Blood demon leveling

Chapter 92: Assassins

Chapter 92: Assassins

Around the end of the break George woke up, he slowly picked himself off the floor before he looked after Julie that had slapped him unconscious with a venomous look in his eyes, then he turned to his servant, an old level 5 butler and asked in a cold tone

"How could you let that bitch beat me up like that!?"

The butler narrowed his eyes slightly before he began churning his mana slightly

"The master has specified that you are taught some manners, I figured this would be a good way, no?"

George shot the butler another venomous look before he turned and walked out of the cafeteria while clutching the side of his face that still hurt like it was on fire but his anger burned even brighter as he dismissed the butler for the day and went towards a dorm room he and his friends used as a gathering place as he opened the door a cry of pain sounded out that made George show a nasty smile that sent pain throughout his injured face as he walked in and quickly shut the door as another cry of pain rang out in the room, speaking of the room the walls were covered in formations which Mike would recognize as sound damping runes, the room was also rather big for a dorm room, but that was because they had taken the wall to the adjacent room down and occupied it too, the room was also dirty and covered in ash as the group of nobles inside smoked heavily, there was also a smell of alcohol in the air as well as sweat and another Particular smell of blood and bodily fluids that came from the kidnapped female student in the corner, her eyes were empty and an illegal slave collar was secured around her neck, she was a sorry sight, her skin bruised and abused she was truly close to death and in fact would be if not for the booster runes tattooed with black ink on her skin which fortified her organs and important bodily functions as well as increased her sense of pain as an extra evil and unnecessary twist.

There were about 15 people inside the room drinking various kinds of high proof spirits and smoking a tobacco-like dried plant as well as a highly addictive drug called Fairy's smoke by its users for the disorientating and highly euphoric effect smoking the drug had which made the smoke look like pretty fairies flying around, George walked in and sat himself down in a leaning chair and was quickly served a glass of very expensive whiskey from one of his underlings, after downing the glass he threw it on the floor and shattered the crystal glass which made the room fall silent as one of the other young noble's noticed George's injuries

"Damn George, what happened to your face!?"

George received a stick of fairy smoke and lit it before he took a couple of deep puffs before he complained

"Some level 5 bitch slapped me! And after the great me advised her not to eat together with such non-human filth, can you believe it!?"

"What a bitch!"

George continued

"I want her dead, no better I want her to crawl between my legs before I stick a long sword up her ass!"

The others laughed along before one that had remained silent so far spoke, he was the leader of the group of noble scum and was named Delvin, besides his slightly overweight and slightly pale skin he looked like a relatively normal person, though the sinister arrogance in his eyes was hard to hide

"What's this bitch name?"

George gave a sneer

"Julie, she is a new student And I think she has a non-human fuck toy"

The entire group of nobles frowned, they all despised non-humans, Delvin spoke after thinking for a while

"Find out who she is first Then we can torture that bitch in peace"

One of the underlings that were eager to earn favor gave a nod before he quickly walked out of the room and shut the door behind him, George showed a nasty grin as he imagined how he would torture Julie, as he did one that had not spoken yet spoke up

"...I think I know what club she's in, you said her name is Julie right George?"

George gave a nod, then Henry asked

"She has red shoulder-length hair right?"

George gave a nod that made Henry stand up as anger showed on his face and he walked over and kicked the kidnapped female student which made her cry out, Delvin asked

"What, has she offended you too Henry?"

"Yeah that cold bitch drew her sword and threatened me after I asked her name, crazy bitch!"

Delvin gave a laugh

"Very good, to offend not one but two of my friends, this bitch certainly has to die a painful death! Come let us drink to her painful demise!"


Some days passed, Mike and Julie went to class like usual, Mike had felt a gaze on him over the last few days so he was somewhat alert which rubbed off on Julie as well as their servants, then it happened Mike got sick and tired of it and made a plan to get rid of the gaze, by going into town and having Elina and Rebecca hunt it down, Mike and Julie walked into town hand in hand, unbeknownst to them this was exactly what the gaze following them had waited for, so they quickly sent word that the targets were moving into the Killzone

A man dressed like a normal person was following after a couple that walked on the streets, he was very good at following people, but that was the least impressive skill this man had, he was an assassin and so were his four partners, he sent a hand signal to one of his companions

*Target, 200 meters, 2 people, confirm*

The hand signals were received by another inconspicuous person that gave a nod after confirming the location of the couple ahead, then she sent a quick hand signal back


The group of five assassins followed after the couple waiting patiently for an opening they could exploit, it had to be said that they were all level 5 and had enough training to take down a group of equally leveled knights double their size, they was the most expensive one could get in the academy city and the most lethal, soon the couple seemed to have gotten a little excited and walked down a deserted side-ally to make out or some such, this was the opening they had been waiting on and so 3 of them quickly climbed up on a nearby roof to take position on the roof while the last two took position at each end of the ally then the signal came from the leader


Frist the three on the roof jumped silently from the top off the roofs they held daggers smeared with deadly poison, they rapidly descended through the air but then something happened, one of them were suddenly grabbed just as she passed a window by an armored arm that grabbed the assassin by the neck before another armored arm shot out grasping a dagger that went clean through the assassins eye right into her brain killing her instantly, on the ground the couple that so far had been oblivious suddenly moved each dodging the attacks that came from above the very last second, at this point the assassins realized that they had lost a member on the descend down and then both of them yelled


The leader reacted instantly and stormed out followed by the assassin in the other end of the ally

"Kill the targets!"


Mike and Julie showed smiles as both of them churned their mana and drew their weapons and fought back against the assassins, Mike bent backward dodging a stab from the assassin in front of him before he slashed upwards with the knife, the assassin dodged back, avoiding the knife completely as he gave a snort before he also began churning his mana as he suddenly slashed out with a speed that was twice as fast as before, Mike parried as a smile suddenly showed on his face, a smile that made the assassin's blood go cold as he dodged to the side, alas he wasn't quite quick enough as an icicle shot up from a puddle on the ground and slashed open his clothes drawing quite the amount of blood that sputtered out form the cut on his chest, Mike acted quickly and slashed out just missing the assassin as he continued retreating but hitting the blood that was in the air before he spoke


At the same time as that happened Julie exchanged several blows with a female assassin, despite her longer and the more cumbersome weapon she was lightning quick and managed to stay on the offensive against the smaller dagger the assassin wielded and soon she caught out the assassin in a big opening and slashed out with her sword, just barely scraping the assassin's arm as the assassin tired to counter-attack she activated her skill


The assassins shadow seemed to come alive and dug itself into her arm holding back her swing as Julie slashed lightning quickly towards her face cutting through the female assassin's skull right at eye level, this all happened before the other two assassins arrived at the fight, the leader made a quick decision and yelled


The leader and the other assassin quickly turned and fled towards the entrance of the alley where, at each entrance a person in full armor suddenly appeared out of thin air surprising the assassins, the leader managed to injured his opponent with a stab at the armors weak point before he was subdued, but the others were not quite so lucky and had his hand cut off before he received a knuckle sandwich to the face and was pacified, Mike gave a smile and spoke in praise

"Well, that works"

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