Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 129 A Brief Meeting With The Prince

One week had passed since Poul's meeting with the Prime Minister at Sara's father's house. Poul was now in his hotel room at The Ritz in London, wearing a jacquard bathrobe as he sat on a plush armchair. He was reading a letter from the Prime Minister, Benjamin, which contained good news.

[Dear Mr. Nielsen,

I am pleased to inform you that our engineers have examined your automatic air brake system, and we have approved its use on British railways. We will also recommend a list of railway companies that will test your product in the coming weeks.

We believe that your innovation will greatly improve the safety and efficiency of our railway system.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ In addition, I must apologize for the circumstances under which we met last week. It was not my intention to involve you in the affairs of the Crown Prince, and I hope that our meeting did not cause you any undue stress or inconvenience.

If you ever find yourself in need of assistance while in London, please do not hesitate to contact me. I would be happy to offer any aid that I can.


Benjamin Ascart, Prime Minister of the British Empire]

After reading the letter, Poul couldn't help but smile in satisfaction. Not only he was able to meet Sara again but was able to make the Prime Minister alongside the parliaments approve of the air brake system.

Though this is to be expected, as there has been a rising number of steam locomotive accidents across the British Empire in the last couple of years, and they have been drafting bills and laws to prevent it from happening. Him, presenting a new opportunity not only benefit himself but also for the safety of the public.

Poul stood up from the armchair and walked to the window, looking out at the bustling city below. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in such a short amount of time.

From an orphan boy to a successful businessman with connections to the Prime Minister of the British Empire and possibly the President of the United States of Avalonia.

Of course, this wouldn't be possible without the aid of his partner, Jonathan Axelsen, who is currently in Pittsburg, overseeing the business. He guessed that being reincarnated in a world that is a century behind their original world with memories intact isn't so bad after all.

Poul started thinking of what to do while he was in England. Should he tour around London, visiting iconic landmarks such as the Tower of London and Buckingham Palace, or should he focus on his business and visit the railway companies recommended by the Prime Minister?

Poul was lost in thought when a sudden knock on his hotel room door interrupted him. He made his way over to answer it, wondering who could be visiting him at this hour. As he opened the door, he saw a man dressed in a fine three-piece black suit standing before him.

"May I help you?" Poul asked, curious about the man's presence.

"I am one of His Highness Prince Alexander's entourage, and he wishes to have an audience with you. He is currently waiting for you in the lobby," the man replied.

Poul was taken aback by the unexpected request. The Crown Prince himself wanted to see him? It seemed quite out of the blue, but Poul couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. What could the Prince possibly want to discuss with him?

"Thank you for letting me know. I will be down shortly," Poul replied, still a bit bewildered by the situation.

The man nodded and left, leaving Poul to ponder over what the Prince's motives could be. Perhaps he wanted to clear up any misunderstandings between them, or maybe he had heard about Poul's recent meeting with the Prime Minister and wanted to confirm it by himself.

Poul quickly made his way to the bathroom and changed into his finest suit, making sure to check himself in the mirror before heading down to the lobby.

Upon reaching the lobby, Poul spotted the Prince's entourage standing by the entrance, and he made his way over to them.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Nielsen," the Prince's advisor greeted him with a smile. "The Prince is waiting for you in the private lounge."

Poul followed the advisor through the elegant corridors of the hotel until they reached a small, luxurious room. Inside, he saw Prince Alexander sitting on a plush armchair, dressed in a black suit and a royal blue tie. He looked up as Poul entered the room, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Mr. Nielsen, thank you for coming," Alexander said, standing up and extending his hand.

Poul shook the Prince's hand, his eyes never leaving his as he studied his intention.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Nielsen," Alexander gestured to a nearby armchair. Poul took a seat and waited for the Prince to speak.

"I wanted to personally apologize for the implications that I have made against you. I was not thinking logically at that time."

"So the Prime Minister has discussed this with you?" Poul asked.

"Yes, he also told me about you proposing railway companies adopt your automatic air brake system, which I believe is beneficial to our transportation to prevent safety. Of course, this is not flattering, I was simply stating the fact that your automatic air brake system works."

"I appreciate your apology, Your Highness," Poul said, nodding his head respectfully. "And thank you for recognizing the potential of my air brake system. I hope that it will make a positive impact on the safety of the railways."

"I have no doubt that it will," Alexander replied, a small smile on his lips. "In fact, I was hoping that you would be able to demonstrate your system to me. I am very interested in seeing it in action."

"Of course, Your Highness," Poul said, "I would be more than happy to demonstrate my system for you. I'll schedule it."

"Very well. That's pretty much everything, Mr. Nielsen, you can go now."

Poul stood up and bowed respectfully before making his way to the door. Once he was out of the door, Prince Alexander leaned back in his chair and steepled his hands.

"Do you honestly believe it would be that simple?" Alexander muttered under his breath, then snapped his fingers to get the attention of one of his attendants.

The man stepped forward, bowing slightly. "What is your command, Your Highness?" he asked respectfully.

"I want you to keep a close watch on Mr. Nielsen," Alexander said, his voice low and serious. "Document his every move, every word spoken, and report back to me with anything of note."

"Understood, Your Highness."

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