Blood demon leveling

Chapter 75: Arrivel in Tursk

Chapter 75: Arrivel in Tursk

Mike slowly awoke, the hammock he was laying in swayed from side to side ever so gently For some time he laid and looked up into the ceiling of his cabin until a cold light flashed in his eyes and he then jumped out of the hammock and began putting on some clothes

'Elina said that we'll arrive on Threa today'

Mike stretched after he got done putting on some clothes, then he opened his hand and the knife flew up and landed in his hand, then he picked up a blanket before he walked out of the cabin, after passing through the narrow hallways below deck he made his way up onto the deck and walked over to his usual spot and laid down the blanket on the deck before he took off his shirt and laid down on the blanket and drifted off to sleep again in the pleasant sunlight

Mike didn't know how long he slept on the deck but when he woke up again he saw Elina and Rebecca kneeling next to him, he let out a yawn and sat himself up before he asked

"What's up?"

Elina quickly spoke

"Master we have arrived on Threa"

"I see Well then let's move towards Tursk"

"Yes master, we have prepared a carriage"

"Nice, good job you two"

Mike put on his shirt before he walked off the ship, down at the port was a carriage parked which he then opened the door and sat down inside, after thinking for a bit he called out

"Snow, join me inside"

Snow walked over and into the carriage with a proud smile on her face

"Daisy you too"

"Yes boss"

Soon the carriage set off from the port city which name Mike didn't bother remembering, the rest of the servants along with a consumable amount of adventures escorted the carriage out of the city towards their destination: Tursk

Darkness covered everything, its arms, legs, body and head Despite the darkness, she knew what it was after, it was after her. She had been caught by it before, thus she knew the pain it would bring to her if it caught her, thus she ran, even though she knew it was futile she ran as darkness covered everything

Mike awoke, slowly he felt like he had just had a nightmare but was unable to remember what it was about so he cleared his mind of it and after a few moments it was nothing but a bygone dream, he stretched and looked out of the window of the carriage for a bit before he spotted something off in the distance

"Stop the carriage"

Even though he spoke in a low voice the coachman heard him and thus the entire convoy stopped and then Mike stepped out of the carriage and looked around for a moment before he kneeled down and touched the ground, Rebecca dismounted from her horse and walked over to him and asked

"What's wrong master?"

Mike closed his eyes for a bit before he opened his eyes again and asked

"What happened to Serina?"

"Serina? She's waiting for us a Tursk"

Mike gave a thin smile before he shook his head slightly and spoke

"Well looks like her abilities have grown stronger in my absence since a level 5 can't even sense her"

Rebecca quickly caught on and looked around for a bit before she finally caught a whiff of something but before she was able to do anything something appeared out of thin air and jumped Mike, it was big almost 2 meters tall and about 5 meters from nose tip to tail end, her fur was a mix between blood red with dark as night strips, Serina pushed down Mike with her front paws and then she licked the shit out of his face, Mike simply closed his eyes and mouth and let it happen, after a few moments she stopped licking his face and laid her head down on his chest, Mike wiped the worst of the silva off his face before he opened his eyes and raised his head, there he saw Serina's head laying on his chest, she looked like she did when he had been enslaved, well except for the dark stirpes, Mike gave a smile and asked

"Have you been a good girl while I was gone?"

Serian gave a happy bark as he tail wagged at near speed of light while Mike petted her head and ears for some time until she lifted her head from his chest so that Mike could get up from the ground when he did he resumed petting Serina while he asked Rebecca that stood next to him still

"What happened to Serina?"

Rebecca gave a sigh before she spoke

"She was killed for her fur, we found her carcass it was only after we submerged her body in blood for about three days that she revived"

"I see Did you find out who did it?"

A cold light flashed through Rebecca's eyes as she gave a nod and spoke

"Their skulls are still rotting above the east gate of Tursk"

"I see Well then, we're about 2 days from Tursk right now right?"

"That's correct master"

"I see Well then I'll see you there"

Mike then jumped up on Serina's back before Serina set off in a full sprint towards the city of Tursk leaving behind Rebecca in a cloud of dust, Mike laughed out loud as the air pressed against his face, even though Serina wasn't wearing her saddle Mike was still able to ride her at top speed, which felt like it was over 100 kilometers an hour, Mike lowered his body as he thought back on how he had ridden his motorcycle in his past world as the landscape whistled past him

It had found her, its tentacles warped around her crushing the life out of her slowly almost gently making sure that she suffered as much as possible, she wanted very much to scream but knew that it would give this Thing some sort of sadistic pleasure so she endured, even as it sank its teeth into her body slowly eating her from the tip of her toes ever so slowly, it was only when it reached her heart a few hours later that she died. And then it started all over again.

Mike awoke, he felt like he had been having the same nightmare over and over ever since they landed on Thera so by now he could remember it clearly


Mike stood up and stretched before he patted Serina on the head and spoke

"Let's go, girl, we need to reach Tursk today"

Serina gave a bark and stood up before she also stretched her back, then she sat down and let out a howl that could be heard for miles around, Mike gave a smile and jumped onto her back before she set off again, the two of them had spent the night outside on the road to Tursk and by midday, they finally reached the gates, Serina's tongue hang out of her mouth as she hyperventilated while she walked after Mike, the two of them had just passed the inspection and was now walking through the busy streets, people kept their distance from the two of them for two reasons, one being that Serina was a giant half ton wolf and the other being the color of her fur, the vermilion red represented a rather new adventure family that had first appeared 3 years ago and had rapidly expanded swallowing several smaller families and now it was one of the top 3 families in Tursk

"Hmm Let's go into the dungeon for a run and get you something to eat shall we?"

Serina gave a bark, Mike showed a smile and walked towards the center of the city where the dungeon lay, along the way he felt several connections to his servants in the city

'Towards the east huh Well, that makes sense that's where we brought the barracks Let's feed Serina first before she starts picking people off the streets'

Mike and Serina made their way towards the dungeon and soon walked in on the first floor where Serian ate a few goblins, as she was in progress of eating a goblin corpse another group of adventures appeared around a corner and greeted Mike

"Hey there Is that your wolf?"

"Yeah what about it?"

Mike looked the group over, they felt like they were level 1's and 0's in other words newbs, the one that had called out to him gave a sigh and spoke

"I would leave the city soon then, there's this family in Tursk They have a fascination with anything that has that bloody color"

Mike gave a nod

"Thanks for the tip"

Seeing that Mike didn't care about the warning that he had given the adventure gave a sigh and lead his group onwards deeper into the dungeon, Mike watched them go before he turned to Serina and asked her

"Had about enough yet, you gluten?"

Serina gave a bark and licked the blood and gore around her mouth off before she walked over to Mike and pushed him with her nose towards the entrance of the dungeon

"Alright, let's go then"

Mike patted Serina on the side before he walked out of the dungeon with Serina and began heading east, towards the barracks

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