
Chapter 127

Chapter 127

  1. Beautiful Genius(1)

His feet felt heavy as he went to work on a holiday.

Jeong-woo entered the genetic analysis room within AN Hospital and found Dr. Moon staring intently at the monitor.

Her face was without makeup and her hair still damp. Clearly, it seemed like she hadnt left the hospital for days.

Dr. Moon, if someone looks closely, it seems like this is your home.

Covering her mouth and yawning softly, she turned her head at Jeong-woos voice.

Youre late.

Dragging a chair over, Jeong-woo sat next to Dr. Moon, his eyes lighting up.

Usually, when someone is suddenly called in during such a golden holiday, shouldnt they apologize first?

If you would like to receive less pay, I will gladly respect that.

Why do you take such a light joke so seriously? Haha. Where should we start?

Still facing the thick contract he hadnt finished reading, Jeong-woo couldnt help but feel infinitely small in front of Dr. Moon.

Dr. Moon stretched her fingers forward and straightened her body, then pointed to the documents on the table.

Im in the final stages of work, so please start with those.

She turned her gaze back to the monitor. Jeong-woo took the documents in his hand and slowly skimmed through them.

Its a request for genetic analysis Three subjects. Are Dr. Moon and I supposed to divide these individuals?

Lets proceed with the meeting first and well revisit that question later.


Because your thoughts might change about going to another team after we meet.

Huh? Why would that happen?

Dr. Moons fingers, which had been tapping on the keyboard, stopped.

If youre just going to ask me, Ill read it myself.

No, please continue.

Today, Dr. Moon seemed even colder than usual. Jeong-woo had a feeling why. She was human too, and being stuck in the hospital since early in the morning on a holiday couldnt have put her in a good mood.

As Jeong-woo was reading through the documents, the door to the analysis room creaked open. With a somewhat swollen face, Song Boyeong peeked in.

Her heavily swollen eyes glanced at the wall clock, which showed past 9:20. Sensing the atmosphere of focused work, Song Boyeong immediately bowed.

Im sorry, Im late.

Dr. Moon is concentrating, so just sit here for now.

Jeong-woo gestured to the chair next to him. Hurriedly approaching, Song Boyeong whispered.

Im sorry. I turned off my phone because the ringtone was too loud Oops.

Instinctively covering her mouth while burping, Song Boyeongs face turned crimson. Jeong-woo waved his hand at the strong smell of alcohol wafting towards him.

Oh, the smell of alcohol. Did you paint murals at the hotel again?

In front of someone who knew about her occasional secretive drinking habits, Song Boyeongs ears turned bright red.

I didnt drink much yesterday.

Its a holiday, you should rest. I told you there was no need for you to come.

As your assistant, Im here to learn anytime you need me, so Ill stick around Oops.

Caught off guard, Song Boyeong hastily covered her mouth again as something rose up from her stomach.

Phew. Your hangover seems quite severe. Take care of yourself.

Jeong-woo patted her back while Song Boyeong looked grim.

Alright, thats enough now. Ugh, embarrassing.

Fortunately, looks like youve sobered up. You realize how embarrassing this situation is.

Without waiting for Song Boyeongs response, Jeong-woo sighed deeply.

Dr. Moon, who had been typing, glanced at the two for a moment.

Their casual conversation seemed like a break from the intense work in the quiet room. It reminded Dr. Moon of something from a distant memory. She couldnt remember when she had stopped caring so much about her colleagues.

Sorry, Dr. Moon. Are we disturbing you?

Dr. Moon waved it off and focused back on her work.

If you can stand it, go ahead and read.

Jeong-woo handed her the documents he was holding. As they discussed work, Song Boyeong, with her curious eyes, began reading through the documents.

Wow. A joint research between Seoul National Universitys Genetic Engineering Institute and AN Genetic Center?

Song Boyeong, amazed, glanced at Jeong-woo after reading the research outline.

The plan is to conduct a detailed analysis of the genetic factors of the three candidates? Being only three, it allows for one-on-one care. With Dr. Moon, Mr. Jeong-woo and me?

Jeong-woo looked at Song Boyeong with eyes full of ambition.

At that momennt the signal that the DNA sequencing, which had been worked on until overtime, had finally finished came. Dr. Moon stood up from her seat.

The meeting is scheduled for 10 oclock. You dont need to prepare anything separately, just relax and get ready.

Jeong-woo immediately asked the question that had been on his mind since earlier.

Are these three candidates really people who could change their minds just after meeting them? There are no names in the documents, only chromosomal information.

They are geniuses beyond common sense.

If thats the case

They have a frustrating personality that matches their ability to defy common sense.

Dr. Moons face as she pronounced frustrating contained a colder atmosphere than any other state seen today.

Jeong-woo finally realized. The source of Dr. Moons current stress was not overtime work, holiday duties, or even the just-finished DNA sequencing, but solely because of this meeting.

AN Hospital Medical Genetics Center Lounge.

A chubby six-year-old girl with two missing front teeth turned to the man next to her and spoke.

Uncle. The disinfectant smell here is awful.

Just bear with it for a bit more.

Its awful.

You think Im here just to enjoy myself with you on a holiday?

Thirty-two-year-old job seeker Kim Jeong-hwan sighed deeply, lamenting the duty of babysitting his niece.

A day off is a day off. Whats a day off for? Do you know the characters for work?

I dont know!

His niece, Kim Bona, was more mature than her peers. While her older brother and sister-in-law boasted about her as a genius, to her uncle, she was simply a tiring presence.

Where did you pick up such things? At kindergarten?

Kim Bona pulled her face out of her cute little bag and showed her uncle only her phone.

Everything comes up if you search for it. You know Wikipedia, right?

Wiki? Not really, it was so cute when you couldnt speak properly.

Kim Jeong-hwan absentmindedly took out a cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth. Kim Bonas eyes widened, silently asking, Surely youre not going to smoke? with her gaze.

You can be fined up to 100,000 won for smoking in public places. Uncle, youre unemployed, so you dont have that kind of money.

The words coming out of her small mouth were quite intense. Kim Jeong-hwan sighed deeply and asked.

Pass me the lighter. I must have left it at home.

Im only six years old!

Dont think you can use your age as an excuse forever.

Uncle you should act your age.

Kim Jeong-hwan found it ridiculous to argue with such a young child and shook his head.

As he put the cigarette back into its case, someone walked into the lounge. With her striking beauty, the woman inevitably made the mans heart flutter.


She must have been around her early twenties? Clad in a white gown with a petite figure, she was like an angel incarnate. Kim Bona, the adorable niece, could confidently assure herself that she would never grow up to possess such beauty.

Kim Bonas guardian?

Was it a sign from heaven? She happened to be looking for them. Kim Jeong-hwan raised his hand eagerly.

Here, here!

There you are. Im Researcher Song Boyeong. Since the meeting is not at the genetics center but at the pharmacy center, will you follow me to the fourth floor?

Yes, we should go. Bona, get your bag.

Kim Bona hopped off her chair and pointed to Song Boyeong.

Shes different from the doctor we saw last time.

Are you talking about Ms. Moon? Shes downstairs.

Song Boyeong slightly bent her waist and met eyes with Kim Bona. With her hair neatly braided into two strands, a chubby little girl stared at her silently.

Youre really cute.

Ew, you smell like alcohol.

Oh my, sorry. I drank too much yesterday.

Until how late?

Um until 3 in the morning?

As Song Boyeong chuckled at the inadvertently revealed truth, Kim Bona spoke up.

It seems like you have a lack of ALDH. Koreans have 30% less alcohol dehydrogenase than people from other countries. If you keep drinking like that, your lifespan,

Kim Jeong-hwan quickly covered Kim Bonas mouth and laughed.

Bona, stop! Thats enough. Lets go, teacher.

For a moment, Song Boyeong had to doubt the unbelievable knowledge of a six-year-old mentioning acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.

As the glass door opened, Kim Bona walked in and smiled at Moon Chae-eun.


Welcome. Please have a seat here.

Moon Chae-eun gestured towards the sofa in one corner of the research room, and her expression turned puzzled when she saw Kim Jeong-hwan following behind.

You arent the guardian I met last time.

Im her uncle. My brother and sister-in-law had a couples gathering.

Moon Chae-eun nodded and pointed to the sofa.

Please, take a seat. Ill explain how the analysis will proceed. You can convey it to Bonas parents later, right?

Yes, of course.

Kim Jeong-hwan glanced briefly at Moon Chae-eun and once again wore a slightly awkward expression. It felt like this hospital was populated only by women with angelic looks, making him feel like he was in a paradise for the eyes.

Song Boyeong, who had entered last, walked towards the corner of the room.

-Mr. Jeong-woo. That girl is really smart.

-Oh, really?

-I feel like you might have been like that when you were young.

Kim Jeong-hwans gaze stopped on the young man conversing with Song Boyeong.

He seemed to be in his mid to late twenties, with an average appearance and height. He looked somewhat like a researcher with his white gown, but he definitely didnt match the angelic appearance of the two women in the room.

-Me? I wasnt a genius.

-Is that so? I was a bit of a genius, you know. I memorized the periodic table before the alphabet.



They seemed to be getting along quite well in their conversation. At that moment, when Kim Jeong-hwan felt jealousy and frustration bubbling up inside him as a male, Kim Bona, who had been observing him closely, called out to him.



Normally, people lose 80 to 100 hairs a day. But you lose 130.

What are you talking about? How do you know that?

I counted them all. According to some survey results, women dislike men with less hair more than anything else Uh.

Kim Jeong-hwan hurriedly covered his nieces mouth.

No, thats not true!

5 minutes later.

Jeong-woo stood at the back, observing the meeting.

The first subject for the precise analysis requested by the Genetic Center was a six-year-old child diagnosed with high intelligence disorder by a specialist.

Dr. Moon stood closely beside the child, examining the condition thoroughly. The child, who had been quietly observing Dr. Moon, asked.

Why does your skin have so many freckles? And there are two more lines of wrinkles.

Huh what?

Thats right. I even remember the number of freckles on Annas nose from Frozen. I also remember that yesterday, my uncle lost 128 hairs.

Both of them swallowed their groans in one gulp.

Maintaining her composure, Dr. Moon finished the examination and began collecting samples using a tape labeled genetic patch attached briefly to the childs skin.

After each precise analysis result, we will come here for personalized tests.

Why do I need a test if Im not sick?

In case Bona becomes unwell, the treatment designed for ordinary people might be harmful.

So, Im not an ordinary person?

Although you are the same as others

An outcast?

No, Bona.

Even the esteemed Dr. Moon seemed unsettled in front of the child.

Jeong-woo realized that Dr. Moon couldnt remain indifferent to the childs inquiries.

She doesnt seem capable of being completely indifferent even to a childs questions, let alone giving a sharp scolding.

A child who knew as much as an adult, constantly throwing unpredictable questions and poking at sensitive areas without hesitation during the examination.

Are you going to research my genes and make a clone baby just like me?

We dont have such intentions.

Many test tube babies are made. I was also born through artificial insemination.


Though possessing intelligence and memory far superior to the average person, Kim Bonas relentless questioning left Jeong-woo feeling dumbfounded, as her social skills were virtually non-existent.

If this meeting were just a one-time occurrence, they could handle it with kindness. However, considering the need for closer communication after each analysis, it became a daunting challenge.

Dr. Moons patient explanation continued for another ten minutes.

See you next week then.

Kim Bona waved her hand and disappeared.

After the child left, Dr. Moon remained silent, furrowing her brows.

Jeong-woo approached Dr. Moon after storing the collected genes in the storage box.

Should I explain to the next one if youre tired?

Will you do that?

If its at Bonas level of understanding, I think I can manage it to some extent.

Still, be prepared mentally.

Dont worry. Im quite accustomed to getting to the heart of the matter.

Dr. Moons mouth slightly curved up at Jeong-woos assurance.

The second subject for examination was a fifteen-year-old boy who was studying at home.

His name was Yoon Cho-won.

He was also a child with a developmental disorder called Aspergers syndrome, which was unfamiliar to Jeong-woo. As soon as Yoon Cho-won entered the lab, he bowed his head forward and started dotting the canvas.

Sitting next to him, his mother listened to Jeong-woos explanation with a face full of worry, gently stroking the boys head.

We also conduct neurological tests to see how specific genes respond. At this time, the mother should assist.

Our Cho-won is very shy, so Im not sure if he can undergo the examination properly.

He doesnt speak much, does he?

Yes. He only says a few words a day.

Jeong-woo looked at Dr. Moon in response to this answer, sending a glance that questioned how research could proceed when there was hardly any communication.

Besides, he doesnt seem like a genius.

Dr. Moon quietly pointed at the canvas Yoon Cho-won was holding.


For five minutes, the canvas was dotted silently. In the middle of the canvas, Yoon Cho-wons figure, raising his hand and opening his mouth as if saying hello, was depicted.


Despite being the size of a finger, the shading and contours were so intricate that it felt like they would jump off the canvas.

Wait. He didnt draw it; he completed it by just dotting.

Yoon Cho-won suddenly looked up at Jeong-woo, blinking as if questioning, Did I respond to your greeting first?

Asking this, he started dotting again.

Are you trying to draw a yes?

Without a response, Yoon Cho-won diligently continued to dot the canvas. Jeong-woo finally understood the second subjects characteristic.

Yoon Cho-won was an artist of taciturn communication, different from ordinary people.

Five minutes later, a drawing of a smiling face appeared on the canvas with a cheerful yes.

You could have just nodded, Cho-won. Cho-won? I didnt ask you. Please, Im sorry.

The second meeting ended communicating only with his mother, and after careful communication every five minutes.

As Song Boyeong went to escort the last participant, Jeong-woo slouched on the sofa. To him, dealing with the silent child was more challenging, to the point where he thought the talkative child would be preferable.

Dr. Moon offered Jeong-woo a cup of water. After accepting and gulping it down, Jeong-woo asked.

What if thirty questions come up during Cho-wons genetic analysis?

We should refrain from unnecessary questions as much as possible.

Just meeting these two kids seems like a challenging research. Everyone seems to have their peculiarities.

Analyzing genetic information is a long battle. Considering the medicine you took, Jeong-woo, this research started from such investigations.

Jeong-woo had somewhat anticipated this.

Collecting unique genes seemed to be the most crucial part among numerous factors for composing a universal element.

Now that I understand why you said I may go to another team after the meeting, please tell me about the last subject. What kind of preparation do I need?

Seo Jeong-gu is not young; hes twenty-two. He shows symptoms of emotional deficiency, but he hasnt received an official medical opinion.

What kind of genius does he possess?

We cant be sure due to the insufficient data received from the Genetic Engineering Research Institute, but he might have a condition similar to yours after taking AF-12. He seemed to have an eye for what ordinary people couldnt see.

Similar to mine?

It was a somewhat heart-pounding question.

I only briefly saw him with the professor who introduced him, so Im not sure either. But dealing with him felt much more challenging than the previous two.

If dealing with him is more difficult than the other two

A moment later.

Song Boyeong entered the lab alone and opened the door.

Seo Jeong-gu is nowhere to be found. I checked everywhere, even the lobby on the first floor, but hes not there.

It was a scheduled appointment as there was no separate time for meetings on weekdays. Dr. Moon, with no news whatsoever, picked up her phone, stating that she couldnt afford to miss the time.

After dialing a separate contact, it took a while for the signal to ring before a voice came through.

-This is Chief Inspector Im Gyeong-hwan from Gangbuk Police Station.

Who is this?

-Were currently detaining the owner of this phone due to a physical assault case. Are you his guardian by any chance?

Dr. Moons complexion changed abruptly. After ending the call with the police, she prepared to leave. Seeing her getting ready to go out, Jeong-woo asked.

Whats wrong?

Seo Jeong-gu is in juvenile detention. Hes involved in a physical assault case. They say theres no one to provide personal information, so I think I should go see him for now.

Then Ill go with you.

Jeong-woo and Song Boyeong also took off their gowns and left the pharmacy center with Dr. Moon.

As they walked down the corridor, Jeong-woo asked.

Who did he hit?

It wasnt just one person.


Seven. And they were severely injured from being beaten up unilaterally.


Jeong-woos mouth fell open. Even for an athlete, it wouldnt be easy to subdue seven people at once. He became curious about who this person was but also felt a sense of dread.

Like me? Nah, it couldnt be. Im the type who should be on the side of the seven when a fight breaks out.

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