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Chapter 112: For the Boyfriend Role

Chapter 112: For the Boyfriend Role

"This will be our last location for the advertisement. You have ten minutes to prepare before we begin shooting. Please make use of it well."

The last location in World of Adventure was a diner. It had a railcar-style of a train, making it popular for photos among customers. The hair, makeup and costume team had chosen the 80s theme as the middle ground between this 50s attraction spot and the current year. 

Its interior design consisted of a checkered floor, blue counters and red booths. A jukebox stood on one end, playing an old song. The models filled up every table. They chattered among themselves and ate. 

Like the club, each spot had a designated photographer.

Eve sat in a booth. She mixed her chocolate milkshake with the swirly straw. Chocolate syrup dripped under the whipped cream. She took a sip. "Wow, this tastes so good. This is real ice cream, right?"

Mikael twirled his fork on his plate of spaghetti. He answered her without looking up. "Of course, it is. It wouldn't live up to this diner's ambiance if it wasn't."

She rolled her eyes. Did he do this on purpose? Or did he just have a nature of making someone feel stupid? "Man, if every modelling job is like this, I'd book more jobs."

"Don't be delusional. It's the client that picks you, not the other way around." Mikael straightened his back and squinted at her face. He chewed his pasta slowly. "And what were you doing last night? You have eyebags that no amount of concealer could hide."

"Isn't it bad to talk while your mouth is full?"

He merely shrugged. "It's part of the character. Teenagers aren't that well-mannered. The point is to make this look natural, remember? Now, why do you look like the walking undead?"

Eve blew a raspberry. "I don't want to say. You might insult me again."

Mikael scowled. "When have I insulted you?"

"Uh, yesterday?"


"Yes!" Eve exclaimed. Was this guy for real? He had told her that she didn't belong with them. How was that not an insult? He even added salt to injury by saying Ambryan could pay for everything. There wasn't a need to work.

"I thought we just had a difference of opinion."

"..." She clicked her tongue. If she was unsure before, she definitely knew it now. Mikael Davis was born with a sharp tongue. He always seemed mad whenever he talkedunlike someone who always sounded cold.

Eve shook Ambryan's image out of her head.

Otherwise, she'd get cold feet again about the meetup later.

"Now, what was it?" Mikael asked again, lifting another forkful of spaghetti. "Were you up watching 'The Rightful Queen'?"

Eve's eyes went wide. "Yes! How did you know?!"

"It's the only one I know worth staying up for. The series is back with its new season, right?" He snorted before taking a bite. 

For a few seconds, only the sounds of chatter and steel on ceramic plates filled the room. Eve leaned forward slowly. She hoped to catch Mikael's attention with this approach. It also gave her time to process his words.

Was he saying what she thought he was saying?

"Did you watch it?" 

Mikael paused from chewing. He swallowed the remaining pasta in his mouth. None of his other muscles moved an inch. He watched as she grew in anticipation to his answer. It was almost comical. He felt like he was in a movie.

Then, he flicked her forehead. "No, I didn't. I'``m not stupid enough to watch it when I have an early photoshoot the following day."

Eve sat back down and rubbed the red spot. She glared through her lashes. "Why did you do that? It was totally unnecessary!"

"You were in my personal space."

What personal space? She hardly reached his spaghetti! Not one strand of her wig would have fallen on it. Nevertheless, she met another TRQ fan! Oh, the theories they could discuss! "So who do you think is the princess? I'm betting that it's Maia! She's too cryptic in that one episode."

Mikael pointed a forkful spaghetti at her. His eyes lit up slightly. "I did too. But, now I am not sure. There's just too many clues and too many decoys. Put them together and it's hard to be convinced anymore."

"I know right?!" Eve gaped, excitement brimming inside of her. She folded her arms over the table. "Ugh, it's so great to talk about it with someone. None of the people I know watch it. When I told them too, they said it was too serious or Tylen was too frustrating."

"That's because he is."

"Then, why are you still watching?"

"I want to know if Ariene is alive or not."

"She's definitely alive." Eve scoffed. She took another sip of her milkshake. "You can't just have everyone chase after her and make her a ghost. That would totally ruin everything. Not to mention, Tylen's engagement is on the line. If she's dead, he'll tie the know to someone he doesn't like."

"Oh, she could definitely not be alive," Mikael countered. He placed the fork down and adjusted his position. Things were about to go down. "Face it! Everything is a wild goose chase! Wouldn't it be the biggest gag to everyone's face, including the audience, that she's dead? It's a solid possibility. Don't underestimate it."

"No, no, no, the writer won't do that."

"It's been cliffhanger after cliffhanger. The writer can do that."

"Are you two ready?" The photographer interrupted. 

The umbrella lights pointed in the direction. It balanced the overall lighting of the photos. Eve picked up her milkshake and placed the straw in between her lips. She smiled with her eyes closed, channeling infectious energy. Their topic had elated her mood and made it easier.

Mikael slurped the pasta and acted as if he had been caught in the act. These pictures would be published with a vintage filter. They would also be framed like polaroids on a corkboard. But, only one would be enlarged as the main photo. 

This was a goal he and Eve agreed upon. 

They had prepared several poses already.

And they delivered again and again.

"Would you look at that?" Jordan smirked, watching from a distance. He hadn't seen anything more surprising at their collaboration. Despite Mikael's crazy fans, he knew Evangeline could handle them. "You'd think they actually got along all this time."

Cale tightened his lips as he smiled. Before, he might have shared the sentiment. Now? He wasn't so sure. Mikael was strongly opposed to Eve's alter ego so his change in attitude wasn't entirely reassuring. He couldn't ask Eve about it either since she still didn't know that Mikael knew.

He might have to confront Mikael himself later.

The photoshoot went on for another hour. The camera crew thought of new scenes to take as time went on. Eve had been chosen to dress as a waitress. She worked behind the counter, she bussed tables and she carried trays of foodwhich was much harder than her improvised poses yesterday.

Mikael also joined the diner personnel. He often interacted with the customers, especially the ladies. He mopped the floors, he lifted food supplies into the diner and he filled cups with sodas. The last took a while to master since the soda fountain had no automated measurements like fast food chains.

He had to estimate when to stop.

By the end, their clientele had treated everyone to free food. They could also come back and enjoy their free passes at any date. Eve asked for extra and held them up, already planning a trip with Andie and her sisters. 






``Yan: I'm here. I'll be waiting for you outside.``

Ambryan hid his phone inside his breast pocket. 

He leaned against the black hood of a Mercedes-Maybach S650 and checked his watch. There was still 10 minutes before the agreed time. He wore his standard black and white suit, using a blue tie for color. 

Compared to his Jaguar XK, the paparazzi knew this one better. He tucked his hands in his pant pockets and swept his gaze around the place. He spotted reporters behind bushes and pillars across the street. 

His violet eyes averted away immediately. 

He pretended to be unbothered as if they successfully slipped past his security. It was a move as if to say 'Yes, he was here to pick up his girlfriend' and, hopefully, it would be more than enough initiative for some people to get off his back.

A smirk curled at the corner of his lips. 

Who said he couldn't play the boyfriend role?

A crowd of people appeared on the other side of the gate. Laughter resonated in the air. The crew members and models had loosened after two days of hard work. Some extended invites for a get together later in the day. 

Eve declined politely. Her eyes flickered to the gate.

She spotted him first.

She spotted the reports next.

A flip switched inside of her. Next thing everyone knew, her legs ran for it. She picked up her speed and her hair fluttered against the wind. Her lips stretched the biggest smile possible. It had been two weeks since they were in the public eye.

A dramatic reunion was a must.

She rushed out of the gate until she reached his side. Then, she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek. Ambryan froze under her. She took the chance and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

Giggling, her sweet voice caressed his ear.

"Happy First Monthsary."

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