Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 128 Smooth Conversation

"Now, please explain to me what you just did to the Crown Prince?" Poul demanded, his voice heavy with concern and curiosity. Sara sat on a plush velvet chair, her hands nervously twisting the fabric of her dress, as Poul stood before her, his expression grave.

"I heard from your father that you rejected the engagement, is it right?" he pressed on, his piercing gaze fixated on her.

"That's correct, Poul," Sara replied, her voice soft yet resolute. "We were recalled from the Ottoman where we were stationed as the King of the British Empire wanted to hear an update. Of course, if you are following the development of the Crimean War, it isn't going too well for the allied forces."

Sara's eyes darted around the room as if searching for an escape. Poul's intense scrutiny made her feel uneasy, and she could feel her palms growing clammy with sweat.

"After His Highness, Alexander reported the situation to His Majesty, that's when the King decided to tell us that he will announce our engagement to the public. And from there…I protested, telling the king and the crown prince themselves that I can't marry someone for politics. That I'd rather marry for love…"

Poul's eyes widened in surprise and admiration as he listened to Sara's words. He knew how difficult it was for a woman of her social standing to go against tradition and speak her mind. But he also knew that her decision came with consequences, and he couldn't help but worry for her safety.

"As much as we'd want to be together, we have to keep things discreet, for now. I don't want you to endanger yourself because of me. I may not know the Crown Prince himself but I am sensing a bad vibe from him," Poul said, placing a hand on Sara's shoulder.

Sara nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. She knew that their love was forbidden and that the consequences of their actions could be dire. But she couldn't help the way she felt, and she knew that Poul felt the same way.

"Don't worry, he won't do anything to me," Sara said, a small smile playing on her lips as she held her arm, where Prince Alexander had grabbed her tightly.

Poul noticed the gesture and furrowed his brows. "He had done something to you, didn't he?"

Sara hesitated for a moment, before shaking her head. "No...he didn't..."

"You're lying…tell me what he did to you," Poul insisted, his voice firm and commanding.

Sara's heart raced as she felt Poul's scrutiny intensify. She knew that she couldn't hide the truth from him, but she also knew that revealing it would put them both in danger. Taking a deep breath, she looked Poul in the eye and spoke the words that she had been dreading.

"He just grabbed onto my arm tightly while saying that he loved me, that's all."

Poul's expression darkened as he heard Sara's words. Without hesitation, he gently took her arm and examined it for any signs of bruises or injury. After a few moments of searching, he breathed a sigh of relief as he found nothing.

"Thank goodness," he murmured, his voice heavy with concern. "It's a relief that there are no bruises. But we cannot assume that it won't happen again. I'm worried about your safety, Sara. If I'm not around, what's to stop Prince Alexander from hurting you?"

Sara felt a pang of fear in her chest as she heard Poul's words. She knew that he was right to worry, but she didn't want to believe that Prince Alexander was capable of hurting her.

"Don't worry, Poul. Prince Alexander is not that kind of man," she said, trying to reassure him. "Yes, he may be going through a difficult time because of my rejection, but we all know that time heals all wounds."

Poul looked at her with concern in his eyes.

"I hope you're right, Sara. But you can never be too careful during this era. There are no cell phones yet in this world, so we can't be just one call away from each other," he paused and sighed. "I wish I could stay here in London and watch over you, but we have a business to run in Avalonia. There are a lot of people there who depend on me."

Sara nodded, understanding the weight of Poul's responsibilities.

"I understand, Poul. You have a lot on your plate, and I don't want to be a burden to you," she said, smiling. "But just know that I'm always thinking of you and that I'll do my best not to make you worry."

Poul returned a smile before looking at his timepiece. He looked at the time.

"Our five minutes are almost up," he said. "Remember, behave as if we're mere acquaintances. I don't want your father to get suspicious."

Sara nodded.

"I understand, Poul," she said, a determined glint in her eye. "I'll do my best to keep up appearances."

Poul offered his hand, helping Sara to her feet. As the clock ticked down to the five-minute mark, the door swung open, and Benjamin, the Prime Minister of the British Empire, entered the room.

"So, is it done?" Benjamin asked, his eyes flickering between Sara and Poul.

"Yes, Father. I apologized to him for getting him involved in our family's ordeal," Sara said, her voice steady.

Poul nodded, stepping forward to address the Prime Minister. "After hearing the explanation from your daughter, Mr. Prime Minister, I understand the situation better. Please assure the Crown Prince that he has nothing to worry about. I am just a simple businessman, trying to make my way in the world."

Benjamin studied Poul for a moment, before nodding in acceptance. "Very well. I'll let the Crown Prince know that the matter has been resolved. Thank you for your cooperation, Mr.Nielsen. Also, may I ask where you are staying while you are here in England?"

Poul smiled politely at the Prime Minister. "Of course, Mr. Prime Minister. I'll be staying at The Ritz in London," he replied, his tone calm and collected.

Benjamin nodded in acknowledgment. "Ah, The Ritz. An excellent choice. I'm sure you'll find the accommodations to your liking."

Poul returned the nod, hiding his relief at the smooth conversation.

"Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. I think we are done here. I'll be heading out now as I have a train to catch. We'll see each other then?" Poul asked.

"Yes, expect the news to arrive in one week," Benjamin said.

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