Blue Phoenix

Chapter 690: Pei Ziqi

Chapter 690: Pei Ziqi

Knowing that the Alchemist God was going to stay within this world full of herbs, Hui Yue felt a little sad. He had come to respect him as one would their own parent, and he could feel that he was a true expert who could teach him a lot of things in life.

Since he knew that it was impossible to stay together, he spent every single moment of the day together with his teacher, learning everything he could learn.

Hui Yue learned about refining and concocting pills and bodies; he learned how to recognize and categorize the herbs of the galaxy, and he understood how to experiment and create his own formulas.

Apart from learning about the secrets of alchemy, Hui Yue also got various pointers about cultivating.

“Although it is hard to sense the different major daos after comprehending a major dao, it is not impossible,” The Alchemist God explained. “It is easier to comprehend the dao if you are in an environment which is similar to the dao you are trying to comprehend.”

“If you wish to comprehend the dao of fire, go to a location where the fire energy is dense. If you want to comprehend a dao of earth, go to the area where this element is prominent.”

“In the end, you should always go the area where the dao is present if you want to be able to comprehend it easier.”

“As you comprehend more and more daos, it becomes harder to comprehend the others, and to continue down the road of cultivation you only have the choice of seeking out specific locations to feel the dao you are searching for.”

“Some sects have special locations throughout their sects to make let people better sense the different daos. You are from one of the major sects, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they don’t have something similar.”

Hui Yue frowned. He had been in the sect for quite a few years, but he had not seen any designated areas that provoked the dao of that element to be more prominent.

But, he could not say for sure that the sect did not have such locations. He had after all spent all his time cultivating on his own or using it to become a formation master.

The Alchemist God also gave a few pointers about the heavenly daos, but Hui Yue was unable to grasp the profound meaning behind it so far.

It turned out that one did not need to comprehend all the major daos before one could start embarking down the path of the heavenly daos.

However, although they were not directly related to one another, the more daos one had comprehended, the bigger chance it was for one to have gained an initial enlightenment towards the heavenly daos.

According to the Alchemist God, a person such as Wang Ju Long would be able to start sensing the heavenly dao of death as soon as she had finished comprehending the major dao of darkness.

She had an intimate relationship with death because she had been dead for as long as she had and her soul had even been injured.

Hearing this, Hui Yue did not feel jealous but instead happiness. If Wang Ju Long would be able to comprehend a heavenly dao, then the strength of their entire group would skyrocket.

Every day Hui Yue gained more and more knowledge of the subjects that the Alchemist God knew something about. He held nothing back and poured his entire life’s worth of information into Hui Yue who greedily absorbed it all like a sponge in water.

When Hui Yue was not learning things, he would spar with Pei Ziqi.

After having gained a new body, Pei Ziqi had become even more fearsome than she had already been and her performance shocked everyone.

It had been Hui Yue’s own idea to spar with her because he knew that she would definitely not hold back whenever they fought, and he had been correct.

The first many sparring sessions always ended the same; Hui Yue was completely trashed. Sometimes he would be stabbed, other times he would have broken bones.

He was always blue and yellow from the bruises over his body, but he also felt that he was starting to understand some things whenever he was sparring with her.

The heavens and the earth resonated with him whenever he took up his Sword of the Icy Tempest and poured his Ancestral Worldpower into his attacks.

Whenever he used the dao, he could feel that there was much more to them than what he had understood so far. Although he had comprehended a major dao, it was but the beginning of understanding the galaxy and the daos that held everything together.

But no matter how much he had this feeling, it was impossible for him to reach any further. The feeling never materialized or turned into an enlightenment, but even so, Hui Yue was thrilled. It was like a door had opened for him.

“Again!” Pei Ziqi cried out as she slashed downwards with her sword, aiming at Hui Yue’s chest. There was not even the slightest bit of hesitation in her move; it was clear that if it connected then the body that Hui Yue had spent so much time refining would be done for.

Seeing the slash coming his way, Hui Yue grit his teeth and lifted his Sword of the Icy Tempest in front of him. He readied himself to meet the powerful force that was descending upon him.

The momentum behind Pei Ziqi’s strike was frightening. Her power was simply out of the ordinary, and her feel for battle was superb.

When she saw that Hui Yue intended to meet her head on, a smile appeared on her lips, and she could not help but feel excited. Was it possible for this young man in front of her to have grown to such heights that he could block such a strike from her?

The strike she used depended a hundred percent solely on the dao of the sword and raw power.

As he readied himself, Hui Yue did not panic. He had infused the dao of devouring into his attack, devouring away the Ancestral Worldpower that came crashing towards him.

He also used the dao of the sword alongside the fact that his Sword of the Icy Tempest was a treasure that was hard to find anywhere.

Even after having become a God, Hui Yue understood that the Nine Heavens Blood Forging was a method that only very few knew about even in the vast galaxy and treasures of the same quality were hard to come by.

Were it not for the heavy toll it took on the user Hui Yue would long since have asked Cou Ling, his spiritual blacksmith to create such weapons for all his friends.

However, asking for such a thing was the same as asking her to walk into the grave early, and Hui Yue was not willing to do such a thing. Hence he had made do with whatever he found within the Universe Box and in the various bazaars, marketplaces, and auctions they visited.

Sparks flew in the air as a loud screech resounded on the sparring field. Hui Yue, who had used all his power to block the attack, was like a kite that had lost its string. He tumbled backward and felt his body trembling from the impact, however, he did not feel as if he had been defeated just yet.

Hui Yue had long since tried using the spacelock on Pei Ziqi. The first time he used it was back in Youdu when he was being introduced to the many elders of the Celestial Sword Sect, and they had to determine what to do with him.

Back then his spacelock was enough to stall her for half a second before she was capable of breaking it, however now, when used at the right time, it could stall for a few more seconds.

Hui Yue knew that the spacelock was one of his trump cards, but he also knew that he could not just use it whenever he felt like it. If Pei Ziqi were prepared for it, then it would not last for more than a second at most, and even that would be pushing it.

After fighting Pei Ziqi as many times as Hui Yue had, he had gotten a firm understanding of her personality. She had just pushed Hui Yue back with brute force, and she was not one to let go of such a great opportunity, so she had already gotten ready to attack once more.

Unfortunately, her eagerness was also her disadvantage. Hui Yue knew that the more she held the upper hand, the more eager she became in showing off all her skills and the less alert she would be.

Since she was now rushing towards him with her sword held high, Hui Yue activated both the dao of space and the dao of time at the same time making it so that the spacelock hit Pei Ziqi directly, but at the same time, time slowed down for Hui Yue.

The original three seconds of rest that he could have gotten from the spacelock was now doubled to six seconds, and although six seconds did not seem like a lot, it was enough to break Pei Ziqi’s momentum and allow for Hui Yue to fully dust himself off, and get ready to attack again.

The wind howled on stage as he got ready to face Pei Ziqi once more.

It was possible for Hui Yue to teleport anywhere within the area where they were fighting. As long as there was wind, then Hui Yue could be there as well, but he knew that doing so would just waste time.

In a fight of attrition Hui Yue knew that he would be on the losing end. He had not been a God for long enough to have as extensive an Ancestral Worldpower pool as Pei Ziqi had.

Fire and wind intertwined with one another, and anywhere the wind was, fire could also magically arrive at the same time. This fire could be a sea of flames that would protect Hui Yue, disturb Pei Ziqi’s line of sight, or even flames that were meant to harm her.

There were many minor daos in the major dao of fire. The inferno was especially violent, and when compressed into a small orb of fire it could turn out to be a lethal attack that even Pei Ziqi had to watch out for now that it could arrive at any time from anywhere.

The dao of wind was useful in many ways. It could be used to directly attack, either by creating whirlwinds, windblades, or other such attacks, but it was the most dreaded support dao.

When one controlled the dao of wind, one could summon the winds to one’s command and the wind would be anywhere around both the user and their foe.

Wherever the wind was any other attack was present as well. If one controlled the wind, one could always use it to teleport anything to any location with the wind.

The dao of light and darkness were also frightful and rather dangerous as supportive daos, but truth be told, they were nothing compared to the dao of wind.

Although the dao of darkness and the dao of light were equal to the dao of wind when it came to control over the element, it still did nothing if another person was able to dispel it.

Dispelling light and darkness was possible. Stepping out of the light or out of the darkness was also possible, but stepping out of the wind was not a thing one could do. The wind would chase you anywhere you went.

Because of this, Hui Yue, who was far less skilled in fighting than Pei Ziqi, held an overwhelming advantage.

Pei Ziqi, being a member of the Celestial Sword Sect, obviously also controlled the dao of the wind, but because of Hui Yue’s souforce which was able to instantly sense the changes around him, she had less success in ambushing him than he had in ambushing her.

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