Blood demon leveling

Chapter 177: Love

Chapter 177: Love

The days went by with Mike training Mel, eventually, Noel had to return to the academy After they said their goodbyes Mike went right back to training Mel And just like that 2 months passed and now it was Lucy and Mel's turn to leave for the academy, Mike would make sure that they arrived safely so he rode with them on horseback while the two ladies had the carriage for themselves, Mike gave Mel a thumps up right before she closed the door to the carriage, then he turned to Henry that had come to see them off

"Well then, we're off to the academy"

"Yes, please take care of my daughter Lord Mike"

"Sure, hey don't look so sad we'll drink sometime again soon"

Henry nodded

"Yes, that we will"

Henry's life had been changed by Mike completely, Mike had opened up a profitable trade route as well as the 'gifts' he received from the city to the south he himself would smoothly be able to reach level 7 and hire some elite guards to secure his city, he saw them off before he walked back into the manor

On the road, eventing passes smoothly Mike took care of the few bandits and aggressive magic beast they ran into on the way and so after a relatively smooth 2 weeks of travel they arrived at the academy city where they would first spend the night before they would announce their arrival and register Mel and Lucy, Mel sat on her bed in her inn room and played with the Wyrven hatchling she had named Charles when there was a knock on the door, Mel got up from the bed and opened the door and saw Lucy standing there with her ever faint smile on her face as she spoke

"I'm here to play"

Mel showed a smile as she internally screamed from happiness like a fangirl, outwardly though she kept a calm expression and nodded with a smile on her face

"Come in Lucy"

Lucy walked in and Mel closed the door then when she turned around she saw Lucy sitting on the bed playing with Charles that was nestled between her large breasts, Mel's eyes twitched slightly as a crack appeared in her expression for a moment before she fixed it as Lucy suddenly asked with a slightly teasing smile on her face

"Would you like to touch too?"

Mel looked at the soft mounds of Mt. Lucy for a few milliseconds before she laughed and asked

"Lucy, why do you have to tease me like that all the time?"

This time it was Lucy that had a small change in her facial expression before she muttered

"What if I wasn't teasing you"


"Nothing Nothing at all"

Mel sighed, she truly didn't hear what Lucy had just said, she wasn't being dense, she walked over and sat down next to Lucy, and for a bit, the two of them played with Charles until Mel noticed that Lucy was looking at her with a particular gaze and looked up from Charles, Lucy looked into Mel's entirely black eyes as she gathered confidence before she ever so slowly reached out with her hand and brushed Mel's dark hair to the side of her face, while the two of them had grown closer over the last 2 months this was undoubtedly the closest they had been ever, Lucy's hand wandered and soon stroked Mel's cheek, Mel nestled into her hand slightly as the inside of her mind went blank from happiness, then she slowly leaned forward to kiss Lucy when suddenly there was knock on the door and the two of them suddenly seemed to realize how close they were and jolted back as the door opened and showed Mike that looked at both their blushing faces before he spoke

"Oh Sorry about that"

Mike hurriedly closed the door just as Mel threw her pillow after him, then an awkward silence followed in the room before Lucy suddenly stood up and spoke in a flustered tone

"E-Excuse me"

Mel felt a great amount of pain as she watched Lucy walk towards the door before she quickly got up from the bed and grabbed Lucy's hand before she turned her around and then after mustering all her courage for a moment she pulled Lucy into a hug as their lips met in a clumsy kiss, Lucy was stunned for a moment before she seemed to realize what was happening and hugged Mel back before the two of them shared a passionate kiss, neither of them noticed that the room gradually got darker

The next morning Mike suddenly awoke from his meditation as a scream sounded out in the inn, his mind kicked into overdrive at once as he recognized the voice

'The two rooms over, that's Mel's room..!'

Mike kicked off the ground, denting the floor under him as he summoned his wings, by the time they were half-formed he had shattered the door to his room, he twisted in the air before he kicked off the wall opposite of the door to his room, as he flew past the first room he began maneuvering with his wings and with a mighty flap of them he flew into a shattered the door to Mel's room, at the same time he increased his blood circulation to the max as his perception of time slowed down and the image of what happened inside the room appeared reflected in his eyes


A crossbow bolt

Shotter outside the window, a flying level 7

Mel, clear distress on her face

Lucy clutching her neck

Entry as well as an exit wound, visible through Lucy's fingers

All this entered Mike's eyes that were wide open as his perception of time ground to a halt

'Lucy takes priority'

Mike's mana was already churning, as time began to move for him again most blood droplets that were flying through the air suddenly looked like they were being rewound in time as they flew back into the wound that then was fused shut by the blood droplets crystalizing starting from the inside of Lucy's neck to the outside, the process lasted exactly 0.7 seconds in which Mike's concentration was fully on Lucy

'Now for the shooter Oh would you look at that, it's a full automatic crossbow'

Mike's eyes had returned to the shooter and the bolt that was being fired towards him, or more precisely the door behind him that had shattered to pieces when he went through it

'Probably a shot made by pure reflex This guy is kinda good'

Mike's wings flapped once more moving him forwards as he twisted his body slightly as a crossbow bolt went straight through his lower stomach

'That's a 2 no a 3, fucker is using barbed bolts'

Mike had moved halfway across the room by now, he had also drawn the knife and defeated the 2nd and 3rd blot that came flying his way with a couple of loud clangs before he drew the knife back as he crashed through the window that was shattered already from the crossbow bolts as he slashed out towards the assassin that shield himself with the crossbow

'A shame, I would have liked that crossbow'

The knife made no sound as it slashed through the crossbow and cut off a few fingers of the shooter, then he muttered as his perception of time began flowing normally again


The shooter flew off as he clutched his injured hand while Mike watched him, then Mike flew back into the room again and landed on the floor before he unsummoned his wings and spoke casually to Lucy and Mel


Mel yelled at once

"What about the shooter!?"

"It's fine, I've handled him"

"But I just saw him fly o---"

"I said I've handled him"

Mel stared at Mike for a few moments before she sighed


Mel looked back to Lucy she held in her arms and saw she was looking up at her


Lucy clutched her hand before she spoke back


Mike smiled then he walked over and patted Mel on the head

"She'll be fine"

"Okay thank you General"

Mike sighed before he sat down on the floor before and closed his eyes for a few seconds before he opened them again and nodded

"Looks like the bolts weren't poisoned"

"...Are you sure General?"


Mike lifted his shirt and showed the hole that was in his stomach which made Mel and Lucy gasp before Lucy spoke

"...Are you okay Mike?

Mike smiled

"Yeah I am fine, I've been nailed way harder than this, once I had my entire stomach blown out by a level 9 once, survived that too"

Mike showed a smile as he looked at Mel then at Lucy in her arms and spoke nonchalantly

"Speaking of Nailing, looks like last night went well"

Both Mel and Lucy went bright red in their faces at Mike's blunt comment

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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