Blood demon leveling

Chapter 76: Light

Chapter 76: Light

Mike walked through the streets of Tursk and soon he and Serina arrived at the barracks him and Julie had brought a mere 3 years ago

'This place sure changed a lot'

The old barracks were no more, instead, a new looking flushed outbuilding stood three stories tall and was made out of crimson bricks, Mike could feel the presence of several of his servants inside the building and was about to call them using his skill when a group of adventures left from the main entrance of the building, a few of them spotted Serina and walked over, all of them kneeled down in front of her before one of them asked with a great measure of respect

"Serina it's good to see that you have returned"

Mike had a hard time believing what he was seeing, to think that Serina was so highly respected in the adventure family he had made on a whim, he tried hard but eventually, he let out a laugh that he had tried so hard to contain, the laugh didn't sit well with the adventures as it felt like Mike was mocking them so understandably one of them got up and yelled at Mike

"What's your fucking problem you ugly son of a non-human bitch!?"

This of course only made Mike laugh harder and for a time only Mike's laughter could be heard before he suddenly stopped laughing and explained

"Sorry about that It's just so funny to see that my mount earns so much respect while you openly disregard the owner who stands right next to her"

The face of the adventure froze for a moment before he let out a snort

"Oh yeah? In that case, I am the king of Thera! See two can play that game, now get the fuck lost before we skin you!"

The smile disappeared from Mike's face before he shook his head and muttered

"Looks like I need to speak with my servants about who they recruit in the future, as for now"

Mike suddenly disappeared from view of the group of adventures before he reappeared next to one of them and made a shallow cut on his ear with the knife, then before they managed to react he reappeared next to Serina and spoke


Then it happened, the adventure began screaming as he suddenly fell to his knees and began bleeding from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth, as he screamed he begged Mike to make it stop, meanwhile the other adventures watched in horror as the blood he bled began floating upwards and formed a ball above his head before the orb of blood suddenly crystallized into a sword that then descended right on top of his head piecing all the way through his body before it nailed him to the ground, the other adventures were stunned, one of them even threw up her newly eaten breakfast, before any of them could begging to yell for the higher leveled people in the adventure family Mike yelled out

"Why don't you come out and explain this shit to me, Marie!?"

His voice was heard in the entire barracks but before any outrage was heard came an excited shout from the second floor


A small figure jumped from the 2nd floor and landed right in front of Mike then the small figure kicked off the ground and rammed right into Mike's stomach


Mike absorbed the impact by taking a few steps back before he showed a wry smile, the figure that was hugging his stomach was Lina, the youngest member of his servants, Mike could faintly feel mana circulate inside her and was secretly impressed as his hand naturally fell on top of her head before he ruffled her hair as he spoke

"You have impressed me Lina"

Lina looked up with a small tear in the corner of her eyes before she gave a bright smile

"I did my best master, so please praise me lots!"

Mike showed a smile that suddenly faded before he shook his head

"Unfortunately I have become disappointed You have let me down, Lina"

Lina's smile disappeared before she let go of Mike and staggered a few steps back before she suddenly knelt down

"Please tell me about my mistake master and I'll do my utmost to make up for it!"

Mike gave a sigh and looked over at the adventure group that had mocked him earlier before he asked Lina

"Then tell me who let them into our family..?"

Lina's face lit up with fury before she stood up and turned to the adventurers before her mana churning with murderous intent that stopped several of the adventures from breathing before she yelled

"What have you people done to my master!?"

One of the adventures managed to stammer out

"H-He killed Dave..!"


Mike gave a sneer as he spoke

"I think I heard a 'you dirty non-human' or two"

Lina's face went cold before her mana began churning and she snapped her finger making six fireballs appear before they were sent flying and landed right on the faces of the six adventures right on their mouths before they exploded and sent superheated air down their throats burning their lungs to a crisp which sent them crumbling down onto their knees clutching their necks, a few of them even survived a few moments as they struggled to breathe with their crippled lungs, Mike watched this with a smile before he looked at Lina and spoke

"Good job Lina, I knew you were still loyal to me"

Lina's face lit up before she kneeled down on the spot and spoke very passionately

"Lina is always loyal to you, Master!"

"Very good"

Mike was about to walk into the building when Maire finally arrived at the entrance of the building. She still looked to be in her 30's seemingly haven't aged a day since Mike had been enslaved, as always she had two tall bunny ears on top of her head, along with her curvy from Mike recognized her right away

"Welcome back master"

MIke showed a thin smile before he commanded

"Take me to her"

Marie gave a bow as she answered respectfully

"Yes, Master"

It was after her again. It would eventually catch her. It would enjoy her pain as it slowly devoured her, she still ran from it as she had done some many times before, then it happened, light suddenly shone into her dark world as she suddenly tasted something as sweet as honey, almost sweeter before she was drawn out of the dark world as she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was a person with horns that smiled at her

"Welcome back Julie"

She recognized that name she just didn't quite know from where What she knew however was that it was coming for her soon, so she pushed the person away and did what she had always done, she started running, or at least she tried to. As she was grabbed by the person with horns, she struggled but it soon felt like her body was on fire, she started screaming as she struggled to get free from the horned person that had grabbed her, then he twisted her body around and grabbed her other arm, he was now behind her and held her tightly

"Calm down Julie"

She struggled and struggled but it eventually proved futile so she tried to reason with him and tired speaking

"Pl...ease it's co...ming!"

"Calm down Julie Nothing's after you"

She ignored him and kept struggling, her body still felt like it was on fire as her arms began trembling from pain as she once again tried to plead

"Please It's for me..!"

"Nothing's coming for you, Julie You are safe here"


She struggled and struggled eventually she began feeling faint but still, she pleaded


Mike sat on the ground in the mausoleum holding Julie in his arms, she seemed to have passed out from exhaustion, it was understandable however as her body was skin and bones, her cheeks had sunken along with her eyes, she was nothing like Mike remembered Still, he knew it was her


Even as she was passed out she still mumbled, Mike might look calm at the moment but inside he was way past the boiling point, he wanted to tear Hector apart and eat him alive but at the same time he was happy, happy that Julie was back to him, happy that he was able to hold her in his arms, he didn't care much that she seemed to be confused at the moment as he knew deep inside that she would remember in time, he was sure of it, he sat and hummed a low tune as he rocked back and forth inside the mausoleum

"Master Do you need anything?"

Marie called out from the entrance of the mausoleum, she had never seen her master like this before

"No just close the door and leave us I'll bring back Julie Or starve Whatever comes first"

Marie gave a bow and closed the door to the mausoleum

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