Blood demon leveling

Chapter 178: Enrollment in the academy

Chapter 178: Enrollment in the academy

After Mike's blunt comment the two lovebirds blushed completely red before Lucy stammered

"W-W-What are you saying Lord Mike, our relationship is completely pure!"

Mike sighed before he looked at Lucy and spoke

"You're right, completely pure My mistake As if I would say that, you know I can hear anything that happens in a two-block radius right!?"

Lucy docked her head slightly and just as she was about to say something Mike spoke

"Don't worry when I denied that your relationship is pure I didn't mean it in the sense that two women in a relationship are somehow 'unclean' or anything like that As long as no laws are broken you can love whoever the fuck you want to"

Mike stood up again and continued

"Now then, I'll go settle the repair costs"

Mike walked out of the room and downstairs where he explained how the room's got damaged and paid a repair fee at once before he walked back upstairs and packed his stuff before he walked over to the two lovebirds room and saw that they were busy packing the stuff, so he knocked on the doorframe and spoke

"I'll be downstairs, once you finished packing we'll head to the academy at once"

Mel nodded, so did Lucy, then Mike walked back downstairs again and ordered something to drink as he waited, after waiting for about 10 minutes Mel and Lucy arrived, and then the 3 of them set out towards the academy that was situated in the middle of the city, on the way there they met with someone Lucy seemed to know

"Lucy, thank the heavens for such a pleasant meeting"

The 3 of them looked over and saw a young nobleman as well as what appeared to be his 2  escorts, a knight and a butler Lucy showed a diplomatic smile and greeted the nobleman with courtesy

"Lord Herman"

The young noble showed a smile as his eyes wandered to what he assumed was Lucy's two escorts before he spoke dismissively

"You may leave us, Lucy is in good hands"

Mike showed a slight smile as he began to churn his mana slightly, then he looked over to Mel that had her mana in full churn as her eyes turned a shade darker she asked the nobleman

"What do you plan to do with Lucy?"

The nobleman's eyes turned a shade darker before he muttered

"I plan to find an opportunity to feed her a love drug, then rape her Wait"

The nobleman shook his head as he covered his own mouth then he seemed to realize what he had just said and looked around to check if anyone heard it, once he realized that everybody present had heard it his face flushed with anger as he pointed at Mel and yelled

"How dare you use mind magic on me!"

The knight drew his sword and the old butler began churning his mana at once but they quickly paled as Mike churned his mana in full and asked

"Can you not treat me as if I am air?"

The old butler paled as he muttered

"L-L-Level 8..!"

Mike's smile widened before he asked Lucy

"Who's this waste of space?"

Lucy had some trouble speaking under the full might of Mike's mana but still, she told Mike

"He's Herman, the current inheritor of the provincial capital which my fathers domain is under"

"I see"

Mike disappeared from view before he reappeared right in front of Herman and grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up, then he looked over at the butler and asked

"Can you send a message to your lord for me?"

"Y-Yes, certainly"

"Okay then say to him Next time he raises a son, educate him better"


Mike dropped the lifeless body on the street before he relaxed his mana again and looked over at the two women and spoke with a smile on his face

"Let's get going"

Lucy nodded while Mel spoke

"Yes General"

Then the 3 of them walked on, as they walked Mike asked Mel

"What kind of speel did you use on that waste of space?"

"I call it [Darkness draw]... It makes people spill their deepest desires"

"I see Would you use it on me sometime?"

"Sure General, but why?"

"Well I would like to know my deepest desires Just keep it a secret from Julie"

"Yes General"

Mel and Lucy walked along and chatted while Mike kept an open eye on the surroundings soon they all arrived at the gates to the academy where they were allowed in after a security check then Mike handled the enrollment procedures for Lucy and Mel before he said his goodbyes to them and walked off into the city

The next morning Mel opened her eyes slowly, she found herself in her new dorm room which she shared with Lucy, which was like a dream come true, she quickly sat herself up and looked around, the room was rather big with two beds, two study desks with their own chair, a sofa with a table and an entire kitchen, besides that there were a bathroom and a balcony, Mel looked over at Lucy's bed and found it empty, then her still asleep head worked for about 2 seconds before she remembered what happened last night and looked next to her in the bed and found Lucy, she was asleep still, Mel's face showed a smile as she looked at the sleeping Lucy and for a non-creepy amount of time she admired her lover's sleeping face

'Oh right We don't have time for this'

Then she suddenly remembered that this was their first day of classes and that she really didn't have time for this

"Lucy Lucy"

Mel softly called out Lucy's name as she stroked the latter's cheek, soon Lucy opened her baby blue eyes and looked up at Mel for a bit before she showed a soft smile and grabbed the hand that was stroking her cheek and nestled into her hand like a kitten, Mel nearly gave in and was about to embrace Lucy when she remembered that the two of them were in a hurry

"Lucy we need to get ready"

Lucy opened her eyes again and stared into space for a bit before she nodded

"Right You go shower first, I'll get our uniforms ready"

"Sure see you in a bit then"

Mel stood up and walked over towards the bathroom when she heard Lucy ask form behind

"...Want to shower together?"


15 minutes later the two of them ran out of their dorm room, they were late for the morning assembly so they hurried along and soon they sneaked into the assembly and found their seats among the about 2.000 students in the grand hall, on the stage, an elderly man was speaking or rather lulling the students to sleep with a boring speech, this was the aged principal that was level 7 himself, on the stage stood about 250 teachers that varied in level, though all of them were over level 5 and all wore a teachers uniform that was different from the uniform that the students wore

"---And with that, I would like to take a few minutes to introduce a few new teachers this year, please come forwards when your name is called First, off we are very proud to introduce a new level 8 teacher that will be teaching combat, his name is Mike"

Mel looked up at the stage and saw no other than Mike in a teachers uniform walk towards the principal and shake his hand before he switched palace with him at the speaker's podium then he looked over the students for a few moments before he began speaking

" the principal said my name is Mike, first off I would like to introduce the two classes that I will be holding while I am in the academy, first of is fairly basic, it's magic formations, I'll be teaching those of you that are interested about the basics of formations, the second class I'll be teaching is combat, pure and simple This will not be ceremonial nor will it be Noble, the only function this class will have is teaching you how to kill your opponent in the most efficient way Besides that, it'll help you build up your body from the ground up Anyone is welcome"

Finished say what he wanted Mike once again shook hands with the principal and walked back to his spot, there were a few other new teachers after that, but none of them had the impact which Mike had and so after half a day of speaking the first morning assembly was finished, the students had the rest of the day off to think about what classes they would like to take besides the mandatory classes, Mel and Lucy walked back to their dorm room while they were chatting

"I really didn't expect to see Mike as a teacher"

"Me neither"

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