Blood demon leveling

Chapter 91: Peaceful academy life

Chapter 91: Peaceful academy life

Mary tried to stammer something out before she went completely red in the face from shame and quickly scrambled out of the room, seemingly fleeing after her brother, as for the twin's servants they eyed Mike and Julie one last time before they quietly took their leave, silence hang in the room as Julie walked back and sat down in Mike's lap like it was her natural place to sit, after a few seconds she asked innocently

"What's wrong Mike? Weren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"

Mike looked at Julie playing innocent and gave a wry smile before he twisted slightly in his seat and pointed to the people in the room

"Karl you already know, then there's Henrich, that's Hila and finally we have professor James, everybody this is my dear girlfriend Julie Are you done marking me yet Julie?"

"Hmm Just a little longer"

Mike gave a sigh but he didn't look all that bothered and reached up to pat her on the head, Julie nestled into his hand like a kitten but eventually he stopped patting her head and spoke

"That should be about enough right?"

"Tch... "

Julie clicked her tongue and jumped off Mike, Mike showed a wry smile and began to explain a little about what he had learned in the club, Julie seemed a little lost around the midway point and asked

"Do you really find this interesting Mike?"

"Hmm..? Yeah, why else would I be here?"

Julie showed a smile and gave a nod then she turned to James and asked

"Professor James, how do I join the club?"

James showed a smile and explained to her how to join the club which included filling out some papers which she quickly did, as James watched her sign the papers he asked

"Do you find magic items interesting?"

"Honestly? No, not at all But since Mike says it's interesting I'll take a look anyway"

"I see, maybe you will awaken some interest"

"I sure hope so Anyway is the seat next to Mike taken?"

"...No, just don't disturb the club too much with your flirting, okay?"

"No problem professor"

"Just call me James"


As such the club started for real, only a little later than usual, surprisingly Julie seemed to be paying attention and trying to understand what was being thought by James as well as the other members of the club, soon the club hours were over, Mike and Julie made their way back to the dormitories hand in hand, however when they entered Mike's room the air around them seemed to change slightly as Julie suddenly spoke in a cold tone

"Michelle huh"

Mike didn't finch he simply gave a thin smile which somehow rubbed Julie the wrong way as she snapped at him

"So you like her better is that it!?"

Mike shook his head and spoke in a calm tone

"No I don't, her blood however smells oh so sweet"

Julie's angry expression melted away as she gave Mike a quick kiss

"Yeah it does, when can we eat her?"

"Not while we're at the academy Soonest at the field trip in half a year"


"Now now don't sulk, oh right I have something I would like you to do"

Julie sat down at the table and looked over Mike's notes while she absentmindedly asked


"Well Promise you won't get mad?"

Julie waved her hand as she dismissed the notion that she could get mad, Mike gave a sigh and asked somewhat awkwardly

"Can you draw the formations tattooed on Snow for me, I would like to have a closer look at them"

Julie paused before she turned to Mike

"You mean strip her naked and then draw her?"

Mike gave a nod

"Basically, there's this professor that seemed to have owned Snow before and I would like to steal his research once I find out what it is"

Julie thought for a bit before she gave a nod

"Sure Anything else you want to tell me? I have been having the feeling all day that something changed about you Mike?"

Mike gave a sigh before he walked over and sat down on the bed, Julie walked over and sat down on the bed next to him and asked

"Is it serious?"

"Kind of I found out what my destiny is, or rather what this knife is turning me into"


"A demon"

Julie tilted her head and bluntly asked

"Aren't you a demon in the first place? I mean you don't come from this world"

"I mean a biblical demon"

Julie looked even more confused as she spoke

"You are going to have to explain some more Mike"

Mike gave a nod and began to speak about the more dark side of Christian faith and other various things he had picked up over the time he had done research on the occult out of boredom, Julie's face gradually turned more and more serious and by the end of Mike's explanation she asked him

"So what are you going to do?"

Mike showed a hollow smile

"Well my entire life I have wanted to become something And now I am becoming something immensely powerful but evil So should I really complain?"

Julie gave a nod before she took Mike's hand and spoke

"Isn't that fine then?"

"Yeah that's what I am leaning towards anyway"

Julie showed a bright smile

"I'll follow you wherever you go Mike, so don't worry"

Mike gave her hand a squeeze as the two of them sat there in silence

The next morning Mike awoke, next to him or rather half on top of him lay Julie in the tiny bed, she was as always when they spent the night together very naked and so was he, Mike quickly unwarpped himself from Julie and put on some boxers before he began working out, halfway through his workout he noticed that Julie seemed to have awoken at some point and was watching him with a keen interest


"Morning Why are you working out Mike?"

Mike did some more push-ups as he spoke, in fact he didn't stop doing them while he spoke with Julie

"To not get soft"

Julie gave a smile, a very enchanting one at that before she crawled out of the bed and put on some clothes, but only the bare minimum before she joined Mike on the floor and mimicked him as he did push-ups, Mike showed a smile and gradually coached her so she could show a proper form and workout properly, this gradually turned into flirting as all things tend to do when you leave a couple that is on good terms in a closed room Mike and Julie eventually took a shower and got ready before they walked out of the dorm room where Elina, Snow and Rebecca formed up behind them, as they walked to class Mike explained some basics about paths and points so Julie would not make a fool of herself like he had done in the first class he attended, on the way they also ran into Karl and Michelle that chatted with them as they made their way towards class, Mike was also keenly aware of some strange looks he and Julie received on their way to class, but he ignored them for the most part

'It's probably just some human supremacists that are peeved about me holding Julie's hand'

Class eventually started and Mike sat thought the entire morning class without much issue, the problems came when they sat down to eat at the cafeteria, a couple of people approached the table Mike, Julie, Karl and Michelle sat at and while completely ignoring Mike one of them with his eyes locked on Julie introduced himself

"Hello there beauty, my name is George, might I have the honor of knowing your name?"

Julie remained silent for a little while before she spoke one word


The man gave a nod before he gave a sidelong glance at Mike, disgust clear in his eyes as he spoke again to Julie

"I see Let me advise you Julie, one does not eat at the same table as one's pets and Other filth, why don't you have dinner with us instead?"

Mike showed a slight smile as he shook his head slightly, this man, or rather boy was about to enter a world of hurt, sure enough Julie stood up and with a smile on her face she slapped him with full force right in the face, sending him flying a few meters before he hit the ground hard, Julie walked over and picked him off the ground and shook him awake before she spoke

"The next time you insult someone you should be sure of their level first, did your parents not teach you this?"

Then she slapped him again, knocking him out once more before she dropped him like the sack of entitled shit he was and walked back to the table and sat down before she continued eating with the others

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