you---"

"Doesn't concern you either All you need to know is that I have the power to crush this little shit hole of a city if I please"

"...What level are you General Mike?"

Mike kicked up his mana circulation to around 500 circulations per minute before they suddenly rose to around 600 as he asked

"Do you still doubt my power?"

Lucy shivered as she shook her head, then Mike knocked down his circulations a bit before he stood up and winked to Mel before he spoke to her

"I am going to bed Mel, entertain Lady Lucy here"

"Y-Yes general"

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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