
Chapter 93

Chapter 93

  1. Wildfire(2)

9:32 PM Meeting

-Yes, Governor. The situation room is being set up at the entrance of the recreation areas parking lot. I will assess the scale of the wildfire and join the headquarters.

The communication from Miles reached Jeong-woo, who was wearing a headset.

Flying from Seoul to this location, Jeong-woo had heard communications with the authorities such as the Forest Service, police, and military personnel. He had a rough idea of the unfolding situation.

A few hours ago, a wildfire was discovered near Goseong. The initial firefighting and containment efforts were carried out by the fire brigade and the forest service team that responded to the report.

However, due to the dense forest terrain and dry weather, the wildfire quickly became uncontrollable. In response, the firefighting authorities dispatched Miles, who was the director of the central region and had extensive experience in handling major disaster scenes.

Well be arriving soon! Rescue team! Stay alert and assess the terrain!

Miles shouted to the six members seated in the back.

As the helicopter, flying over the dimly lit terrain, finally crossed over a mountain.


Unconsciously, Jeong-woo couldnt help but groan.

A forest filled with soaring flames and thick smoke.

The intense heat emanating from the area made Jeong-woo feel as if his body were being engulfed in flames.


-Captain Miles, its difficult to secure a front view due to the smoke.

In response to the pilots report, Miles gestured for the helicopter to circle outward with a twirl of his fingers.


A beam of light swept over a burning tree. The flickering flames connected to the adjacent branches.

This is hell, truly hell.

Muttering with a serious expression, Miles soon unfolded a topographical map. As he checked the area where the fire was spreading using a pen, he furrowed his brow when the smoke obstructed his view.

Darn it. Its hard to distinguish between smoldering areas and active fire spots.

As the reconnaissance continued, Miles kept clicking his tongue. Due to the ash and smoke covering the entire mountain, it wasnt easy to secure a clear line of sight. Even looking down from the sky, the scale was so massive that it couldnt be visually grasped.

-Fly a bit higher!

Shouting into the communication device, the helicopter ascended.

I should lend a hand, right?

Jeong-woo, determined, asked Miles over the communication device while alternating his gaze between Miles topographical map and the wildfire area.

-What exactly is the fire line?

-The line where the fire is spreading. For this level of wildfire, direct firefighting has limitations. Pouring water from a helicopter is only effective momentarily. We need to predict where it will spread, dig trenches, cut trees, and create a barrier to stop the fire.

Establishing a strong defense line by understanding the movement of the fire. Miles had been planning this since the initial reconnaissance.

Its really crucial.

With a firm decision, Jeong-woo focused on a spot below full of smoke. He closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them.

Got it.

Infrared vision capable of detecting temperature.

Through the smoke layer, he detected the wavelength of the flames emanating heat from the ground.

-Captain, that steep valley there. Theres more fire than elsewhere. A line is forming.


Jeong-woo precisely pointed to a location outside the window.


A glimpse of flames through the smoke disappeared.

Miles stared in that direction, and when the helicopter moved forward a bit more, revealing a clearer view, he discovered a line of flames spreading in a semicircle below the valley.

-Oh, for real.

-Here too. The wind is strong. The flames are dancing.

When Jeong-woo gestured to the opposite side, Miles turned his gaze to the endpoint.

-Indeed. The the fire is astonishing.

Miles, finishing the recording on the topographical map, patted Jeong-woo on the shoulder. Although he intended it to be a light tap, Jeong-woo, taken off guard, bumped into the helicopter door before recovering.

-It hurts!

-Haha. It feels safer when youre here. Want to join the weather expert for the strategy meeting? Jeong-woo, can you also smell the wind? Lets analyze it together. Its necessary for constructing the defense line.

-Werent I here for advice on firefighting chemicals?

-As a side note. If the heavens send us a firefighter, we should make good use of him. Starting with a rookie. Isnt that right, Jeong-woo?

Seated next to Jeong-woo, Jeong Pil-du nodded in agreement with a naive expression. Then, he spoke into the communication device.

-In my heart, Mr. Han Jeong-woo is still our teacher.

Miles gave a thumbs-up in response.

-See? Even the newly recruited rookies recognize Han Jeong-woo. You were born to be a firefighter, right?

-Did my mother ever say that?

Knowing Miles intention to lightly tease, Jeong-woo turned his head outside the window with a calm expression.

-Theres a place with intense currents. It looks like it might spread soon.


While the helicopter rotated widely above the wildfire area, Miles, with Jeong-woos assistance, meticulously drew a more accurate map of the fire terrain than what was captured with the thermal camera.

-Oh, thats not section 9. It looks more like section 8, below that rock.

Jeong-woo grabbed Miles hand and shifted the pen to the side. After marking the hotspots and the direction of the fire, Miles grinned at Jeong-woo.

-Did you just hold my hand? Its warm.

-Come on. Stop doing that.

Jeong-woo quickly pulled his hand away and turned his gaze below the helicopter.

Having made a big loop, they began examining the area in detail.

Wait. Whats that?

Amidst the blazing flames, a distinctively cooler figure flickered through. Straining his eyes, Jeong-woo focused more to see two individuals moving amidst the flames. Due to the high temperature all around, their figures stood out even more.

-Captain, there are people down there.


Surprised, Miles pressed his forehead against the window and looked down.

-I cant see anything.

Jeong-woo, unable to see through smoke and flames, gave a helpless look.

-I saw them using a fire extinguisher and moving.

-Engaged in firefighting activities?

Miles continued to focus in the direction pointed out by Jeong-woo.

-Highland Situation Room. Come in, over.


-Yes, Im the director of the Highland 119 Center.

-Did you receive any reports of someone being trapped in the fire? Its the northwest point, 1 km from the resort.

-That area was evacuated by us and the firefighting team an hour ago. Everyone has returned, and except for the report of discovering the fire, there havent been any reports of casualties yet.

-Understood. Please contact us immediately if you receive any other news.

After ending the communication, Miles and Jeong-woo, who exchanged glances, questioned each other.

-Two people?


-The firefighting team has at least seven members in action. They also have radios. Unless someone has gone mad, there wouldnt be any members rushing in there without orders.

-Thats true.

Although it was the words of a genius firefighter bestowed by the heavens, a more definite piece of information was needed before deciding to send personnel into a dangerous area. Thats why Miles widened his eyes and focused on the direction Jeong-woo indicated.

-Ah, why cant I see it? My eyes are good.

Jeong-woo, gaze lingered on the two figures struggling in the fire. There was no time to explore various possibilities in a situation where someones life was at stake.

-Mr. Pil-du, is there anything like water in this helicopter?

Jeong Pil-du quickly opened a box next to the first aid kit and took out a water bottle.

-Thank you.

Jeong-woo soaked a handkerchief with water, pretending to wipe his neck, and then discreetly placed it into the pocket containing the spare battery.

-Captain, if we confirm it, can we rescue them?

-Of course.

Jeong-woo put his hand into the pocket. Sizzling sounds were heard, but amidst the helicopters noise, no one noticed.


-We have 10 minutes of fuel left. We need to move to the refueling point soon.

The pilots voice made Miles nod in acknowledgment.

Meanwhile, Jeong-woo gathered the lightning bolts he had collected and shot them through a small gap in the helicopter window.

The lightning bolts swept away in the wind caused by the helicopters propellers, scattering in all directions.

The thunderous roar echoed!

As the scattered lightning bolts absorbed toxic substances, including carbon monoxide, a phenomenon known as smoke purification occurred.


Miles, who had been watching below, widened his eyes. Someones arm, engaged in a struggle with a fire extinguisher towards the flames, appeared and disappeared suddenly.

-Its a person!

-Really? Did I see correctly?

Jeong-woo asked, releasing a sigh of relief.

Miles, with the smoke thickening again, raised his voice towards the disappeared figures.

-They must be crazy. Why are they crawling into that mess?

Jeong-woo thought that a reliable fire brigade would now be dispatched to rescue them. However, at that moment, Miles turned his head and shouted.

Get ready!


The six members of the Central Fire Rescue Team, sitting in the back seat of the helicopter, immediately started putting on personal protective equipment.

Whats going on? Are we going straight there?

Jeong-woo asked Miles.

-What do you plan to do?

-This area will soon be a burning field. The support team that breaks through the flames is already past Daegwallyeong. The chances of holding out until then are low. We need to at least provide them with basic survival gear.

Although not at the level of a fire chiefs judgment, even in Jeong-woos eyes, they seemed precarious. Miles began giving instructions to the rescue team leader preparing for the strong current through the communication device.

-Well establish the first defense line 500m south, guide the isolated individuals there.

-Got it. But, Captain, I havent identified the location of the rescue target yet.

-Ill do it through the radio from above Ah. Pilot! How much time do we have left?


-Seven minutes. We need to head to the supply base in at least three minutes.

Miles let out a deep sigh.

-Lets do it according to the textbook. Set the direction and avoid the combustion line to the blocking area.

Beep beep beep.

A gust of wind blew up nearby, causing the pilot to pull the joystick. Along with a warning sound, the helicopter quickly ascended.


Jeong-woo tightly grasped the safety belt, experiencing a gravitational force beyond that of a roller coaster. Being in the sky, even a slight tremor felt like a continuous situation of falling.

-Are you okay, Jeong-woo?


The other firefighters showed no change in their expressions, seemingly accustomed to this feeling.

-You wont throw up, will you?

-Not to that extent.

Miles patted Jeong-woos shoulder encouragingly, then turned his head outside and became puzzled.

-Oh, we missed the isolated individuals location. Pilot, turn on the searchlight!

Upon this request, Jeong-woo weakly raised his hand and pointed to a direction.


-Uh Yes, I see it now. Ah, Jung-woo, your complexion is so pale; we can see everything. Youre a pro, indeed.

Kim Jae-ho, the rescue team leader, asked Miles.

-Captain, where did Han Jeong-woo say the location is?

-Its on the slope. But, with the current visibility, its hard to distinguish whether theres a slope.

-Ill go down and check.

-Just a moment. There are still two minutes left. You need to have a clear view of the target location. Ugh, if only the reinforcement team were ready

Although Miles was giving instructions to the rescue team leader through the communication device, his gaze was fixed on Jeong-woo, emitting a desperate energy.

-If someone reliable led us, it would be much easier to identify the isolated individuals. If someone who can see through the flames like a ghost is with us, we can rescue them quickly

Unable to escape that desperate energy, Jeong-woo said.

-Im just an ordinary person. Dont trust me too much.

-Ah, ordinary people always say that. Even a veteran firefighter who fought fires for 20 years was surpassed by a skilled person. If that skilled person sees fire like a ghost, we could quickly rescue them

-Even so, how can I walk into the flames barehanded?

Miles nudged the flame-resistant outerwear under Jeong-woos feet with his toe.

-This is a top-notch model. Just released for special supply.

-Really? Should I wear it?

-The choice is yours. Just so you know, this rescue team won a gold medal at the Firefighting Olympics last year. They are guys who can survive no matter where theyre thrown. Just keep it in mind. Top-notch firefighters can cover you more than enough.

Kim Jae-ho turned on the communication device, saying.

-Captain, its not a gold medal, its a bronze medal Oops.

Miles hand, like a lightning bolt, flew and blocked Kim Jae-hos mouth.

In the midst of the conflict, Jeong-woo witnessed one of the figures on the ground tumbling down the rocky slope.


Reactively grabbing the flame-resistant outerwear, Jeong-woo asked.

-Hey, Captain Ma. Honestly, tell me. Did you call me as a chemical consultant or as a volunteer firefighter?

-You little punk.

As Jeong-woo put on the outerwear, Miles, who was buttoning it up for him, turned his gaze to Jeong Pil-du.

-Pil-du! Get ready too. Your mission is not to rescue isolated individuals but to provide close protection to the only chemist in the country here.

-I understand!


The helicopters door opened, and a rope descended onto the terrain without flames.

The strong wind carried the pungent smoke into the helicopter, making everyone inside squint for a moment.

In the midst of it, Miles, who carefully secured the rope around Jeong-woos waist, said.

-Lead our team well. Lets meet at the defense line.

Miles took the communication device from Jeong-woos head, covered him with a helmet labeled Beware of wildfires, and pressed the switch on the rappelling device as Jeong-woo finished preparing to descend.


Jeong-woo screamed as he landed on the ground. Although he had never tried a base jump before, today marked the second time he stumbled in mid-air.

The phrase never again seemed to naturally come to mind as the helicopter ride, his first in life, felt like a series of traumatic incidents.

Beside Jeong-woo, the rescue team members rapidly landed on the ground, each expressing their own experiences of freefall.

Jeong Pil-du, who landed softly on the ground, approached Jeong-woo, who had a pale face, and helped him untie the rope.

Phew, sorry. Ive been shot twice in combat, but this helicopter rappelling is something else.

Helicopter rappelling requires a lot of training.

Smiling, Jeong Pil-du handed Jeong-woo a bag he had been carrying.

There are gloves and a smoke mask inside.

As Jeong-woo put on the backpack containing the personal gear set, the team leader approached.

Is the direction towards the cliff?

Uh wait a moment.

Jeong-woo cast his gaze towards the direction of the burning forest. After closing his eyes for a moment, when he opened them again, he could sense the wavelength of the infrared region emitting heat.

A bit more to the right. As I descended, I briefly saw someone collapsed, and another person was blocking the flames in front of them.

Of course, it wasnt a fleeting glance but a real-time description of the scene.

Nodding, Kim Jae-ho turned to the rescue team and shouted.

Advance the equipment team! The rest, assemble the grappling hooks! Jeong-woo will move with the front line in the center.

Two members carrying firefighting equipment with CO pressure tanks took the lead, walking forward. The others, holding grappling hooks combined with shovel handles, formed a protective circle around Jeong-woo and began to move.


Flames surged in the direction they were heading, and the flame-retardant was sprayed. A team member, using a grappling hook to push away embers, sent a signal that the area was cleared.

Jeong-woo, walking in a completely different world than when he looked down from the sky, was now intensely focused on anticipating where the flames might erupt rather than monitoring how and where the wildfire was spreading.

During his walk, he noticed a massive movement of wind and dust particles. His hair stood on end.


At Jeong-woos shout, the lead two team members abruptly halted their steps.

10 meters ahead.

With an unexpected explosive sound, a column of fire shot up as two sets of flames collided. It was a phenomenon where the bundled gas was unfolded due to an updraft.


A team member, wearing a face of seasoned experience, swept his chest with a gesture of familiarity.

This direction is close to the ignition line, so we should go around it.

Did you hear Jeong-woos instructions? Turn!

At Kim Jae-hos command, the lead team members changed direction and sprayed fire extinguishing agents.

Moving for about ten minutes, similar incidents had occurred several times. In the chaotic forest, Jeong-woos guidance had become more than just earning the trust of the rescue team; it had become absolute directional guidance.

Watch out on the left!

A gust arose, and branches poured down like rain. As they were not powerful enough to penetrate their fire-resistant suits, they continued moving with only their faces protected.

Ah, its hard to breathe.

Do you need water?

Im okay, Captain. I can endure it.

Jeong-woo, walking at a pace synchronized with firefighters accustomed to daily physical training, continued his steady walk without a single furrow on his forehead, even though he breathed heavily.

Glancing at Jeong-woos side profile, Jeong Pil-du couldnt help but admire the fact that the chemist, who was once terrified of the strong helicopter wind, now exhibited the most audacity in the face of dangerous flames.

Were almost there.

Jeong-woo spotted a flickering figure beyond the flames and shouted.


The sound didnt transmit well due to the wind. Jeong-woo pushed the auxiliary battery into his glove and, taking a deep breath, transmitted sound waves through the air.

Interview: Jeong Pil-du

I believe in that. An act of courage from someone can bring a better tomorrow for others. In that sense Jeong-woos choice that day was indeed courageous enough.

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