Blood demon leveling

Chapter 176: Training

Chapter 176: Training

"Now then Try to follow along as best you can"

Mike made a series of slow warm-up movement's, he had taken off his shirt and only wore pants so his ever muscle movement was clear for Mel to see, as he made the movement's which seemed hypnotic on their own his body slowly sunk into the solid stone floor under him, Mel noted that all the power Mike now carefully wielded was challenged downwards through his entire body, this made the cracks on the stone floor spread ever so slowly like spider webs as Mike continued with his slow yet powerful moves, then before Mel knew it was over, she suddenly remembered to breathe before she suddenly complimented Mike

"That was beautiful, General!"

Mike showed a smile before he asked

"Have you memorized it?"


"Then try it out, I'll correct your posture if it goes wrong as it might be slightly dangerous otherwise"

"Yes, General!"

Mel began moving, her movements were slow and calculated, still, there was a limit to her memorizing so she began making mistakes which she soon found were corrected as soon as she made them, she looked over at Mike and noticed that he was sitting down on the ground with closed eyes when she looked at him he spoke

"Focus Mel"

Mel nodded before she began focusing again, and after a few minutes she was bathed in sweat and sat down on the ground as she managed to finish the movement set, Mike showed a smile and opened his eyes before he stood up and spoke

"Well done"

"But how did I..?"

"You didn't, I controlled your blood to control you You didn't make any big mistakes"

Mel nodded before Mike showed a smile

"Let's continue"


After making Mel do 5 sets of the movements Mike clapped his hands and spoke

"Good, now you're warmed up, let's do some sparing"

"T-That was just warming up?"

Mike tilted his head

"Yeah what else would it be?"

Mike saw that Mel didn't seem convinced and spoke again

"It's when you are most exhausted you are most likely to die on the battlefield, why do you think this is?"

"Because the body is unable to move?"

"No, the fatigue you feel is your body telling you to rest, not that it can't move The reason why you normally are closest to death on the battlefield when you are most exhausted is that you're not able to adjust to your bodies approaching limits"

Mel nodded before she quickly asked

"Then do you adjust to that?"

"By pushing your limits constantly, if you're in a constant state of exhaustion you'll naturally adjust that or expire"

Mel shuddered slightly before a hardened expression showed on her face and she nodded, Mike's smile widened

"That's right, you haven't suffered as you have just to expire doing training Mel"

Mel nodded, then she took a stance and muttered

"Here I come, General!"

After beating around Mel for a few hours Mike eventually called the training to which Mel collapsed on the spot, Mike caught her in his arms, however, and patted her on the head as he sat down on the spot with her still in his arms

"You did very well Mel"

Then Mike closed his eyes and began using his magic to circulate Mel's blood out to her torn muscles speeding up her healing process after a few minutes of sitting there Mike opened his eyes again as a person had arrived

"Hello Noel"

Mike greeted the teacher with a smile, Noel looked at Mel that was passed out in his arms before she asked

"Hello, Mike Are you done training?"

"Yeah, just need to help Mel's blood circulation a bit"

Noel nodded before she inquired

"That's your magic type, right? Blood"

"Yeah, While it may not be as fancy as fire or as versatile as water, it's still rather useful in situations like this"

"I see"

Noel didn't quite see the power of blood magic yet, what she did see however were Mike's bare upper body, his wide chest, and strong arms...


"O-Oh, sorry it's nothing"

Mike nodded before he asked

"Did you come to find us for something?"

"Oh right, Henry would like to know if you would join the rest of us for lunch?"

"Yeah I would, though don't wait for me, I need to finish up with Mel first"

"Okay And I've given some more thought to the matter you spoke about last night"

"Have you decided?"

"Yeah, I'll recommend you"

"Thanks Noel, this means a lot for me"

Noel showed a smile before she looked at Mel that was sleeping peacefully in Mike's arms and spoke

"You really care about Mel a lot"

"Yeah, she's the youngest of my direct subordinates My superior told me to go look after my subordinates so here I am"

"I see, well then I am starving so I'll go eat first"


Mike watched Noel walk away before he stopped patting Mel on the head and poked her forehead once and spoke

"You suck at pretending to be asleep"

"...Sorry general"

Mel opened her eyes and realized she was laying in Mike's arms and hurriedly got up, she seemed a little embarrassed, so Mike spoke

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about, you are my direct subordinate I'll care for and nurture you until the final battle After that, we'll all feast together"

Mel nodded before she respectfully kneeled down and spoke

"Thank you General"

"No need to thank me, I care for you all equally, though you are probably the only one I'll hold in my arms like that"

Mel suddenly started giggling before she asked

"You won't hold Gas tenderly in your arms, Like me?"

"...Nope that I won't do"

Mel laughed while Mike showed a smile before he stood up and spoke

"Come let's go eat lunch"

"Yes General"

Soon the two of them arrived in the dining room and ate lunch with the rest before Mike then dragged Mel back to the training courtyard, this time Lucy, Henry, and Noel followed along to see the training regiment, the courtyard was empty when they arrived, Mike took off his shirt before he threw it to the side as he walked into the courtyard with Mel following after him, then he asked Mel

"Do you remember or would you like me to demonstrate again?"

"I remember some But Please General"

Mike showed a smile and ruffled Mel's hair before he spoke

"Don't worry about it, I'll teach you as many times as it takes"

Mike breathed out before he began the slow movements once again, as he started the courtyard quieted down at once as all eyes were on him, off to the sidelines Noel asked Henry

"Has he ever shown you this before?"

"...No, I believe this is only due to the fact that he trusts us somewhat that he is allowing us here"

"I see"

Mike continued moving with slow, practiced movements, then he began challenging the power through his body down into the ground, his feet sank about half a centimeter into the stone floor as cracks spread out from under his feet, then after another few minutes he stopped and breathed deeply before he showed a smile and spoke to Henry that was in a daze

"Sorry about the floor Henry"

"Oh Don't worry about it, Mike"

Noel to Henry's side was amazed, thought's quickly ran through her head

'He didn't strengthen his body with mana at all How tyrannical is his body's strength for him to pull off this without even sweating!?'

Lucy had started watching Mike with a blank look on her face, but when he was done she showed amazement in her clear blue eyes, Mike noticed this and showed a smile before he spoke

"Your turn Mel"

"Yes General"

Mike sat down on the ground and closed his eyes, then he began ever so faintly churning his mana as he began correcting the small errors that Mel still made, while Mel performed the movement's Lucy's eyes showed both excitements and worry as well as the faintest hint of expectation, soon Mel finished making the first set and breathed out deeply, sweat was pouring down her body but still she showed an excited expression on her face as she asked Mike

"How was it this time General?"

"Better, you made 26 errors"


"Don't look like that, you made 57 the first time around so you are improving at a rapid pace, though I'll say it now, don't practice without me"

"Why not?"

"Look down"

Mel looked down and saw there were faint cracks on the stone floor under her feet, then Mike showed a smile and spoke

"The power you challenge through your body is enough to wreck it from the inside"

"I understand General"

"Now then, let's continue, this time perform it along with me"

"Yes General!"

"Very good response looks like you still have some vigor left"

"Ugh Please go easy on me"

Mike showed a smile for a bit before he asked in a slightly stern tone

"Do you think the enemy will go easy on you?"

Mel's body shuddered slightly before she kneeled down and spoke out loudly

"I am very sorry General!"

Mike sighed before he walked over and pulled her up and spoke

"I know it was just a slip of the tongue, though it represents a careless attitude, don't worry I'll drill it out of you soon enough"

"Understood General!"

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