Blood demon leveling

Chapter 203: Enlightenment

Chapter 203: Enlightenment

Mike overlooked the elite soldiers that were seated in front of him, then he sighed loudly before he muttered

"Is this really the best soldiers Roan could offer..?"

Mike's voice wasn't low so of courses, the soldiers heard him, some showed puzzlement while others seemed slightly annoyed and then there were the ones that were outright provoked, still, they had their discipline so of course, they didn't speak up, after all, Mike was currently their superior, Mike showed a smile and nodded before he spoke

"I guess I'll have to make do Move to the excise field, double time!"

The elite soldiers obeyed and soon the entire group had moved to the expansive excise field, Mike stretched before he spoke


Then he performed a set of movements, they seemed simple at first glance and as he started the elite soldiers were chatting amongst themselves, however when he performed the 3rd set they had turned quiet, some of them could feel the immense power contained in these simple-looking movements, soon Mike finished making the 3rd set and breathed a deep sigh before he spoke with a slight smile on his face

"Now it's your turn Anyone unable to make the 3rd set will be sent back to their former unit, take your positions on the field Oh, the ones that weren't paying attention to my demonstration can leave now, no need to risk permanent damage to yourself just because you're unable to pay attention to what your superior is doing"

Soon the soldiers lined up in two lines before they began to uniformly perform the movement sets, Mike sat on the ground in front of them and corrected their mistakes, in the end, they all managed to perform the 3rd set, though they were all bathed in sweat, Mike looked at them with his tail swinging from side to side before he sighed

'Well given the fact that they managed 3 sets... They should be comparable to level 5 people from the prime world, not bad at all'

Mike jumped to his feet and looked at the new recruits before he spoke

"Very good I see that no one failed, I'll speak to the chefs and make them increase your meals for tonight, now on your feet, let's go for a jog, two files after me!"

As The group made their 134th round around the training felid Julie that had so far been watching the show let out a yawn before she disappeared from view and reappeared next to Chloe that was jogging along, she adjusted her pace to follow along with Chloe before she spoke

"[Well you certainly smell delicious]"

"...Excuse me?"

"Hi, I am Julie, thank you for keep my husband company that one time"

Julie spoke in perfect English, something she had been capable of for the past 3 years after she had pestered Mike to learn the languages of his homeworld, besides being able to speak English she was also fluid in Danish, a shame Denmark had been wiped out by Mike

"Oh, hi I've heard much about you from Mike, Julie"

Julie's smile widened slightly as she spoke again

"I am sure it's all good things, right?"

Chloe showed a smile and nodded before she whispered 

"He said he missed you a lot"

Julie nodded before she disappeared from view and reappeared next to another female member of the group before she began chatting with them, like this Julie moved around for about half an hour before Mike eventually signaled for the group to stop jogging, then he looked up at the sun and estimated the time before he spoke

"15-minute water break, then I'll see you all at the firing range"

Mike, that had barely broken a sweat walked towards the firing range along with Julie, once the two of them arrived at the firing range Mike took out a pair of ear protectors and put them on Julie's head covering her ears, then he handed her a loaded service pistol before he began instructing her via the mental network on how to use it, Julie nodded and followed Mike's instructions, then suddenly she asked a question that had been on her mind ever since they arrived on Earth

"Why don't you use [Control] anymore?"

Mike paused before he sighed and spoke

"Out of fear That they'll find us"

"...Well, that makes sense"

Julie seemed a little gloomy when the subject came up but eventually, she sighed before she spoke again

"Don't worry Mike, we'll fight back soon"

"Yeah as soon as I figure out how to ascend How are you doing with that?"

"Ascending? I am all ready, just waiting for you dear"

Mike sighed before he nodded and spoke

"I'll do my best"

Julie sighed before she muttered

"That's the wrong way to go about it though"

Mike nodded and thought about it for a bit, but he was interrupted by the arrival of the soldiers at the range and decided to put it on the backburner

"Line up single file facing the range, one person per shooting position"

Soon the soldiers had taken position and so Mike started with the one on the right and put his hand on the young soldiers back before he spoke

"This might feel discomforting at first, endure"

Mike then injected his mana into the body of the soldier and cleared up their paths, this was a simple method he had studied at the academy, there it was known as a forceful way to make someone a mage, the only downside to doing this was that a person would afterward require close to double the amount of experience to level up, so it was only widespread amongst the higher levels of nobility where the cost of extra slaves or monster cores was manageable and given the fact that there were no crystal balls to level up people on Earth it was a near-perfect solution to making modern-day soldiers stronger with very little effort after Mike finished opening the paths of the soldier he coughed violently a few times before he felt his body grow hot, at that moment Mike spoke

"The feeling you're currently is experiencing is your mana rotating along your paths, if you calm yourself you should be able to calm it down"

"...Got it"


Mike moved onto the next soldier and once he was done with all of them he spoke

"Tomorrow you will be learning about how to control your newfound mana, experimenting on your own can and will cripple you If it doesn't outright kill you Now then with that being said you all are now officially mages, congratulations and I'll see you all at 08:00 tomorrow" with that said Mike and Julie took flight and soon disappeared from the soldier's view

From there time passed, Mike educated the soldiers in the usage of their limited spells, trained them in close combat, and built their stamina as well as their bodies strength, every day was fulfilling for Mike, gradually his usual thin smile seemed more and more genuine, Julie that was the closest to him naturally noticed the change eventually a year passed since the opening of the demon boot camp and it was time for the soldiers to graduate and return to their former units, after a year of training each and every one of the soldiers was now significantly hardened individuals, Mike stood on the same platform he had been standing exactly a year before and looked at the fruits of his labor, all 54 soldiers looked back at him, he knew them all by name, he knew their bad habits and their good points, gradually he began speaking

"This has probably been the best year of my life you all know me by now, I dislike long speeches, I'll wish you luck in your further endeavors and tonight we all party and drink on the government's bill!"


The night was long but enjoyable for Mike, as the night lengthened he felt his eyes were begging to play tricks on him, when he looked at Julie he faintly felt that her eyes were shining, Julie felt Mike's gaze and stopped chatting with the female members of the group and walked over to Mike before she pulled him up to his feet before she led him out of the noisy mess hall and spoke with him one on one

"I am very happy Mike"

"Julie...  you know what's going on?"

Julie showed a smile and pointed to her own eyes before she spoke

"Beel called it the divine shine, it's how you detect mortal bodies belonging to gods Your eyes have begun to shine too"

"Eh..? That means---"

"Yes, congratulations Mike, you will probably ascend tonight"

"Then You have already asenceded?"

"Yeah.. I've been waiting for you in the middle of Andromada, there my true body is consuming a star"

"A star"

Julie giggled before she explained

"Stars besides their massive mass contain a large amount of mana, which is needed to maintain my true body"

"I see What about these mortal bodies?"

"... I don't see the need to bring them with us to the prime world, they will be our source of happiness"

"... I see, so that's what you meant with 'you just have to live your life'... It's gradual enlightenment"

Julie showed a smile and nodded

"That and having to be the kin of an already existing god, yeah"

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