Blood demon leveling

Chapter 200: The deal

Chapter 200: The deal

Mike offered his arm to Julie and then as the two nuns watched the two lovebirds walked out onto the street, Julie was currently wearing a set of leather armor and so was Mike with his various weapons hanging off it, people looked at them oddly and some were even frightened for a moment once they saw them, but they all figured that it was some sort of highly detailed costumes.

Mike talked with Julie in the prime worlds native language so they weren't overheard by other people, soon however Mike noticed that the people were thinning out and soon a person stood some hundred meters in front of him

"Oh, there he is"

Julie looked ahead and spotted the man Mike was speaking about

"Who's that?"


"You mean it's the guy that poisoned you?"

"Yeah, well I'm not 100% sure But 90% sure? Yes 90% is a good percentage"

Julie sighed before she asked

"So, what do we do?"

"Hear him out, while preparing to raise hell, though they'll probably do the same"


"Now, now, we can always kill them afterward, the only thing we fear here is an ICBM"


"Inter-continental-ballistic-missile, it's the things that carry nukes"

"Oh I remember that you talked about nuclear weapons a lot Mike"

"Yeah and they are not going to nuke a populated city at this stage"


Mike and Julie stopped walking and looked at Desmond that now stood in front of them with a calm smile on his face

"You haven't introduced me Mike?"

"Oh right, this is Desmond, Desmond this is Julie"

Desmond nodded to Julie that narrowed her eye slightly as she spoke in her native language

"[He looks like a dick]"

"[That he dose]"

Desmond showed a diplomatic smile as he asked

"What was that?"

"Just Julie's way of saying hi"

"Ah I see, have you eaten yet?"

Mike shook his head, then Demond gestured towards a cafe nearby where a couple of men in black suits stood and guarded around, Mike and Julie followed after Desmond that sat down and asked

"What can I offer?"

"Hmm French toast, times two"

Desmond nodded and relayed Mike's order

"[What's French toast?]"

"[It's sweet bread]"

"[I love sweet things]"

Demond looked at the two of them speaking a language he had never heard before, it was not only him but the language experts in his earpiece also were silent, it seemed that no one had heard about this language that the two demons in front of him spoke

"Before we eat I have to ask you something Mike"


"Why did you leave Area 51?"

Mike's eyes narrowed slightly

"So you're saying that if someone poisons you, then you stay in the same palace and let them experiment on your body after you're unable to protect yourself?"

Desmond showed a wide smile as the French toast arrived and was placed in front of them, Mike looked at the sweet-smelling French toast and sighed before he spoke to Julie

"[It's poisoned again, the same poison too]"

Julie narrowed her eyes and looked over at Desmond, then Mike asked

"What is this?"

"It's the deal"

"What do you mean 'it's the deal'!"

Mike looked at Demond in front of him that soon began speaking after he took off his sunglasses and revealed his sky blue eyes

"Listen here, 3 years ago Earth lost it's 4th superpower, one that the US was deeply allied to, with Russain and China breathing down our neck we have to use every method, so when some Xeno thing arrives that is able to wield mana to an extend we previously thought impossible, then, of course, we are going to use it in its entirety against our enemies"

Then he gestured to the French toast in front of him and spoke again

"This is the deal, we poison you, study you and once we've figured out how to clone you we harvest you for organic material, that's how it is being a filthy non-human, you don't have human rights so we can do whatever we want with you"

As Demond spoke Mike felt the surrounding mana density fall to near zero

"[Well Shit]"

"[What is it Mike, is it them that lowered the mana density?]"

"[Yeah and their offer is, shall we say less than pleasing to the ears?]"

"[Okay then, take the left side?]"

"[And I'll cover the right side]"

"[What about the douchebag here?]"

"[We have bigger problems]"

Julie sighed before she stood up from the chair and looked straight at Demond before she spoke in her native language

"[You're lucky this time, human]"

Desmond sat there with his smile that then suddenly disappeared as both Mike and Julie disappeared from view, cracking the concrete below their feet, then he muttered

"We can still clone them from their corpses right?"

Then gunfire sounded out further down the street, then he let out a sigh and stood up as he spoke into his microphone

"The targets have fled, fire at will, I repeat fire at will"

Mike and Julie moved fast, perhaps fast was an understatement? When they kicked off the ground the concrete below their feet broke and wherever they passed a strong wind blew people on the street away

"Why aren't we flying again?"'

"Because that would make us a target"


As Mike and Julie moved further and further North, Mike realized that the surrounding people had thinned out again until eventually there were no people on the streets

"Shit! Now it doesn't matter, fly low Julie!"

"Got it!"

Julie summoned her demon wings and Mike summoned his wings of blood as they flew North the city started to clear up, soon they exited the business district and entered the suburbs, Mike and Julie still flew low to the ground, when Mike's ears picked up the sound of rotor blades and looked ahead

"There are the helicopters, you remember what I taught you, Julie?"

"Of course, they can't fly without their tail right?"


Julie showed a smile and summoned her [Hellsword] before she flapped her wings hard and appeared under the leading attack helicopter before she changed course near-instantly and flew straight up and in mere moments her [Hellsword] cut through the tail portion of the helicopter, long before its onboard targeting system ever acquired her as a target, the second helicopter, however, was just about to open up on Julie when the hammer passed clean through the bulletproof glass and turned the pilot as well as the gunner into a bloody paste, meanwhile, Mike cut the tail off another helicopter with the knife, with that the helicopter group of 3 was swiftly dispatched, Mike and Julie continued North

'Come on There has to be some sort of blockade up ahead right?'

The reason Mike hoped for a large blockade was simple, it was because it meant that they wanted to stop them then and there, as in they were unable to track them further

'Of course, this could just be a mistake on my part This sucks'

Soon however Mike's wish seemed to be granted as they reached a large blockade consisting of several tanks as well as a couple more helicopters and about 50 fully equipped soldiers, Mike quickly spoke to Julie

"Maximum effort, babe!"

"Got it, Mike!"

Julie narrowed her eyes as she spoke

"[Hellfire aura]!"

Blue flames spread out around Julie's [Demon wings] and her body before she then pointed her [Hellsword] ahead and yelled

"[Hell gaze]!"

The blue flames condensed on the tip of Julie's [Hellsword] before they suddenly shot out in the form of a beam of pure heat, the heat-beam melted several tanks and set alight the flesh and clothes of the soldiers unlucky enough to be too close, at the same time Mike deployed his aura

"[Blood aura]!"

Once his aura fully deployed he drew the knife and pointed it towards the sky as he yelled

"[Blood moon]!"

An eerie reflection of a blood moon appeared in the sky over the blockade and then the soldiers let out screams of terror as the blood ignited inside their bodies, their bodies soon exploded from the sudden heat change sending bloody gore all over the place, the soldiers inside the tanks and helicopters weren't safe either, they all met a bloody and violent end, as for Mike and Julie they simply passed through the blockade without stopping

A few hours later Mike and Julie stopped flying, they had come a significantly long way North

'We're probably not in Nevada anymore What's North of Nevada again? Idaho?'

The two of them were inside some natural park where they had found an empty cabin where they would rest for half a day before flying East, right now Mike was working with some food he found in some bear-safe containers

'Stale bread, cinnamon, sugar Just need some eggs now'

Mike found some eggs after flying around the forest for a bit, he wasn't sure what kind but that really didn't matter to him

'Now then'

Mike quickly wiped up some French toast, soon Julie returned with an entire bear, she showed a smile when she saw Mike waiting for her and quickly looked at the plate on the table beside him

"Is that..?"

"Yep, French toast"

Julie picked up a piece and quickly ate it before her face melted into pure bliss

"So good~"

Mike showed a smile as he watched her eat

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