
Chapter 128

Chapter 128

  1. Beautiful Genius(2)

A small car drove through the main gate of Gangbuk Police Station.

Song Boyeong, sitting in the back seat, glanced out the window and gasped. Her eyes locked with a rugged-looking manwho was being led away in handcuffs by the police.

The rugged man looked at her and winked at Song Boyeong.

Oh my.

When Song Boyeong let out a small cry, Jeong-woo turned his head towards her.

Whats wrong?

That person

By the time Song Boyeong raised her finger, the rugged man had already passed by.

There was a scary person

Hey, senior.

Trying to lighten Song Boyeongs somewhat frozen mood by the atmosphere of the police station, Jeong-woo asked.

Did you know that if you cant answer the sudden questions from the detectives within 3 seconds, you could be taken into custody?


In case you didnt know, this is because of espionage.

With a suspicious look, Jeong-woo asked Song Boyeong sharply.

Age? One, two


As Jeong-woo abruptly counted, an answer popped out from Song Boyeong.


Chemical researcher.

Excellent. Then, the last question. What injection did you receive yesterday?

Song Boyeong snapped out of it and opened her eyes wide.

Ah, come on. There cant be detectives who would take you in for such jokes, right?

As the car stopped in the parking lot, a man with a firm, muscular sports build approached the drivers seat.

Tap, tap.

At the sound of knocking on the window, Moon Chae-eun rolled down the window.

I was the the detective on the phone. Who is Miss Moon?

To the detective who showed his police ID with the name Im Gyeong-hwan, Moon Chae-eun replied.

Thats me. These are my companions.

Please step out for now. Follow me.

Walking into the detective division, Jeong-woo turned his gaze towards the victims sitting side by side in front of the Homicide 2 desk.

Seven men, each wearing bandages and protective gear on their arms, heads, and necks. From what he heard from Im Gyeong-hwan earlier, they were high school students.

I can definitely sense a bad vibe about them. They seem like they would be good at fighting.

The men, who looked like they should be called old men, continued to glare fiercely towards the detention area.

Im Gyeong-hwan, who had entered earlier, spoke up.

The victims have been giving their statements for the past hour. They are all demanding strong punishment for Seo Jeong-gu.

Moon Chae-eun glanced at the victims.

Orbital fractures. Hand fractures and ligament damage. Shoulder dislocations. Most have wounds ranging from 6 to 8 weeks.

You seem to know your medical terms well. With injuries of this extent, it usually results in fines or settlements, but because they are minors and there are many of them, it will likely lead to heavier punishment.

Im Gyeong-hwan lowered his voice as he spoke.

The bigger problem is that the perpetrator isnt saying a word that could justify any leniency.

Not a word?

No. Hes exercising his right to remain silent. Weve temporarily detained him because theres only one side of the story, but logically, it doesnt make sense to subdue all seven of them without a scratch.

When Seo Jeong-gu was described as unharmed, Jeong-woo became curious about his condition and glanced towards the detention area. However, it was hard to see who was inside due to pillars and lockers blocking the view.

If you have are acquaintances, please persuade him to say something. If this statement goes up as it is, I might lose my job too.

After Im Gyeong-hwan gestured for assistance, he pointed towards the detention area. Just as they were walking through the detectives office.

-You punk! Are you not gonna answer properly?

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed, startling Song Boyeong, who flinched and leaned closely to Jeong-woos side.

-Ah, geez. You really dont know?

Jeong-woo turned his gaze briefly towards the rugged man being interrogated in the corner before saying to Song Boyeong.

With so many detectives around, why have you been so jumpy since earlier? Are you trying to subtly cling onto me pretending to be scared?


Despite being teased, Song Boyeong didnt let go of Jeong-woos arm. With her hand trembling, Jeong-woo didnt say anything and just walked away.

When they arrived in front of the detention area, Im Gyeong-hwan spoke.

Mr. Seo Jeong-gu, Miss Moon Chae-eun is here.

A young man in his early twenties, who had been looking out the window in the depths of the detention area where suspects were sitting around, turned his back.

Moon Chae-eun nodded politely.

Nice to see you again. Do you remember me?

There was no response, just a vacant stare that revealed nothing about what he was thinking. After a while of looking at Moon Chae-eun, Seo Jeong-gu turned his gaze back to the window.


Im Gyeong-hwan sighed deeply.

Hey, Mr. Seo Jeong-gu. Are you really not going to say anything to the only person who can vouch for your identity?

With no response at all, Im Gyeong-hwan smirked.

See that? Thats been his attitude the whole time.

-Gyeong-hwan! Wheres the investigation file for the robbery at Yeongnam Apartments? This guy keeps stalling.

At the shout from inside the detectives office, Im Gyeong-hwan turned his head.

Ill be right back.

Even after Im Gyeong-hwan disappeared, Seo Jeong-gu remained motionless. Jeong-woo quietly asked Moon Chae-eun.

Was he like this when you saw him before?

Similar. He seems passive and completely devoid of motivation.

Whether hes involved with delinquents or not, if he remains unresponsive like this, we cant conduct an investigation. What about the professor you met with?

Hes not answering his phone.

Thinking they couldnt just waste time like this, Jeong-woo focused his gaze on Seo Jeong-gu.

The assault incident that occurred around 7 AM today. It had only been about 4 hours, so he wondered if there would be any traces left.

As Jeong-woo scrutinized with his molecular vision, he couldnt find any traces on his body, let alone his hands, that had come into contact with the victims.

Fighting usually involves punches, but did they use weapons? That would make the crime much more serious.

It was when he was trying to examine closely, he found something on the tip of his fingernail.

Instead of bloodstains or scraps of skin from the victims, there was a substance that stood out.

It was a compound with a complex structure. It was the first time Jeong-woo couldnt intuitively recall information to this extent, excluding universal factors, so his interest was piqued.

Theres only one thing that stands out clearly.

Jeong-woo asked Moon Chae-eun, who was attempting to make a call.

Have you reached the professor?

Not yet.

Can I try talking to him?

Moon Chae-eun nodded as she lowered her phone.

Jeong-woo looked at Seo Jeong-gus back. He raised his voice slightly and asked.

Carbon 11, hydrogen 17, nitrate. Do you know what this is?

Seo Jeong-gu, who hadnt moved at all in response to the voices, reacted. With a swift turn, he stared silently at Jeong-woo.

3,4,5-trimethoxyphenethylamine. Commonly known as mescaline. One of the known effects is to suppress coughing and pain. Its an ingredient extracted from plants. But

Seo Jeong-gu, who had been by the window, walked closer.

its more famous as a psychedelic drug in the west. Like feeling pictures as sound or confusing smell and touch.

Youre wrong.

As Seo Jeong-gu spoke, the eyes of Moon Chae-eun and Song Boyeong widened.

Just that alone wouldnt cause genuine confusion.

Considering this response, Jeong-woo pondered before speaking.

Its probably difficult for me to guess what else was mixed in. Anyway

Before he could finish speaking, Seo Jeong-gu, who had approached closely, turned away again. Jeong-woo sighed and fiercely examined Seo Jeong-gus fingertips.

Do you have any medicinal herbs at home? Licorice lets see, white atractylodes?

Seo Jeong-gus footsteps halted.

By suppressing the additional effects of mescaline, such as euphoria and hallucinations, with the glycyrrhizin from licorice, and covering the side effects of glycyrrhizin with the cytochrome from white atractylodes. Thats sophisticated and ingenious.

You figured that out by smell?

Im quite proficient in this field.

In the end, Jeong-woo realized that Seo Jeong-gus ability to combine compounds was exceptional, as he had analyzed all traces on Seo Jeong-gus fingertips.

Moon Chae-eun.

Im Gyeong-hwan, who had finished his task, approached.

The victims school teachers are coming now. They want to meet separately

When Im Gyeong-hwan saw Seo Jeong-gu standing there, he hesitated.

Do you have the intention to talk?

Not with you.

Veins bulged on Im Gyeong-hwans forehead. Seeing the way Seo Jeong-gu treated the detective in the situation where he was brought in for assault was frustrating. Jeong-woo inwardly shook his head.

Moon Chae-eun said to Jeong-woo.

Ill meet with the detective and the guardians over there for now.

Sure. Ill try talking to him. It might not work, though.

Before Moon Chae-eun and Im Gyeong-hwan disappeared, Seo Jeong-gu looked at Song Boyeong and said.

Not you either.


Song Boyeongs eyes showed confusion, but when Jeong-woo nodded, she quickly followed Moon Chae-eun.

Jeong-woo was left alone facing Seo Jeong-gu.

Theyre all gone.

Whats your identity?

Identity? Im Han Jeong-woo. A chemist.

He took out his employee card from his pocket and showed it. Seo Jeong-gus cold gaze scrutinized Jeong-woo, showing no signs of sociability.


It reminded Jeong-woo of a moment from a thriller movie where a rookie detective interrogated a vicious criminal alone in a prison cell.

In that movie, when the rookie lost momentum, he was beaten recklessly. Jeong-woo thought he couldnt let that happen and spoke first.

I heard youre twenty-two, but your words are unusually brief. I dont know where you learned your manners

Ive never learned them.

Oh, never?

At the lack of response, Jeong-woo had to cough awkwardly. He couldnt afford to lose momentum. Smiling slightly at Seo Jeong-gus stern face, Jeong-woo continued.

Well, Mr. Jeong-gu. Manners are something you slowly learn from intellectuals.

What about the drugs? Did you do a background research on me?

Its chemical inference following observation. Im capable of that.

Seo Jeong-gus expression remained dry, but there was a slight disturbance in his thought process, as if there was a slight overload in his mental calculations.

Even a genius cant predict molecular vision.

Jeong-woo seized the opportunity to bring up the main point.

I dont know why you got into a fight with them, but if youre guilty, you should take responsibility. If not, shouldnt you speak up instead of just sitting there?

Thats not your concern.

I feel the same way. However, were the ones tasked with collecting the genetic samples, analyzing them, and communicating. If you just go to jail like that, saying well investigate, we cant just go to jail with you.

Ill take care of it tomorrow.

Someone who claims to take care of things but only exercises their right to remain silent, what good is that? You may have a strong personality, but think logically.

Seo Jeong-gu fell silent again.

-What about the kids!

Jeong-woos head turned momentarily at the raised voice from inside. A middle-aged man was seen berating Moon Chae-eun.

Im sorry for you.

Jeong-woo glanced at Moon Chae-eun with a stern face, then shifted his gaze to the seven teenagers standing stiffly as if paralyzed.


Realizing something, he looked at Seo Jeong-gu.

That boy with the black eye over there. The area he was hit matches with the one where he was punched on the shoulder, right?

Even skin fragments stood out in the molecular world.

No matter how you look at it, it feels like theyre the same. That compound, could it be?


Seo Jeong-gu admitted coolly.

Itll completely disappear from their bodies in about an hour.

Chills ran down Jeong-woos spine at Seo Jeong-gus act of inducing the seven men to hit each other with a peculiar compound.

Itll disappear?

Since it wont be detected, I can just say I didnt hit anyone and leave.

Do you have any evidence to prove that?

There were many vehicles with dashcams and also security cameras.

Everything was already in place. And the conclusion was that everyone else, except for himself, would be considered fools.

Such psychopathic thoughts.

Seo Jeong-gu looked at Jeong-woo in silence.

Whats the reason?

Guess. With your strange chemical inference.

No, I dont want to guess.

Jeong-woo stepped back subtly.

At this point, if the opponent sneered, it would be like a scene from a thriller movie, but Seo Jeong-gus expression remained unchanged.

What is he

Jeong-woo hesitated for a moment. Not knowing the circumstances and meddling in would be unwise. He thought retreating was the best option.

Well, since it seems everythings been said and done, Ill take my leave. Nice meeting you. Oh, since youve already made plans to get away, can I pluck a hair for the genetic patch? I forgot to bring it in a hurry.

Wrapping Seo Jeong-gus hair in a handkerchief, Jeong-woo put on a face that had endured for ten years and left the detention area.

Look here, Detective. Can you imagine how upset they will be my brothers when they see this?

Please calm down.

Im supposed to calm down when theyve been beaten up by some thug!

The teachers arrow was aimed at Im Gyeong-hwan, who was talking to Moon Chae-eun. Song Boyeong, observing the situation from a distance, clicked her tongue at the teachers behavior of losing his temper even towards unrelated people.


As Jeong-woos voice was heard, Song Boyeong quickly turned her head.

That teacher is really mean. What did Dr. Moon do wrong?

If you speak loudly, the settlement amount goes up. Hes probably doing it to make it to the headlines.

How do you know that?

My father used to get beaten up a lot.

Oh. Why?

Because he did things that warranted it.

What? Why would he do that?

Dont pry too deeply.

When Jeong-woo smirked, Song Boyeong guessed there was a reason and changed the subject.

What did you hear from Seo Jeong-gu?

Nothing much. If I say it out loud, Ill be called crazy.

What do you mean?

Its just that we dont need to worry about our mad scientist.

Not knowing the circumstances, Song Boyeong widened her eyes.

Dr. Moon.

Jeong-woo walked over to Moon Chae-eun and whispered some brief information.

Shall we go?



He said hell handle it himself and come find us. Theres no need to waste more time.

Glancing towards the detention area, Moon Chae-eun saw Seo Jeong-gu still staring at Jeong-woo.

Okay. The professor called. He said hell come here.

Thats good. Lets go back to the lab. Ill explain more on the way.

Nodding, Moon Chae-eun explained the situation to Im Gyeong-hwan.

Understood. Ill contact you if anything else comes up.

Im Gyeong-hwan, who was losing his grip on this violent incident, appeared deflated. The teacher, who had been assertive, was now standing on one side, talking to a high school students parents on the phone.


Thinking about the shock that would happen in about an hour, Jeong-woo sent his condolences to them in advance.

Walking out of the detectives office, a rough-looking man smirked at Song Boyeong.

Pretty lady. What crime did you commit?

Song Boyeong was startled and tightly grabbed Jeong-woos arm.

Calm down.

I, Im trying to.

Jeong-woo glanced at the man briefly before his gaze lingered on the sleeves and the bottom of his pants.

When they reached the corridor, Jeong-woo called out to Im Gyeong-hwan.



I have a sensitive nose, so I react to things like dog hair due to allergies. When we passed by the person inside with a tattoo on their face, I saw it there. Yellow dog hair on the sleeve and the left shoelace.

Why suddenly

I just dont think theyre someone who kindly raises a dog at home. It seems like they got it somewhere else.

Recognition flashed in Im Gyeong-hwans eyes.

Do you know the way down the stairs?

After exchanging greetings, Im Gyeong-hwan rushed to the detectives office. Seeing him go, Song Boyeong turned to Jeong-woo.

What was that just now?

I briefly channeled Sherlock Holmes.


Impressive, right?

Not really.

But why were you holding onto my arm?

Song Boyeong blushed and quickly let go of his hand.

On the way back to the pharmacy center, Jeong-woo recounted the conversation he had with Seo Jung-gu to the two of them.

Really? How could they not know?

Song Boyeongs body trembled even more, seeming even more scared than when she was in the detectives office.

Jeong-woo asked Moon Chae-eun.

Are you really considering researching him? Isnt that dangerous?

If someone can handle toxic substances to that extent, they could have done even worse. Having emotional deficiencies still means they have standards, and its not too late to conduct in-depth interviews and make judgments.

Youre bold.

Jeong-woo glanced out the window. The three unusual individuals he had met today were geniuses, but not a single one of them had an attractive side.

I might have be in a bind on my own, but thankfully, theres still Dr. Moon.

That night.

Moon Chae-eun finished showering and lay down on her duty room bed when her phone rang.

The screen showed Caller ID Restricted.


-Its been a while, Dr. Moon.

Dr. Cheon Seung-guks voice. But it wasnt his usual tone, devoid of any worries or concerns.

Are you not feeling well? Your voice

-My bodys fine. Im flying to Geneva in two days. Its going to be a tough trip, so I need an assistant.

An assistant? Do you mean Han Jeong-woo?

-No, its you. Theres no other doctor in this world whom I trust as much as Dr. Moon.

At Cheon Seung-guks request to fly to Europe on the spur of the moment. Moon Chae-eun looked at the calendar on the wall and asked.

How long will it take?

-About 2 to 3 weeks?

I guess Ill have to take a long vacation.

-Youve never taken a break since you started working at the company. Take this opportunity to take a break from research and clear your head. If you chase two rabbits, youll end up losing both.

Can I handle work from there?

-Ah, since youre taking a vacation anyway, why not take 4 weeks? You must have accumulated a lot of vacation time from the successful projects youve completed.

After the call ended, Dr. Moon hesitated for a moment before composing a text message.

Jeong-woo was wandering through dreamland under his blanket when he suddenly snapped back to reality upon receiving a text message.

[I need to go on a business trip for 3 weeks. The tasks for the other teams can be postponed, but the schedule for the unique genetic analysis is fixed. I need you to take over for me. Theres no one else capable of handling this task alone but you, Jeong-woo. Lets discuss the details in the morning.]


Like a bolt from the blue, Jeong-woo felt momentarily blinded.

An annoyingly mature kid with two missing front teeth.

A boy whose responses take forever when you ask him anything.

The eerie face of a young man living with unfathomable thoughts flashed in and out of his mind.

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