Blood demon leveling

Chapter 96: Killing at the academy

Chapter 96: Killing at the academy

After lunch at the cafeteria, Mike went to the club James was humming when he entered and seemed to be in a rather good mood, Mike showed a smile and sat down as James began talking about formations, Mike asked him some questions in the direction of the formations that were on Snow's body, but he did in an inconspicuous way as to not attract attention from James

'Plus I would hate dragging him into this He's such a nice guy'

Soon it was time for the others to arrive after the usual students were gathered the club resumed, Mike thought Julie for the most part of the club hours, while it may sound like they were just flirting Mike managed to refresh some concepts along the way so it was beneficial for him too, halfway through the club hours Michelle arrived and made an official appointment with Mike about studying Serina the next day in the colosseum with the monster and magic beast research club, Mike agreed, Time passed like this for about a week with Mike going to class and to club, one day Mike was sitting in class and making notes when suddenly a voice sounded out in his head

"Master, we have arrived at the academy city, what are your orders?"

Mike paused for a moment before he remembered what he had planned for the servants that had arrived and quickly sent a mental message to them all

'Prepare for combat and hide near the academy I feel a net is tightening around me as we speak'

""""""Yes master!""""""

This wasn't just something he said to keep them alert, it was really happening as he spoke and had been happening for the past few days, it started with someone observing him, then the number of observers increased and then he for forbidden from leaving the academy last night

'The net is tight alright Looking forwards to going wild for once'

Mike showed a slightly bloodhungry smile as he stroked the knife

'I know you're waiting for some blood too wait a little longer now'

The knife let out a soft red glow before it went quiet again, Mike made a few hand signals to the three servants as the class ended and they quickly formed up on him and Julie as they walked towards the cafeteria with Karl and Michelle, Karl seemed to have figured out something was happening but Michelle seemed oblivious, then the old butler that walked behind Karl tapped him on the shoulder which caused Karl to stop before he turned to Mike

"Sorry, Mike Looks like this is it"

Mike stopped and sighed before he turned to Karl and reached his hand out

"Thanks for everything"

"You too"

Michelle looked slightly confused but then suddenly the crowd around them seemed to clear out as a group of knights surrounded them, then she quickly asked Mike sounding a little distressed

"Mike what's happening?"

Mike showed a smile and gestured to Karl, Karl grabbed Michelle's hand and dragged her along out of the encirclement, now the only ones left inside the encirclement was Mike, Julie, Elina, Rebecca, and Snow, Mike drew the knife and spun it around as his mana began to churn, Julie drew her longsword as her mana also began to churn, Likewise, Elina and Rebecca materialized their armor and oversized daggers

"Why don't you come out, esteemed professor?"

A laugh sounded out as a familiar professor showed himself outside the encirclement, then he spoke condescendingly to Mike

"You surely regret your actions now, don't you Mike?"

Mike showed a smile as he asked

"What about your sponsor are they present?"

A middle-aged man walked over and stood next to the professor, his mana began to churn slowly which made Mike's face change slightly

'Level 6 huh Well, this is going to be slightly harder than expected Nah!'

The sponsor began speaking with clear disdain from Mike

"Hand over the prototype and I'll personally grant you a painful death!"

Mike gave a laugh and then he quoted a certain invisible man

"Are you sure about that?"

Then it happened, the noble sponsor seemed to notice as he instantly spun into action and dodged left, behind him a person in full, demonic armor seemed to appear out of thin air stabbing forwards with an oversized dagger just gazing the shoulder of the noble, at the same time another person in full armor appeared and stabbed the professor thought the throat from behind and twisted the dagger, at the same time another four people in demonic armor appeared around the noble all stabbing forwards with their daggers, the noble managed to draw his sword and with a slash he cut the chests of two of the demonic armored people before he disappeared from view reappearing a little ways away unharmed. At this point, the knights that were encircling Mike and the others noticed that something was going on, a few of them were confused and before the leader managed to bring them under order Mike and the others inside the encirclement exploited the gap and sprung forwards cutting down a few knights, in the ensuing melee Mike moved with three demonic servants under his full control cutting down knights left and right, Julie had three servants following and covering her while she also cut down the level 5 knights with ease, the face of the noble became increasingly grave as he shouted out

"Enough of this farce!"

Then his mana began churning going from about 120 circulations per minute to about 300 in mere moments as an overpowering aura spread out from him that made the movements of the knights as well as everyone else within 500 meters sluggish, then he instantly unleashed a spell that formulated itself as a fire pillar below three of the demonic servants that swallowed them whole for a few moments.

When the flame disappeared the demonic servants reappeared in a rather sorry state as their armor half melted and cracked from the heat they were just exposed to, Mike and the others froze but not before one of the servants handed Mike its dagger and Mike swiped the knife across the blood on it


Mike raised his hands but then he showed a twisted smile as a bright red light flashed in his eyes he yelled


The level 6 noble didn't know what happened next as he instantly dried out as his blood was drained and he died along with a couple of other knights, one of the surviving knights managed to mutter

"What the---"

Then before he could finish his sentence the still standing burnt corpse of a demonic servant next to him suddenly twitched before he then jumped on him and bit down on his neck, the knight let out a ghastly scream as his blood was rapidly drained, the same happened with the other two burnt demonic corpses, they also jumped nearby knights and drained their blood, seeing this along with the fact that their leader was dead the knights' morale broke and they attempted to flee only to be hunted down to the last man by the demonic servants, the crowd of students and professors that had gathered also fled in terror, all except for one student that stood rooted in fear as she watched the man she had adored stab his knife into the corpse of a dead knight and drain his blood she muttered


Mike looked over and saw Michelle standing there and gave a smile as he walked towards her, the smile Mike showed was cold, so cold that it made her take a step backward in fear, Mike's smile widened as he called out to Julie that was draining the blood of a dead knight



"You wanted that one right?"

Julie looked over at Michelle before she showed a beastly smile and disappeared from view and reappeared right in front of Michelle and put a hand on her shoulder as she spoke with a bright smile

"In your next life don't look at my man with such eyes"

Then she raised a finger, Michelle looked at the finger and saw that blood-red crystal rapidly grew on and cowered the nail, then Julie stabbed the finger into Michelle's forehead in a single motion, as Michelle, or rather her corpse spasmed it was quickly drained of blood before it dropped onto the ground as Julie pulled her finger back, then she licked her lips as Mike asked her

"How was it? Worth the wait?"

"Yeah, it was the sweetest blood I have ever tasted! Young women in love really are the best!"

Julie looked a little high before her expression suddenly warped and she kicked the corpse of Michelle away

"Fucking whore, how dare you have thoughts about my man!"

Mike showed a thin smile and clapped his hand, about ten seconds after the demonic servants were all gathered around him kneeling down on the ground

"Now then let's get the fuck outta dodge"

""""""""Yes master"""""""""

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