Blood demon leveling

Chapter 204: Godhood

Chapter 204: Godhood

Mike and Julie returned to the cabin where they turned in for the night, as they did the light behind Mike's eyes grew stronger and suddenly his consciousness split, Mike opened his eyes, around him was all dark, dark, and cold


Mike looked around, he could feel something nearby, it was warm, he turned his body and found a yellow star which he seemingly was floating in front of, at that moment he realized it

"Oh I've ascended"

He opened his mouth and sucked in some of the star before he curled up and closed his eyes again

This repeated many times, Mike would wake before he would consume a bit of the star, before going back to sleep again, he felt like he was in an egg waiting to be born, the yellow star was his embryo, as the time passed the sun grew smaller and smaller, Mike was gradually able to stay awake longer and longer until the finale day of the star, on that day he consumed it entirely, he felt energized and fully awake, he began to look around his soundings, there were several planets in this star system, one of which seemed to had harbored intelligent life, the key word was seemed, as now that the star had become consumed the population had all frozen to death, anyway Mike spent some time to observe the frozen cites from the orbit of the planet, then the hunger soon returned and Mike looked around for the nearest star, he could see several stars on the horizon, but he didn't quite know how to travel to those stars

'Maybe if I had something to use to travel'

Mike looked down at his own body and realized that he was nude, he chuckled a bit as he imagined the intelligent life on the planet he was in orbit around having seen his nude from consuming their star little by little, then he waved his hand and a set of black shorts appeared on his body, then he opened his hand and to his own surprise the knife appeared

"...I think it's about time to find out what you are buddy"

Mike peered past the knife's exterior and into the blade and there he saw it, he chuckled a bit before he nodded and spoke

"So it was a weighted game from the start I was meant to be the new demon general long before Beel found my soul"

Inside the knife he saw it clearly, it was a fragment of himself, more precisely a fragment of his own soul, a fragment he himself had chipped off from his main soul when he killed his father with an empty bottle of booze, a fragment that had fuzed with the egoless wills of another former demon general, how this had happened Mike had no idea

"...Well I guess that reality is stranger than fiction?"

Mike nodded, he also knew why the knife had controlled him and changed him

"Guess it's an echo of the egoless will inside the knife One that has now guided me to where I am and to what I have become A god that costumes stars"

Mike chuckled before he swung the knife, there space ripped open in a rather violent way, using his mana he stabilized the tear in space and navigated the space in between space until he found what he looked for a let his body be sucked into the tear, then a moment later it closed

Mike felt the space in between space rather strange so he decided not to think about it too much, soon a rift opened in the center of Andromeda on the other side lay Well Julie's true body, she was clad in a red dress that seemed to have been made of fire, other than that she looked just like her mortal body did, she showed a smile and spoke

"You're finally here Mike"

Mike showed a smile

"Yeah well this thing didn't exactly come with an instruction manual"

Julie giggled before she nodded

"Well that's true, I took a little while to get used to it too Then what do we do now? Head to battle?"

Mike shook his head and spoke with an unbefitting amount of pride

"Nah, let's run and hide At least until we free Beel and level the playing field you know make it a proper 3 vs 3"

"So you can feel her too"

"Yeah, Beel isn't dead yet, most likely they have confined her somewhere"

"Then let's find her first"

"Yeah but how..?"

Mike thought for a moment before he got an idea and opened his hand where the knife appeared, Julie looked at the knife and was stunned for a moment until Mike explained

"This is, in reality, the egoless will of an old demon combined with a fragment of my soul for some ungodly reason, so I figure that it will know where to find Beel"

"...There's a lot I want to comment on but Yeah let's do it"

"Got it"

"Oh first hide your true body"

Mike was a little puzzled before he nodded then the true body of Mike and Julie disappeared, then a rift opened up, and before their presence disappeared

A rift opened up on the dark side of a moon,. There Mike and Julie appeared before they looked around and soon realized that they were on a moon orbiting a prime world, most likely the one where the newly ascended member of the guardians of the wheel had ascended not too long ago, Mike stood on the surface of the lifeless moon and looked 'up' at the prime world that seemed to be covered in some sort of barrier

"What do we do now? We can't rescue Beel without being detected"

Mike thought for a few moments before he began speaking

"Our mortal bodies are linked to our true bodies right?"


"I feel Beel's mortal body on this prime world"

"Me too"

"Then it's simple"

"What's simple..? Oh, it really is simple"

Mike and Julie looked at each other before they both spoke

""We simply create a new pair of mortal bodies""

Mike's smile widened and praised Julie

"I really am glad I married you, Julie"

Julie showed a sweet smile and gave Mike a quick kiss before she sat down on the dusty surface of the moon and closed her eyes, Mike did the same and soon he felt his own will detach from his true body as passed undetected by the barrier around the prime world

On this particular prime world, there was no island sea, it was all a giant supercontinent with varying mana density, in one of the countless cities a certain king woke up, he was level 8 and lorded over the surrounding 5.000 square kilometers, he showed a smile as he awoke, today was the day After getting dressed and cleaned by the servants he listened to the advice of his court and made a few significant rulings before evening approached, then he, as usual, returned to his own chambers to retire for the night after he said to his loving wife and queen that he wasn't feeling very well and wanted to spend the night alone, she had been worried for him ever since he had that Incident 6 months ago, he closed the door to his chambers, but it would be while before he would sleep on the bed, instead he opened a secret passage and passed down below the castle where he had for the past 6 months been worshiping his newfound gods

"Tonight is the night"

A smile crept onto his lips as he entered the chamber, there a giant pit spanning 300 meters across was filled with decaying blood, the blood of his own citizens, whom he had hunted nearly every night doing the last 6 months, he had finally gathered enough blood, he walked over to the altar and kneeled down to receive the final message from his new gods, soon their voices entered his ears and he began chanting as the mana circle around the giant pool of decaying blood began lighting up, he chanted feverously for most of the night and at exactly twilight he spoke the lines

"---Demon God of Blood, Demon God of fire, I summon you, to this mortal plane!"

With those words as a command, the pool of decaying blood began shrinking at an alarming rate, as 'something' formed in the middle, at first glance it seemed like an egg, only it was made of red crystal and sent off sinister blood-chilling screams directly into the mind of whoever looked at it, soon the pool of decaying blood had all but dried up leaving the egg floating in the middle for a few seconds before a crack appeared on it, at this point the king was crying tears of joy as he spoke fervently

"Your humble servant is at your command!"

Then he lowered his head as the eggshell cracked completely revealing two people inside, it was, of course, the new mortal bodies of Mike and Julie1, they had brainwashed this mere mortal to do their bidding with their true bodies, shattered his mind, and made a new one that was more befitting to serve them, the two of them showed a smile as Mike spoke

"You have done well"

The king began shedding tears of joy as he heard the voice of one of his gods for the first time

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