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Chapter 111: Maybe She'd Fall in Love

Chapter 111: Maybe She'd Fall in Love

Eve closed her eyes and told herself to calm down.

She placed herself in Mikael's shoes, trying to see what made him say these things. He had always been critical of her work. He also nailed Avery's involvement in her modelling career. Adding her relationship with Ambryan it probably looked bad for someone of his work ethic.

Instead of proving herself, she got by because of their influence. 

If that was it, she'd rather clear it up now.

"Mr. Davis," Eve sighed, opening her eyes. He still looked displeased. "I am not sure what you're trying to get at but if this is about Mrs. Hathaway's help on my career, then I will repeat my answer. Why wouldn't I try hard for all the things she's done for me?"

Mikael crossed his arms over his chest. "Why do you want to be a model then?"

Eve's throat constricted. Was she supposed to say that she's passionate about this job? It seemed like the kind of reply he wanted. "Would it be bad to say that it's for my family? It's extra money that I can earn. I'm not a person that relies on someone else's wealth. Maybe I'm not as dedicated as you are but I'm not belittling this job. I'm giving it my best. Is that not enough?"

She gulped. Ultimately, the truth was better. So what if Mikael thought badly of her? She would have preferred to have him as an ally in this showbiz life but, not when he had this image of her. Maybe someone did deserve her spot better in Athon's Rainbow Campaign.

But, did that mean her hard work should be overlooked?

The head photographer called for the female models. He started arranging them on the dance floor. His instructions bounced off the walls and echoed in the air. Shoes squeaked against the floor as the models quickly followed them.

"Please excuse me. I'll be leaving first," Eve muttered, not bothering to wait for a response. She held her head high and walked into position. Another crew member came up to her and assisted her in her assigned position.

"Struck a chord, didn't she? Serves you right." Jordan snorted.

"Shut up."

Mikael uncrossed his arms. He took a deep breath, letting it out through his nose. He left his manager behind without looking back. The photographers had scattered them on the dance floor. The models took up the spots where the cameras would be. 

When the neon lights revolved around the premise, music blasted out of the speakers. Everyone danced to the beat. They took turns in front of the camera and moved away after they were done. The point was to make it as natural as possible.

Eve bopped her shoulders and swayed her hips most of the time. Her feet would step side to side just to add more movement. She'd occasionally change direction until she found herself deep in the crowd.

She quickly headed for one side. She felt better when she had a quick exit. The moment this finished, she'd go straight home. All her energy for mingling had been used up.

Dancing backwards, she bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry!"

Eve spun around and choked at the sight of Mikael. They both stopped dancing. Time and place didn't matter when something else lingered in their minds. It seemed like that the male model did get distracted every now and then.

She bit her inner cheek, crossing her arms over her chest. "I know that's not meant for our conversation earlier but I'd take it."

Mikael snorted. The tense atmosphere slowly dissipated. "How pretentious."

Eve shrugged. "You must be rubbing off on me."

"Why you"

The head photographer pointed in their direction. "Hey, you two! Did we say you could stop dancing? Also, keep smiling!" 

"Yes, sir!" 

People crowded around Eve and Mikael, leaving no room for escape. No one else wanted to be yelled at. They took the pair's scolding as a sign to do better. As a result, they moved a lot more. The DJ switched songs and brought up the energy higher.

Hoots and yells pierced through the air.

Eve stayed in place. She did the same move over and over again. Only this time, she wasn't alone. "So you come here often?"

"Seriously?" Mikael gave her a deadpan expression. He didn't have a choice but to face her and her small talk. Some of the ladies around them had given him weird glances. He'd rather not risk giving them the wrong message.

"What? That's not the standard line when going to a club?" She asked, feigning innocence.


"Really? Learn something new everyday, I guess."

Mikael rolled his eyes. His dance steps mirrored her own. They had the same idea except his feet slid across the floor. It gave a swag feel to his hip movements. Eve noticed the stares he received, finding it hilarious. 

She debated whether to make him more uncomfortable or not.

"I don't want to butt in your business but"

"But you will anyway?" Eve cut in.

Mikael ignored it and continued, "But if you need any help with modelling, you can ask me."

Eve's eyebrows shot up. They had made up only minutes ago. His offer was the farthest thing on her mind. She stared into his eyes, wondering how sincere it was. He went back to his smiling facethe one that could melt many hearts. It felt weird to see and harder to decipher his intentions.

There could be a catch to this. 

But, he did help her out before

Eve exhaled sharply. "Who knew you own a pair of kind pants?"

"I'm serious."

"So am I!" She giggled. The smile didn't match his tone of voice. "And thank you. I don't think I'd make it that far away but it's still reassuring."

Mikael turned his back on the camera. His body continued to sway but his face had dropped the happy act. He looked at her through his fringes, hiding his eyes. "You can."

"Can what?" Eve leaned in closer. He had softened his voice and so the music overpowered it. 

"Make it that far," he met her gaze, staring straight into her eyes and making her freeze. "It's possible once you're committed to the job."

She had a natural talent. Who would think of posing the way she did in that rock-climbing wall? Only her. It infuriated him to know she only did it for appearances. Never mind that she used a sponsorship before, it was a sponsorship wasted if she didn't go all the way.

That bothered him more than a stuck up model opting for a shortcut.

At least, that person had some interest in the job.

The lights shined above them. A neon blue beam passed in between them, highlighting the color of Mikael's eyes. They were still hard like his expression but, at the same time, they had softened compared to before.

His brows no longer scowled.

"I-I guess" Eve stuttered, her breath hitching. She didn't look away and continued to search for answerseven more so with the help of the lights.

What made him say these things all of a sudden?

The screech of a megaphone woke them up. "Okay, that's enough. If you get a text tonight, be back here tomorrow. There's still more areas to cover. Take care, everyone."

Mikael broke away first. With his height, he located Jordan among the crowd and gestured for Eve to follow. The scenario replayed in his head. The offer to help left his lips before he could process them. From there, he couldn't take them back anymore

because they were true.

Today's shoot became Eve's first trial.

There was no one to baby her or to tolerate her mistakes. She had risen above them despite her limitations. He heard the crew talk about her performance in that rock-climbing wall. No one had told her to do those poses. She had done them with her own initiative.

They were inappropriate, yes.

But, in the end, she had polished them to fit the theme. That sort of thinking was rare, especially for a rookie. Ambryan or not, she said that she was here by her own choice. He could only trust in them and watch out for her in this job.

Who knows? Maybe she'd fall in love with modelling.

They rode separate cars back to the complex. 

Nanzie drove while Eve stayed in the back. The flowers and gift box next to her. She gazed out the window and rolled one shoulder, feeling sore. Drowsiness weighed her eyelids down.

"Ms. Reed, we're here," Nanzie announced from the front. 

Eve slapped herself awake. She lifted up the flowers and reached for the door across from her. They had told her to use the one nearest the front stairs to avoid possible reports that snuck in the front lawn for a picture.

Upon opening it, the gift box fell on the asphalt road.

A sun-kissed hand picked it up. 

"And here I thought someone who could pose like an acrobat in mid-air had excellent hand-eye coordination," Mikael remarked, offering his other hand to help her out. It was the polite thing to do when he stood by her door.

Eve refused it by stepping out the vehicle on her own. She adjusted the bouquet in her arms while Mikael closed the door behind her. The car drove away and she held out a hand for the gift. 

"Thank you for picking it up."

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