Blood demon leveling

Chapter 174: Wyvern

Chapter 174: Wyvern

The next morning the two of them were out hunting magic beast again, Mel had been in a bad mood all morning so Mike hadn't asked how it went last night, eventually, he got tired of seeing Mel's slightly cute unamused face and asked

"So How did it go last night?"

Mel looked over at Mike, or rather she glared at him, then she asked

"How many wives do you have Mike?"


"...And you have no plans to expanded that number?"

"No, Julie would kill me"

"...And if she was okay with it?"

"Still no"

Mel turned her head away then she muttered

"...You seduced her"

"Who? Lucy?"

"Yes, Lucy! All she did was asking about you with those dreamy eyes of hers! If you had a lover? If you were married? If you ever considered marrying into nobility? GAH, IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY!!!"

Mel stomped the ground in anger, from where Mike stood it looked slightly cute, but he knew mentioning this would not help the situation so he asked

"But you talked to her?"'

"Yeah but that's---"

"You talked to her right?"


"The two of you had a conversation right?"


"Could you see that happen a few days ago?"


"Then it's progress right?"

Now that Mel had calmed down a bit she nodded and spoke

"...Mmn Thank you General"

"Well if you're not satisfied with the progress we could always drug her and throw her into a locked room together with you?"

"D-D-Drug her!?"

"Yeah a strong love drug should do the trick"

"L-L-L-Love drug!? No, absolutely not!"

Mike showed a smile before he shook his head

"You're no fun, that was obviously a joke"

"Muu Don't tease me, Mike!"

"Look there's a deer over there"

Mel looked and spotted the deer and quickly summoned her bow, while she was distracted Mike took a small bottle with a pink heart-shaped symbol on it, that he had stolen from a fat merchant on the street yesterday, out of his pocket and threw it with all his strength


In the evening Mike and Mel once again returned to the city, as they reached the gates however they found Lucy standing with a middle-aged man seemingly waiting on them, Mike sighed before he spoke to Lucy

"This is?"

"My father the acting lord of Kelem city"

Lucy's father showed a smile at Mike and Mel and reached out his hand to shake hands with Mike, Mike obliged him and shook his hand before he spoke

"What do I owe the honor of meeting the esteemed lord Henry?"

Lucy's father laughed out loud before he spoke

"Please General Mike, just call me Henry"

"I see Then Henry this is Mel, she's been living in your city for about half a year now, she's my direct subordinate"

Henry nodded before he also shook hands with Mel Then after a few moments Henry spoke again

"Oh my, how rude of me, please come with me to our humble home and have a meal with us, I insist"

Mike made a pondering expression for a moment before he showed a slight smile and spoke

"Okay, lead the way"

Henry lead the way to the lord's mansion and the four of them had dinner together, after eating Mike suddenly asked

"So Let's get to the point, what or who is it that you want dead Henry?"

Henry showed a smile before he clapped his hands twice which made all the servants leave the room, then he began speaking

"Are you aware of the general area around the city?"

"Yes, there's the forest to the north and roads that lead out of the city towards the East, North, West, and South, though the route to the South seems unused And avoided by adventures as well as merchants even though it's a profitable trade route Now bandits would have moved if the trade route was unused so that's off the list A magic beast then?"

Henry nodded

"Yes, a wyvern moved in there a few years back, it attacks the city a few times a year, picking off townsfolk and guards

"I see, well it's not impossible, though the price is going to be steep And no I am not interested in you daughter, as lovely as she is I am happily married 20.000"

"That's a lot"

"Then 15.000?"

"That's more realistic Thank you in advance, General Mike"

"Oh and I only want the monster core so you can do what you want with the rest of the carcass"

"Thank you very much, General Mike"

With the negotiations finished the party continued, Mel got a chance to talk to Lucy again while Mike drank with Henry into the early hours of the next day

Mike opened his eyes, he was sitting on the floor of the dining room and had been meditating most of the night, he was aware that there were 2 servants in the room, one left when she saw Mike open his eyes while the other bowed to Mike and asked

"Would you like some breakfast, General Mike?"

"...Sure, I'll eat together with Henry and the others"


At breakfast, Mike noticed that Lucy and Mel seemed to be talking normally and showed a slight smile as he finished his food and laid down the cutlery before he spoke

"Well then I'll be off now"

Henry nodded and spoke

"I'll see you out"


In the end, Mel Lucy, and Henry followed Mike out to an inner courtyard, Mike cracked his neck before he muttered

"[Wings of Blood]"

Mike took flight and flew off towards the South at a rather slow speed as he spoke

"If I was a 500 some kilogram sack of failed dragon where would I hide?"

Mike looked along the main road for about half an hour before he heard a roar from the forest nearby and looked over and saw what appeared to be a wyvern coming op to meet him and showed a smile before he took out the hammer and dripped a drop of blood of elder blood on it before he threw it at the wyvern, the hammer flew through the air for a few second before it suddenly opened up and 'bit' a chunk out of the neck of the wyvern that let out a pitiful roar as it fell to the ground, Mike hovered in the air for a few seconds waiting for the wyvern to come back up

"...Wait is it already dead..?"

Mike sighed before he noted the place where the wyvern had fallen down and instead of receiving it at once he flew down towards where it had come from and saw a nest-like structure with 3 hatchling wyverns that hissed at him and showed a smile before he quickly used control on them, they looked rather adorable with their oversized wing-like front limbs and small cubby hind legs, they also had small horns and their mouths were filled with small razor-sharp teeth

"Overall, very adorable"

Mike took them all on his outstretched right arm before he flew off and picked up their dead parent with his left hand and took flight again before he headed back towards the city, once he arrived he dumped the dead wyvern on in the front courtyard before he looked over at the 3 hatchling wyvern's that were spreading their font limb wings out feeling the wind with a smile

"Now what to do with you 3"

Mike landed in the inner courtyard again and soon Henry, Lucy, and Mel

"I'm back, I've dumped the carcass in the font courtyard"

Henry nodded before he looked towards the 3 wyvern hatchlings on Mike's outstretched arm, one of the hatchlings showed its fangs at Henry while the other two were busy following a butterfly with their eyes to notice that Henry was looking at them, Henry looked back at Mike and asked

"What about the hatchlings..? Have you tamed them?"

"Yeah, with a skill, I am going to keep them for the time being"

"I-I see"

Lucy and Mel looked at the hatchlings with curiosity, after all, most women loved cute things and they happened to be some of those said women, Mike showed a smile and patted one of the hatchlings on the head to get its attention before he spoke as he pointed to Mel

"That one is your new master"

The hatchling let out a cry before it jumped from Mike's arm over to Mel and landed in her arms after gliding a bit, then it began acting cute by letting out a purr like sound from its throat as it nestled up to her, Mike showed a slight smile before he looked at the two reaming wyvern hatchlings as he mused

"What to do with the two of you then..?"

Mike thought for a bit before he sent a mental message to Beel that to his surprise respond at once

"What is it Mike?"

"I have a gift for you and Julie, could you transport it over?"

The other 3 people in the courtyard looked over at Mike when he spoke with slight confusion, Mike didn't mind them and sat down the hatchlings in front of himself and spoke as he was instructed by Beel

"[Elder blood bestowal]"

Then a portal opened up and quickly swallowed the two hatchlings, then Mike send another metal message to Beel

"Rember they're for rasing not for eating"

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