Blood demon leveling

Chapter 201: White house

Chapter 201: White house

Mike and Julie spent a few days in the cabin that were located in the natural park, Julie found Mike sitting staring into empty space one morning, he was looking out the window at the expanding forest in front of him, Julie walked up and sat down on the chair next to him before she asked

"What's wrong Mike?"

Mike didn't respond at once, only a little while later

"What if No never mind"

"Come on Mike, you can't just lead me on like that"

"Okay then here goes What if We just disappear somewhere off to the corner of the globe and disappear?"

Julie narrowed her eyes somewhat and looked at Mike for a bit before she asked

"And then what? Settle down have a couple of kids and raise them?"


Julie showed a soft smile before she gently took Mike's hand that laid on the table in hers before she spoke again

"As much as I would like that You wouldn't be able to settle down would you Mike?"

Mike still looked out of the window before he shook his head slightly

"I don't know"

Then he looked over at Julie and admitted for the first time

"I am tired Tired of fighting"

Julie gave his hand a squeeze as she spoke

"That's when you have to fight on the most"

"...Yeah I know that it's just"

Mike suddenly looked away from Julie up towards the ceiling of the room as his ears twitched slightly, then he sighed and looked back at Julie

"Looks like we need to leave"


"Because a surveillance drone has just spotted us"

"Got it, I'll go get my stuff"

Julie stood up at once and quickly got her backpack, as did Mike before the two of them rushed out of the small cabin and flew off towards the east

A few days later the two of them reached the east coast, from there they went south along the coast and met increasing resistance along the way, Mike opened his hand and received the hammer from a crashed helicopter before he spoke

"Looks like they've figured out the plan"

Julie unsummoned her sword before she asked

"What even is the plan?"

"Well Sitting down for a chat with the president of the united states?"

"Why do you sound so unsure?"

"Because if he ordered this thing it's not going to be a chat"

Julie tilted her head before she asked

"What do you mean he ordered this? I mean he's the leader of the country right, so of course, he's the one that decided this, right?"

Mike shook his head

"Not necessarily, this isn't a prime world, people sometimes go against their superiors and hide things from them"

Julie narrowed her eyes before she let out a large amount of killing intent and spoke

"That's a little naive don't you think..?"

Mike showed a smile and didn't mind the killing intent from Julie at all, he simply nodded

"Yeah, it is"

Then he walked up to her and soothed her by stroking her cheek, Julie didn't stay mad and soon nestled into his hand and closed her eyes, then Mike spoke

"It won't end up like last time, don't you worry about that Let me tell you why it's because we're strong, strong enough to wipe all the pesky cheating, lying, cheating, fifty humans off the face of this planet, we have a nuclear option too"

Julie giggled before she remarked

"You said cheating twice"

Mike showed a smile

"That's because it's important... Come we still have a few days travel to D.C."

Roan Dalton stood in front of a mirror, he was a lean middle-aged white man with graying hair with a trustworthy face, he was currently putting on his tie

"Come on now"

Or rather he was fighting with it if people knew that the president of the united states was unable to tie his own tie it would be more than a little embarrassing, soon however a pair of slender hands reached out from behind and tied his tie for him

"Thanks, honey"

A woman that seemed to be about the same age as Roan showed a smile before she went back to putting on make-up, she was Chatrhine Sally, Roan's wife, and the first lady, as she was powdering her nose she asked

"Today you have that call with the Russian president right?"

Roan nodded at his wife's words

"Yeah we need to discuss some things related to the un-colonized zone"

Soon the two of them finished getting ready and walked out of the residence along with a couple of secret service guards, after seeing off his wife Roan soon arrived in the oval office where he was informed that the schedule had been changed due to a newly arisen treat, soon a couple of people arrived to brief him, among them was a person from the Area 51 along with several high standing officers from the army and a scientist, the person from area 51 introduced himself

"My name is Desmond Hext and I am here to brief you about the UHC-1 and UHC-2"

Roan nodded, he knew that UHC stood from unidentified Humanoid Creature, he quickly paused however

"Wait there's two of them now?"

Desmond nodded before he continued speaking as he gestured to a file with Mike's picture on the front

"As you have been briefed about before UHC-1 first appeared in the un-colonized zone about six months ago, there it shot down a fighter jet and captured its piolet as a means to establish contact with us, from there it was taken to Area 51 where various test was taken before it went berserk and destroyed a helicopter prototype, then it dropped off the radar for about five months until it appeared again, this time accompanied by UHC-2"

Desmond gestured to the other file where a slightly blurred picture of Julie was placed, this file was significantly thinner than the one on Mike however

"Right, that incident Have the mana suppressor's been inspected?"

The scientist spoke up

"Ah, yes It appears that they worked as intended"

Roan's face darkened slightly before he questioned the scientist

"Then why weren't UHC-1 and UHC-2 affected? I was informed that their bodies required mana to function?"

"That It appears that we were wrong"

Roan sighed before he gestured Demond to continue which he did

"So far we've lost 26 helicopters and 14 tanks along with 127 souls to trying to contain them and It appears that they are moving with purpose"

"So where are they going?"

"Well All indicators points to that they're coming here, to D.C."

Roan's face darkened even more before he spoke

"Why weren't I informed of this potential threat before?"

"I apologize sir, the UHC's movements have been hard to predict"

Roan sighed again, just as he was about to speak again an alarm suddenly went off before secret service people entered the room and quickly informed Roan

"Sir we need to move to the bunker, an attack is imminent"

Roan quickly got up and followed the secret service people as he asked

"What's going on!?"

"Sir! Two unidentified objects have entered the airspace above the city, it appears that it's the UHC's, they've already downed four helicopters and several fighter jets that had been sent to intercept them before they reached the city!"

Roan nodded before he commanded

"Make sure my wife is safe!"

"The first lady is already being escorted to a safe location"

As the group passed several corridors soon they reached a hidden elevator where they quickly entered, after going down in the bunker under the white house Roan sighed deeply before he commanded

"Get the security systems online at once! I want eyes on the UHC's!"

"Yes, sir! We have found them, putting it up on the screen now!"

A monitor that hang on the wall of the room lit up showing several camera's viewpoints around the white house at the one in the oval office the two UHC's appeared, they appeared to be chatting about something before the blue one suddenly looked up at the camera and showed a slight smile, on the floor around them lay several unconscious secret service people, then the blue one mouthed a few words at the camera

[Found you]

Then the two figures flickered before they disappeared from the camera's view A chill went up Roan's spine as he quickly yelled

"How long until the army arrives!?"

"6 minutes, sir!"

"Tell them to hurry up!"

A few tense minutes passed before the secret service people in the room received a message through their earpieces and drew their sidearms before they pointed them towards the reinforced door, a couple of them ran over and stood in front of Roan, Roan knew that the time had come and breathed a deep sigh, then a loud clang sounded ou inside the room as the security door dented inwards after being hit by something heavy, then a few seconds after that another impact dented the door further, Roan steeled his resolve as the third impact sent the security door flying into the room, the secret service personal opened up with their weapons as two figured that moved too fast to see entirely entered the room About 10 seconds of gunfire later the secret service guards were all incapacitated, in front of Roan stood UHC-1 with a slight smile on its blue face as it spoke

"Mr. President"

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