Blood demon leveling

Chapter 95: A bombshell

Chapter 95: A bombshell

Mike sat under the dying sunlight and tried to make heads and tails of the formations Julie had drawn from Snow's body, after some time his face gradually hardened, Julie that had finished setting up the tent walked over and sat down next to him on the tree stump and asked

"So What is it?"

"I can't really tell, see this part right here seems to be a mana gathering array but it's intertwined with this storage array that doesn't seem to have a limit. Unless"

"Unless what?"

"It doesn't make sense unless it's some sort of bomb"

Mike suddenly got cold sweat down his back as he began seeing the formations from a new point of view, of course, with his limited knowledge he was unable to grasp the full picture but what he could make sense of terrified him

"What's a bomb Mike..? Is it really so frightening?"

Mike gathered his thought for a bit before he spoke

"If this is what I think it is then it's fighting, imagine a random person on the street suddenly explodes leveling as few blocks, or worse imagine a group of people with these formations drawn on them exploding simultaneously around a city"

Julie gave a nod, she could suddenly see the scary picture

"Then what do we do?"

"...For now, we need to kill that professor before he contacts his sponsor and tells them that his prototype has gone missing"

"Sponsor? You mean the person that ordered the research?"

"Yeah must be some powerful noble Anyway it's not something we're able to handle alone"

"Do you want to call the rest of the family just in case?"

Mike looked blankly into space for a moment before he gave a nod

"...I just did, they are on their way to the academy city"

"Okay Let's just hope he has not reported it yet"

"I don't think so"

"Why not?"

"Because it would be like telling your employer that you shit the bed"

Julie gave a giggle before she leaned her head on Mike's shoulder

Let's hope you're right"

The night passed quietly, Mike woke up as usual and stretched before he looked to his side where Julie was sleeping in her own sleeping bag, Mike showed a teasing smile as he began poking her soft cheek, as he did his smile widened slightly until Julie began to wake up, she opened her eyes slowly and stared blankly at Mike for a few moments before she showed a silly smile, although given that they were camping out her morning weakness seemed less than usual as she greeted Mike

"Good morning"

Mike reached out with his hand and wiped her eyes with a smile on his face as he greeted her

"Morning Julie"

Julie took a few moments to awake fully before she got dressed along with Mike, then the two of them packed the tent down and rode back to the academy city on Serina when they arrived on the academy grounds Mike decided to ride Serina all the way to the dorms which gathered a lot of attention, when they reached the dorms they met Michelle that watched Serina with a gleam in her eye

"Oh Michelle, Do you want to have a look at Serina?"

Michelle pushed up her spectacles with an excited look on her face as she rapidly nodded, Mike showed a slight smile while Julie looked at little displeased and pinched Mike in the side

"I got it, I got it!"

Mike pacified Julie for a moment before he jumped down from Serina and walked over in front of her and poked her on the nose

"Don't bite anyone unless they are doing something weird to you, alright Serina?"

Serina gave a bark before she laid down on the spot which allowed Julie to get off easily, then Michelle cautiously approached Serina and began petting her while muttering something to herself, Mike showed a thin smile as he spoke

"Well, I need to go change real quick, Michelle make sure no one does anything weird to Serina You know for their own sake"

"I'll try my best!"


Mike and Julie walked upstairs to their dorm rooms and changed before they met up again and walked down the stairs arm in arm when they were halfway however they heard a scream outside followed by well A whole lot more screaming and yelling, Mike gave a sigh

"Can't they just leave her alone for one moment..?"

"Shouldn't we hurry?"

"...We should, shouldn't we?"

Mike and Julie shared a laugh before they both leisurely walked out of the dorm and found the cause of the scream, at least the first one, there was a student with a nasty scratch mark over his chest, that seemed to have come from Serina's claws, right now he was yelling various things like Serina should be killed and that she would make a good carpet in his home, Mike walked over to the student, right in front of him in fact and slapped him right in the face knocking him out cold before he looked around and found Michelle and asked her

"What happened?"

"He punched Serina on the snout, then she scratched him"

Mike gave a sigh before he gave Serina a mental message which caused her to disappear from view as she went into stealth, this shocked some of the watching students but Mike ignored them as he looked over to the injured student, walked over and gripped his collar before he began slapping him in the face until he woke up, then he lifted him onto his feet and asked him a serious question

"Do you have a death wish?"


The male student was clearly still a little confused, Mike, however, spoke loudly and clearly not just to him but to the students around them

"Who the fuck sees a half-ton wolf and decides to punch it in the snout other than a person with a fucking death wish!?"

Then he let go of the student's collar and clapped him on the cheek a few times as he showed a thin smile

"Get some help dude, I mean besides for your head"

The male student seemed to have come to his senses and his face was quickly flushed with embarrassment before the pain from his wound took over, after glaring at Mike for a few moments he walked off before he stumbled and fell to the ground, Mike gave a sigh

"Oh for fucks sake"

Then he walked over and picked him up by the collar and proceed to hold him in a stretched arm so his loose arms and legs dragged across the ground as Mike walked off towards the academy's infirmary in a brisk pace, Julie called out to him

"What about class?"

"I'll skip, don't want this dumbass to die!"

"I'm not a Dumbass!"

"Hush princess, concentrate on bleeding"

Julie gave a giggle and walked off to class along with Michelle, Mike eventually found the infirmary and handed the male student over to the doctors there, while he could have left he stayed behind to help bandage the male student while making fun of him all the while, the student seemed to have realized his mistake and quietly endured the harassment from Mike and the nurse that learned what had happened after he was treated Mike clapped him on the shoulder and spoke with a smile

"Don't be sad, chicks dig scars"

The male student finely showed a smile before he began laughing quietly which made his wounds hurt

"Why did you punch my wolf anyway?"

The male student looked a little embarrassed before he muttered

"A dare"

Mike gave a laugh

"Man with friends like that you don't need enemies, you should feel happy that Serena didn't bite down on your shoulder and shook you around like a chew toy"

The male student paled slightly, Mike patted him on the shoulder again before he looked over at the nurse

"Will you look after this dumbass? I have class"

The nurse showed a smile and gave a nod, then Mike then clapped the male student on the shoulder one more time before he walked out of the room, then he walked to class and sneaked in and sat down among the other students before he took his notebook out of his bag and began taking notes

After class, Mike met up with Julie, Michelle, Karl, and the three servants before they walked to the cafeteria, on the way there Mike explained what had happened in the morning to Karl that proceeded to laugh his ass off at the poor male student's expense

"Man, I haven't laughed so hard in a long time But was he okay in the end?"

Julie gave a nod

"Yeah Mike carried him off to the infirmary"

"I see Do you think he'll report it to the academy?"

Mike shook his head

"I doubt it that said others could report it"

Karl gave a sigh

"Still the balls on that kid sure has to be something Hehehe"

To that Mike could only agree


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