
Chapter 92

Chapter 92

  1. Wildfire(1)

On the laptop screen, the words Special Coverage Article were typed. The man in his mid-thirties, stretching his hands after removing his ring, continued writing the document.

This is a miraculous record of a chemist who was there on that day. The names of some interviewees who requested privacy have been anonymized as .

The man transferred the interview recording file from his phone to the laptop and plugged in his earphones.


-Han Jeong-woo is it? Hes the best among the chemists I know.

While sliding through the on-screen coverage photos, the mans gaze lingered on one particular person.

A young man in his late twenties.

His smiling face in what seemed to be a difficult situation was truly impressive. Since the composition was excellent enough to be featured as the main image, the man printed it for the purpose of showing it to his supervisor. Then, he began writing the article in earnest.

First Discovery

At the end of March, the Korea Meteorological Administration issued a drought alert.

Expecting the effective humidity to drop below 25% in the central and northern regions, forestry officials in each city and county entered emergency mode.

Every year around this time, its chaos, absolute chaos.

Lee Heung-sik, a civil servant at the county office, was in charge of tonights nighttime patrol. Driving a domestically made straw cart on National Route 46, he asked the director of the recreation forest management office, Park Cheon-gu, sitting beside him.

How are the hikers?

A few troublemakers. Even if you tell them not to, they just dont listen. Nowadays, its difficult to go after them one by one.

Just close the doors until it rains. Weve already announced that if residents burn their fields, well impose fines.

As he descended the mountain path, Lee Heung-sik glanced at the fields on the mountainside, seeing something like smoke rising, he clicked his tongue.

Ugh, not listening is the biggest problem for everyone.

The car screeched to a halt. Lee Heung-sik, who rolled down the window, stretched his neck.

Hey, put out the fire! Remember when you burned down Naksansa Temple in Yangyang doing the same thing!

Then how do you clean up all the chili powder scattered around?

Its a spring drought. Its chaotic everywhere. Just scratch it and push it to one side. Dont burn it until April.


What? Sir!

Watching the argument between Lee Heung-sik and the resident, Park Cheon-gu sighed and turned his eyes to the opposite side.

At that moment, something dark red, completely different from the red light of the evening glow, flickered into Park Cheon-gus field of vision.

Hey, Heung-sik.

What the hell? Even if I impose a fine here, I cant say a word. When you say nice things


At Park Cheon-gus shout, Lee Heung-sik turned his head.


That thing!

Lee Heung-siks complexion changed as he saw the smoke and flames rising from the mountainside. At a glance, it was no ordinary fire.

Darn it. Call it! Emergency contact!

Holding his phone, Lee Heung-sik urgently pressed the number for the Forest Fire Prevention Department.

8:30 PM 2 Hours after Discovery

Jeong-woo was on his way to Han River Park with three high school friends after a tiring week of a business trip to China.

It was Friday evening, marking the end of a demanding week, and they planned to enjoy a pleasant night with beer, chicken, and friendship.

Hey guys, how about my Laura? Isnt she a beauty?

Clapping his hands, Park Soo-chan stepped on the gas, causing the car to vibrate. As the speed increased and the car shook accordingly, Jeong-woo in the passenger seat, along with his two friends in the back, screamed.

Laura, huh? Isnt this junk going over 80?

Jeong-woo lightly stroked the interior of the car, as if consoling it. At this gesture, his two friends burst into laughter, and Soo-chan made a puzzled expression.

Who dares to disrespect me when they dont even have cars?

Jang Tae-yeong, the friend in the back seat, looked at Soo-chan with a disapproving face.

Just showing off by bringing a barely functioning car. Do you have to do that? If you have to, go abroad like Jeong-woo. The view in Venice was to die for.

Who made it easy for us to go? If you keep bad-mouthing Laura, get out. Run over there.

Tae-yeong tilted his head in defeat. Kim Jeong-heon next to him asked.

Soo-chan, what wind blew you to buy this car? Insurance fees at our age are no joke.

There were too many local events, so I chose this. Since Im in charge of fireworks, its convenient to bring things with the van.

Soo-chan said this and looked at Jeong-woo.

My dear friends help played a big role.

Oh, surprising.

Jeong-woo flinched at Soo-chans joking tone.

Dont use words like love. Its a warning.

My friend Jeong-woo, Ill gladly give you a ride in Laura every day if you just say the word.

Shut up.

Amidst the noisy conversation, they turned onto the entrance road to their destination.


Jeong-woo received a text on his phone and checked it.

[Next weeks showcase coincides with a CF shoot. I cant seem to find time at all. My body feels weird.]

It was Yoon Yi-seol. Immediately, I sent a reply asking [Where are you going with this?] As if she had been waiting, another text message came from her.

[My anxious heart is pounding. I keep wanting to see someone. I cant wait for 10 months]

[It seems like Im not the cause. I have 9 months left.]


As he continued the conversation with her, he started worrying about the CF shoot next week.

Soo-chan, starting to slow down as the traffic piled up, glanced at Jeong-woo.

Why the long face? Is Laura bothering you?

No, its nothing. Oh, let me ask you guys something.

Putting his phone in his pocket, Jeong-woo opened his mouth with a serious tone.

Suppose, hypothetically, theres a curse that makes the other person fall asleep while kissing. Do you think you could still date?

What movie did you watch to come up with such useless talk? Shouldnt you ask if theres a girl to kiss first?

Soo-chan flared up like a typical single guy. Tae-young, after thinking for a while, answered.

I tried dating a pen pal. It was manageable.

Terrible. Dont say such things somewhere else.

Laughing at Soo-chans excitement, Tae-young sneered.

Do you know the beauty of mental communication?

Maybe its like the communication between me and Laura?

That guys crazy.

Their argument quickly evolved into a response to Kim Jeong-heon, who has been dating a woman for seven years.

If you have that ability, Id give my all to have it. Just a kiss, and no nagging. Its not a curse for married men; its a blessing.

You should say that to Ms. Hye-yeong.

Its okay. Now I have a close friendship with Hye-yeong. She doesnt get mad at this level.

Since there was no satisfying answer to their refreshing responses, Jeong-woo sighed deeply.

As they entered the entrance road to the parks parking lot, Soo-chan, who was waiting for the other cars to enter, suddenly turned to Jeong-woo as if he had just remembered something.

Oh, right. I saw Eun-sil.

Dont lie.

Its true. She sent a friend request on Facebook and left a message. Ill show you when we get down. She turned into a real woman.

Jeong-woo thought it wasnt a lie. However, if he were to see a friend from his childhood, wouldnt it be quite awkward?

When I asked about you, I replied that youre doing well.

Dont talk nonsense.

Its normal to brag to your first love. Thats how it should be.

What if its not the first love?

Then just a kiss? Youre scary.

Just a peck! Oh, lets stop talking.

The car entered the parking lot.

Jeong-woo pulled out a beer box from the trunk.

Im ordering chicken, sweet and sour pork, and anything else you guys want. Its on me.

Jeong-woo, you seem to be doing well. I want bossam!

Add vegetable intestines too!

After ordering a bunch of side dishes, the four people sat around an outdoor table next to the park camping site.

Each holding a canned beer about to be opened, suddenly, Soo-chan let out a groan.

Hey, guys! Stop! Something big happened.

What happened?

One of us has to eat only side dishes. They have to drive.

Jeong-woo gave Soo-chan a look of disbelief.

We can call for a driver.

The car is small. Five cant fit.

Since they experienced the compact size of Laura while coming here, the four exchanged glances.

Kim Jeong-heon was the first to speak.

I need to drink. I have to relieve the stress of studying for the civil service exam.

Its the job season, and Im stressed too.

At Tae-youngs voice, Soo-chan also shouted loudly.

I want to hang out with pretty girls like Jeong-woo!

Each stating their reasons for needing to drink, showing an attitude of no compromise, Jeong-woo put down the canned beer he had in his hand on the table and said.

Lets be fair. One round of coin tossing.


Drawing a line on the ground next to the table, the four guys stood side by side. Each holding a 100 won coin, they took a moment to catch their breath.

I used to use this for decisions in high school.

Soo-chan confidently tossed the coin first. The coin spun around gracefully and landed on the drawn circle on the ground, bouncing once and entering the center.


Jeong-woo thought that Soo-chan had a good chance of winning.

Soo-chan, your skills havent rusted.


Tossing their coins second and third, both Tae-young and Jeong-heon threw their coins close to the circle. Watching this, Jeong-woo sighed.

Hey, are you kidding me?

The first-place Soo-chan looked at Jeong-woo and laughed.

The last to toss the coin, Jeong-woo felt tense.

Oh well. Fairness is overrated.

Having made quite an order for side dishes, not being able to drink beer would be unreasonable.

He pretended to reconsider the angle to throw the coin, Jeong-woo shook his hand, concentrating the dust particles around him. Especially, he concentrated on collecting the most dust particles around Soo-chans thrown coin.


The coin, flying almost straight rather than in an arc like others, was magnetically attracted to Soo-chans coin.


Satisfied with a smile, Jeong-woo saw the dust particles focused on the coin suddenly scattered, pushing Soo-chans coin away. The problem was that there was still momentum left on Jeong-woos coin.


With a cheerful sound of coins colliding, Jeong-woos coin went into the circle, and Soo-chans coin bounced out.


In the blink of an eye, Soo-chan, who was about to win first place, became the last place. At that moment of astonishment, a deliveryman on a motorbike approached from a distance.

Is there an order for sweet and sour pork?


Jeong-woo raised his hand quickly and patted Soo-chans shoulder, who was in despair.

Think of it as fate. If you get drunk, Laura will be sad. If you want more side dishes, order them.

Jeong-woo, did you deliberately target mine?

Deliberately, yes, but I didnt expect you to be last.

Hey, you!

They gathered around the table again.

Jeong-woo poured a beer and was about to take a sip when a call came in, so he had to put it down again.

Looking at the phone screen, it was Director Gong Kyung-ho from KG Industries. Jeong-woo quickly answered.

Yes, Director Gong.

-Where are you?

Im near the Han River, why?

-I just got a call from the fire disaster headquarters. They asked for your location. They said you have to go. Try calling the number Im giving you. 010

He memorized the number.

Where do I have to go?

-Given the huge number of pharmaceutical orders, it seems like a serious fire has broken out. They designated you at the disaster headquarters to control and manage it. Its under the national mandatory mobilization order Thats what the firefighter who called said.

It was a mandatory mobilization order for reasons that he couldnt understand.

After ending the call, Jeong-woo dialed the number he had memorized.

The signal went through, and amid the loud wind noise, a strong voice was heard.

-Hey, Jeong-woo.

Chief Miles?

The face of the well-built firefighter he had an acquaintance with in Cheonan came to mind.

-Yeah, its me. Is this your number?


-Now you have my number.

The fresh and daunting expression of Miles, who kept winking and telling him to become a firefighter, revived in his memory.

You didnt call just to make a joke, did you?

-Where are you?

Im near the Han River in Nanji, but why?

-Dont move from there. Im heading there now.

Whats going on?

-A wildfire broke out in the Goseong area, and initial suppression failed. All the firefighters that can be mobilized in Seoul are on their way for emergency support. Youre included in the personnel forming the onsite control headquarters. They need a chemical expert.

The mention of a wildfire surprised Jeong-woo.

How big is it?

-Watch the news. Well be there in about 2 minutes.

Jeong-woo lowered his phone and immediately opened the internet browser. The top search result was already about the wildfire. Clicking on it, he found breaking news articles.

Forest Fire Breaks Out in the Maebong Mountain Area of Goseong. With 20 hectares of forest turned into ashes, the damage is spreading due to strong winds, raising concerns of a large-scale disaster

Jeong-woo, do you prefer sweet or savory pork?

Soo-chan asked while breaking a wooden chopstick. Jeong-woo, with a blank expression, turned his head away from the news.

Just eat it as you like.

Jeong-woo, who had been lingering over the canned beer on the table, glanced back at Soo-chan and spoke again.

Soo-chan, you can have that beer. I have somewhere to go.

Now? Is it related to work?

Jeong-woo shook his head. If its Goseong, its far to the east from here. It would take at least 3 hours by fire truck.

It seemed like the healing Jeong-woo hoped for today was not supported by the sky.

While waiting for Miles.

Suddenly, a roaring sound echoed from the distant sky. As it was loud enough to be considered an explosion, the eyes of the three friends sitting at the table simultaneously turned towards the sky.

Whats that!

When the table vibrated, Soo-chan stood up in surprise, holding a piece of sweet and sour pork in his mouth.

A helicopter with the words [SEOUL 119 RESCUE] appeared in the darkness. Along with flickering lights, the helicopter, hovering in the air, emitted a bright pillar of light from the end.

-Oh, oh, Han Jeong-woo. Wheres Han Jeong-woo?


Jeong-woo was speechless at the announcement from the helicopters loudspeaker.

Wasnt it coming by fire truck?

The bright pillar of light, which had been searching the ground, glanced at the table where Soo-chan was. Then, it found Jeong-woo next to him.

-I like sweet and sour pork. Hold onto it. It might fly away. Han Jeong-woo, stay still.

The helicopter got closer.


As the descent downdraft covered the area, Jeong-woo, covering his face with his hands, reflexively closed his eyes.

With the sound of swooshing, someone strong descended from the helicopter and suddenly stood in front of Jeong-woo.

Good job. Ill tie this around your waist.

With wind in his face, Jeong-woo, who opened his eyes in the gust, widened them at Jeong Pil-du, who had already wrapped a rope around his waist and clicked a carabiner.


Its been a while, Captain Han Jeong-woo.

Jeong Pil-du smiled innocently at Jeong-woo.

I was officially assigned about two weeks ago. Under Captain Ma.

Oh Congratulations?

While talking, Jeong Pil-du pulled the rope in his hand and sent a signal.


Jeong-woo, momentarily sucked upward, closed his eyes reflexively as his body was lifted into the air, and he unintentionally screamed.

The moment of being forcibly boarded onto the helicopter, flying in the sky, was simply unbelievable.


As his friends were abruptly taken away by the helicopter, a bewildered Soo-chan ran over.

Whats going on! Why are you taking Jeong-woo!

After a while, Miles reached out his arm to Jeong-woo, who had arrived at the side door.

What in the world

Jeong-woos voice was drowned out by the roar of the helicopter, making it barely audible. Miles, who had untied Jeong-woos rope after he got on, chuckled and put the helicopter headset on Jeong-woos ears.

-Can you hear me?

-What is this?

-Its the only luxury the Special Disaster Scene Commander can afford. Welcome. Since anyone cant enjoy this view, take your time to appreciate it while were on our way.

Surprised, Jeong-woo calmed his thumping chest and looked down beneath the helicopter.

It was a sky view he had never seen before.

At this moment, he was hovering over the city center of Seoul.


The turning helicopter began to fly eastward.

Interview: Park Soo-chan

I once got investigated by the FBI because of his coin toss scam.


Oh, dont be surprised. This is my story. Usually, when someone suddenly falls from a helicopter and grabs a person, you think of spy movies, right? I just played around with that a bit. Its easy to explain. Reporter, your expression why

(He later asked to omit this part in a whisper.)

The helicopter appeared, and he was grabbed and lifted up. I was completely out of my mind. But then, I realized it was a fire helicopter. The guy who lifted Jeong-woo was also dressed as a firefighter.

-At that time, you didnt realize the occurrence of a large-scale wildfire along the East Coast.

Thats right. I thought I was just going to have a drink after a long time, and things turned upside down. When we were in high school, we used to gather a lot in that Han River park. It was the place where we first learned to drink Oops. Not me, just Jeong-woo.

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