Blue Phoenix

Chapter 691: Goodbye

Chapter 691: Goodbye

Explosions constantly sounded out as Pei Ziqi and Hui Yue launched one attack after another while protecting themselves against the attacks that were coming their way.

Pei Ziqi’s hair was starting to become messy while Hui Yue’s clothes were tattered and torn in certain places.

Both of them wielded a sword, and their attacks clashed time and time again producing sparks that flew everywhere.

Pei Ziqi had the upper hand when it came to physical strength, but Hui Yue was not one to give up, and he continued to fight back.

He even made use of the sparks, making them into small volatile orbs of fire that exploded upon contact with Pei Ziqi’s body, blowing her backward and giving her slight injuries.

It was impossible to defeat the woman in front of him if he did not think creatively, and he was aware that these creative thoughts that he was learning were because he was getting more and more proficient in fighting.

Pei Ziqi was known as a fighting maniac within their group. It was clear that she would do anything to fight anyone and that she enjoyed it.

She had fought time and time again, and she had learned many things from all the life and death battles she had been in, small tricks and twists that she was now using against Hui Yue.

Pei Ziqi’s aim was not to severely injure Hui Yue, although it might look like that to outsiders, but to teach him how to fight so that he had a much better chance at surviving his future endeavors.

Hui Yue was aware of this from the very start. Still, Pei Ziqi did not hold back, and if Hui Yue wished to avoid pain and severe injuries, then he needed to put forth his best effort in an attempt to defeat Pei Ziqi.

Hui Yue had access to three major daos, the dao of earth, the dao of wind and the dao of fire. These three major daos were able to put him at the very top of fighters within the galaxy, and although he had fought through one life and death situation after another, he was still a mere greenhorn when it came to fighting amongst Gods.

Another sword strike came crashing down upon him, but this time Hui Yue decided not to meet it head on. He felt the wind around him and stepped into it, after which he was transported to the back of Pei Ziqi. Here he released his own flurry of attacks at her back.

Hui Yue was never worried that he might kill Pei Ziqi. The worst that could happen would be that her body would crumble and he would have to create a new body for her, just as Pei Ziqi would not worry about killing him.

Since they did not have to worry about killing one another, neither held back and released attack after attack with their most outstanding power. They would restrain one another, breaking free of the restraint and gaining the upper hand and keep fighting.

The one who had the upper hand at one time would lose it quickly; the one who seemingly was the weakest would become stronger after a few moments.

Their fight raged back and forth as the two held nothing back. They tried their best to take the other down with them, but as time went on, Hui Yue felt weaker and weaker.

His weakness was something that was not easy to ignore. He was still someone who had not been a God for long, and his Ancestral Worldpower Pool was limited.

He had fought Pei Ziqi for three hours when he felt that he could no longer hold on and he lifted his hands above his head, “I surrender,” he said begrudgingly.

“I was sure that I would defeat you today!” he continued with a shake of his head, and Pei Ziqi, who had just canceled her attack grinned back at him.

“You are getting more and more crafty,” she praised him. “I never thought that you would think of using the sparks from our clash to launch an attack against me. It was truly magnificent!”

“Although you cannot beat me, I cannot seem to beat you anymore either. My only advantage is that you cannot hold on for long due to your Ancestral Worldpower pool, and since this is the case, I can just stall for time.”

“Next time we spar, you need to be more ruthless! More uncompromising! Just use all the tricks you have access to and attack me! Destroy my body if you can, and do it as soon as possible!”

“You are the hope of my family; we need you to be the strongest of all. If that means that I need to lose a few bodies then so be it!”

Hui Yue knew that Pei Ziqi was not joking and he nodded his head. He had only managed to last as long as he had because he was using the dao of devouring to its limits and was constantly increasing his own absorption of Ancestral Worldpower. Without the dao of devouring he would last at most an hour.

Right now, Hui Yue was exhausted. He leaned back and laid down on Huli’s lap as he waited for his exhausted body to regain the energy he had used.

After an hour, Hui Yue felt as if he had regained the majority of his energy and he stood up, invigorated. With a thankful look at Huli for lending him her lap, he made his way back to meet the Alchemist God.

The days continued to flow like this, but the only difference was that everyone had gotten their new bodies. Everyone including Little Dragon was now present in the old sect waiting for the time that they departed.

Although Hui Yue was unwilling to leave the Alchemist God, he knew that the time was drawing near. They had been in the world for a long time, and Hui Yue had learned many things, so many things that the Alchemist God now had no more to teach him.

“You promised to create a body for Chujiang so you ought to return soon,” the Alchemist God said with a smile, and Hui Yue nodded his head. “We will be leaving in a week,” he said with a heavy heart.

When the news was spread to all his friends, it was not only Hui Yue who felt sad about it. Lao, Lei, and Jo were sad about having to leave Xiao Hui behind, but they also understood that this was something that was inevitable.

“Are you sure you don’t want to join us?” Jo asked Xiao Hui with a pleading expression on her face, but he just shook his head. “I belong together with this world. However, if there ever is a day when I have to leave, then I will make sure to come and find you at the Celestial Sword Sect, or wherever you are at the time.”

Hearing his promise, the group nodded their heads. Although they were depressed, they knew that it was not a goodbye for forever.

“Here take this,” Lao handed over a communication orb to Xiao Hui and started explaining how it worked.

“If you have any problems, then you should always know that the Alchemist God has one similar. Yue gave it to him, and you can always ask for help to make it work.”

Hearing this, the young-looking man finally smiled. He had tried to remember everything that Lao had told him about using the communication orb, but he was simply unable to remember it all.

Communication orbs were great treasures that could be used to get in contact with other people through the entire galaxy, unfortunately, they had a limit to how long they worked. One had to replace a communication orb every thousand years, or it would grow dim and no longer be able to reach other orbs in the galaxy.

The Alchemist God had not brought any communication orbs with him when he went to search for a cure for his soul. He had wished to leave all worldly matters behind him, yet now that he had taken Hui Yue as his legacy apprentice he could not help but feel that he was once more connected to the world outside.

He would never admit to it out loud, but he also knew that if he did not have any means to contact this young man, then he was likely to miss him terribly.

Although they had only known each other for a short amount of time, they truly valued one another as one would their family.

The final week Hui Yue accompanied the Alchemist God in every hour of the day. They would engage in discussions about alchemy, life, and the dao constantly broadening their horizons as their time together was slowly running out.

A week went by fast, and as the time finally was up, everyone stood at the entrance of the worn out sect with gratitude, veneration, and slight sadness on their faces.

This place had been the home for them for quite some time now. They knew how much this place meant to Hui Yue by now, and the others had also made friends with both the Alchemist God and Xiao Hui.

They had harvested a frightening amount of herbs during their time here, but no matter how many materials they had taken everywhere one looked was still overflowing with an abundance of herbs.

“I will contact you from time to time,” Hui Yue said with a nod of his head as he looked at the Alchemist God with eyes that betrayed his emotions. He was calm and composed, but deep inside he had hoped that the Alchemist God would change his opinion and decide to leave together with them, unfortunately, that did not happen.

Sighing, he looked into the sky above them. He knew that he could not stay within this world even if he wanted to. He had responsibilities that were waiting for him.

He had to go and create a body for Chujiang, but most importantly, he had to go and settle the score between himself, and An He.

He had also managed to resurrect Wang Ju Long meaning that it was time for him to return to the Celestial Sword Sect and marry the three beautiful women by his side.

“Our lives are long and the galaxy vast, but our destinies are tied together,” The Alchemist God said with a smile as he understood Hui Yue’s lingering emotions. “We will meet again, do not worry about that,” he promised and with that Hui Yue nodded his head,

There was no reason to say goodbye. This was but a temporary parting from one another, and Hui Yue turned around and started ascending into the heavens above.

The others, solemn and silent, all gave a nod to the Alchemist God, Little Green, and Xiao Hui before they too took to the skies and followed Hui Yue.

Together the whole group ascended into the heavens and broke through the protective barrier that surrounded the world once more leaving them to fight for their survival in the middle of the Archaic World.

“The world has changed its location,” Hui Yue said with a frown as he looked at their surroundings.

“This was not where we entered the world. I assume that there has been a tsunami while we were living in the herb world. At least one massive tsunami or two minor ones to move the world as far as it has.”

Although the world had moved, it was still within the middle area, but as for how deep within the middle area it was, Hui Yue could not say.

“Well, there is nothing to discuss, let’s set out!”

This time the return trip should be many times faster than the trip to find the Alchemist God. They had an incredibly fast shuttle, and they did not need to enter the worlds unless it was to avoid a tsunami that might come crashing down upon them. It seemed likely that they would be able to leave the Archaic World in half a year if they were lucky.

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